“She says I went on my own, but I’m still not quite sure how.”
She sensed Jan stick his head out the back door. Upon seeing her sitting there with Zack, he quietly retreated.
They did learn fast, she had to hand it to them.
“Aaannnd?” Zack asked.
She choked back a sob. “She told me the whole story. About our first lives and the cockatrice and the dragons. Everything. And she showed me how we died. How they died.”
He nuzzled the top of her head. “And?”
She quietly said, “I asked to see how Mom and Dad died. I wanted to see for myself how Edgar killed them.”
“Oh, sweetie.” He held her tighter as the floodgate exploded. Her grief and agony and pent-up anger, her loneliness without them and their love.
After she cried herself out, she asked a question she hoped didn’t come out wrong. “Why couldn’t you tell Edgar was one of them? Or Lenny?”
He shrugged. “I’ve been asking myself that question, too, sugar. Kael thinks maybe it has something to do with that book. Maybe they’re using spellwork, or dark sorcery, or something. I sure as shit didn’t like Edgar from the moment I met…” His voice trailed off.
“Oh, shit,” he whispered. Then he bolted to his feet and ran into the house.
Slightly irritated, she followed. He was yelling for Kael, Jan, and Rick to join him in the kitchen. He pulled the ancient book out of his carry-on and laid it out on the kitchen table, open to the dog-eared page they’d discovered in Yellowstone.
The page that marked the ritual used to murder Kael’s family.
“What?” Lina asked again.
He shook his head as the other three men entered the kitchen. Zack’s finger scrolled down the page as his lips silently moved while he read. When he reached one passage, his jaw dropped in shock.
“Holy fuck.”
“Zack, please,” she said. “What is it?”
He looked at Kael, then Lina. “Edgar and Lenny used Kael’s family for an occlusion spell.” He slammed his fist against the table, making the large, heavy piece of furniture shake. “That’s how they did it. The fuckers used Kael’s family for the occlusion spell. But they needed one more victim to do a third person.” His gaze once again fell on Kael. “There was at least one more person in on this. Were you supposed to be home that day?”
In obvious shock, Kael nodded. “Yeah. I’d gone out hunting with some of my friends. But I was supposed to be home. Normally would have been home.”
“Son of a bitch,” Rick said, sitting at the table and spinning the book to get a better look at it. “So they had at least one accomplice.”
“Yep,” Zack said.
Lina reined in her irritation. She refused to lose her cool when they were talking about Kael’s family. Unfortunately, she couldn’t make heads nor tails out of the book’s text. Although most of the pictures were fairly gruesome and gave her a pretty good idea of the meaning of the accompanying text.
“What is an occlusion spell?” she asked. “What did they do to his family? How do you know for sure there’s another accomplice?”
Zack glanced at Kael, who nodded. In a soft, sad voice, Zack explained. “The spell they used—the whole book, really—isn’t just black magick or dark spellwork. It’s evil sorcery at its worst. When Jan said this was like a metaphysical cookbook from Hell, he wasn’t far off.”
He took a deep breath. “An occlusion spell allows someone to pass themselves off as someone or something else. It might not make them totally look or smell or whatever like their intended target, but at the very least it nullifies them so that they appear ‘normal’ to whoever it is they’re trying to fool.”
Zack took another deep breath. “I’m guessing, based on their victims, that they were trying to pass for dragons. Or at the least, to pass the sniff test with dragons. This spell requires an equal exchange of an adult for an adult, or if it’s a child victim using more than one, for the spell to be effective. They killed them, and then both drank and bathed in their blood.”
Lina felt the world spin. Jan and Rick rushed to her side and helped her into a chair.
“Get her a bucket,” Zack told them. “Looks like she might urp.”
She felt like she might urp. When she got hold of her nervous stomach, she looked at Zack. “Okay, so how do you know there were three murderers?”
Kael heavily sat in another chair and scrubbed at his face with his hands. “Because those notes they made in the margin to modify the spell is to occlude three people, using not just my sister, but me, too.”
Chapter Ten
Zack watched as Kael composed himself. He finally sat up and shook his head. “I think we now have a prime suspect in Bertholde’s murder,” Kael said.
Not wanting to disagree with him, but knowing he had to speak up, Zack stepped behind him and put his hands on his lover’s shoulders. “But not the only suspect, unfortunately. We don’t know if Lenny had help or not in Yellowstone. The fire destroyed his camp and his truck, including all evidence except for what Brodey and Lina brought back with them.”
Kael laid a hand over Zack’s. “I know.” He sounded beyond weary. “But I can hope. How many of these fuckers can there still be in the world? They’re antisocial as fuck, normally. Their powers are diluted from years of inbreeding with each other and breeding with humans.”
Lina nodded. “Lenny was already dead when Bertholde was murdered. It can’t be coincidence that the knife she was stabbed with is identical to the one we brought back.”
Zack, playing Devil’s advocate, shook his head. “It doesn’t mean the third conspirator was the one with the knife, or that they were working in tandem with Lenny. It could have been a coincidence. He never said anything to you about it, did he?”
“No.” She let out a frustrated scream. “I want these assholes found!” Lina exclaimed. Then, her face went blank.
Zack watched as Lina closed her eyes. With her elbows propped on the table, she clutched her head in her hands. Jan and Rick started to intervene, but he stopped them.
“No, wait. Leave her alone for a minute.”
She sat there, slowly swaying back and forth for several minutes. When her eyes popped open, she looked around, startled. “What happened?”
“You tell us, babe,” Zack said. “Was that a vision?”
She slowly nodded. “Everything looked blue.”
“Something to do with the cockatrice?”
“Yeah. I think so. I’m not sure.” She reached for the book and paged through it, pausing near the back of the book. She pointed at a drawing. “There. That. I saw that. It was etched in a flat rock.” The illustration showed three spirals interlocking with each other and surrounded by various arcane symbols.
The men gathered around the book. “What the fuck is that?” Jan asked.
Rick shook his head. “Damned if I know.”
Kael smiled. “I know exactly what that is. It’s the Tablet of Trammel.” He reached across the table and squeezed Lina’s hand. “And better yet, I think I know where it is. Or, at least, I know how to find it.”
“Well, do you feel like sharing?” Rick asked.
Kael leaned back, looking happy for the first time since they found out who was responsible for his family’s murder. “I need to make a phone call and track down my old drinking buddy, Blackie.”
Lina had a thousand questions more, but Jan, Rick, and Zack insisted it could wait until morning. Jan and Rick herded her upstairs, while Zack followed Kael to their wing in the house.