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“As your family heads gave themselves to your service, now you must give yourself to me,” Korigan answered for Morfast.

Ager blushed, glanced at Lynan. “Ah. And what of my loyalty to my prince?”

“Since I regard Lynan as my liege, he will still be yours.”

Ager looked uncomfortable.

“What is wrong?” Korigan asked.

“What if... I mean, if it comes about...” Words failed him. He felt he had been ambushed.

“I think I understand,” Korigan said kindly. “What if Lynan and I part ways?”

Ager nodded. “Exactly.”

Korigan smiled. “Would it make it easier for you if I said here and now—in front of members of your clan—that I will never ask you to do anything that would work against his Majesty?”

Ager sighed, and nodded again.

“Then I proclaim that Ager Parmer, soldier of Grenda Lear and chief of the Ocean Clan, will never have call to take arms against Lynan, who is the White Wolf returned.” Korigan held out her hand for Ager to take.

He smiled his thanks at the queen, took her hand, and rested it upon his head.

Lynan came beside him and said: “That was well done. For a lost and lonely crookback I first met at a tavern in Kendra, you have come a long way.”

Ager stood as erect as he could. “Haven’t we all,” he said heartily, starting to think that maybe inheriting Katan’s clan had been one of the more fortunate accidents to befall him. Lynan made a noncommittal sound and glanced at his pale hands.

“Some of us more than others, perhaps,” Ager added quickly, trying to tell the prince he understood.

For a moment they met each other’s gaze, and Ager caught a glimpse of the pain and uncertainty deep in Lynan’s mind. The crookback swallowed and looked away quickly.

“Riders,” Morfast said, pointing, “and coming toward us.”

“It is Term and another,” Korigan said, and Ager noticed her and Lynan stiffen. He tried to remember who Terin was, then recalled he was a fellow-chief, one who supported the queen.

A fellow-chief, Ager thought. I like the sound of that.

The riders pulled up in front of Lynan and Korigan, their horses kicking snow into the air. Lynan took Terin’s reins. “What news?” he asked urgently.

Terin was very young, Ager saw, even younger than Lynan. Terin nodded to his fellow. “It’s best if it comes from Igelko.” All eyes switched to the second rider, who was obviously exhausted, and his mare close to being blown.

Igelko tried to speak but could only gasp.

“Catch your breath,” Lynan commanded. “Someone take his horse and care for it.”

Someone from Ager’s clan rushed forward and helped Igelko out of the saddle, then led his mare away.

“Your Majesty,” Igelko breathed heavily. “We caught one.”

Lynan and Korigan exchanged quick glances.

“Caught one what?” Ager asked.

Igelko glanced at him. “Mercenary. By the north spur of the Ufero Mountains.”

“The north spur?” Morfast said, surprised. “How did they get that far into the Oceans of Grass?”

“They came over the mountains,” Igelko said.

Morfast’s face went white. “From the north? Are you sure?”

Ager put a hand on her shoulder. “This is not your interrogation,” he said softly.

“Your M-majesty,” Morfast stuttered. “I’m sorry. But the news—”

“Is grim, I know,” Lynan said for her. He went to Igelko and helped him stand straight. “How are you feeling?”

“Better, thank you, my lord.”

“Where is your prisoner?”

“A day behind me. My brother has him.”

“How much has the prisoner said?”

“Only that he works for Captain Rendle.”

“Rendle!” Korigan spat. She looked fiercely at Lynan. “Now we have our proof. Even Eynon will be convinced.”

“Terin, send a troop to escort this man’s brother and the prisoner. I want nothing to go wrong.”

“Already done,” Terin said, proud that he had thought of it.

“Well done,” Lynan commended him, then slapped Igelko’s back. “And to you and your brother. I will buy five cattle for each of you.”

Igelko bowed deeply. “Thank you, your Majesty.”

“Make sure this man gets some rest,” Lynan told Terin. “As soon as the prisoner arrives, I want to question him.”

Terin nodded and left, walking his horse and talking earnestly with Igelko. The young chief was smiling broadly.

“Terin will add a bull each to your five cattle,” Korigan told Lynan. “He knows how much esteem Igelko and his brother have won for the South Wind clan.”

“Can you do me a favor?” Lynan asked.

“Of course.”

“Lend me ten cattle?”

As she did most days, Jenrosa was down by the furnaces watching and listening to the Chett magickers weave their spells to make the fires run hotter. She tried to read their lips, but nothing she thought she could decipher made any sense to her theurgia-trained mind. She found it deeply frustrating, and more and more she realized she would have to go to Korigan and ask to be assigned to one of the White Wolf magickers for training. The thought of asking Korigan for anything made her hackles rise, but the alternative, to be the only one of Lynan’s original companions without a purpose or place during their exile, was unthinkable.

Someone called to her, and she recognized Lasthear, the Ocean clan magicker. “I see you here every day.”

“I want to learn,” Jenrosa said simply.

“You will not ask the queen for help.”

Jenrosa sighed. “I will have to, but it is not something I want to do.”

Lasthear studied her carefully. “I will not ask why, it is not my place. You are aware of the changes in my clan’s fortunes?”

‘“I’m aware Ager is now your chief.”

“If he asked me, I would feel compelled to take on your training myself.”

“I thought—”

“Ager could ask Korigan for dispensation to let me teach you. I do not think she would say no.”

“I will ask Ager right away,” Jenrosa said excitedly.

“There is no hurry. I cannot take you on while I am working so hard here at the furnaces. But later, when we leave the High Sooq, we will have time.”

“Thank you.” It was all Jenrosa could think of saying.

“It will be an interesting exercise, Jenrosa Alucar.”

Jenrosa blinked. “How do you know my name?”

“All Chetts know of Prince Lynan’s companions. You have become heroes to us.”

“I’m not sure why,” Jenrosa said bluntly. “Kumul and Ager I can understand, but I am no warrior.”

“You saved the life of the White Wolf.”

“That was no magic,” she said grimly.

“But it took great courage. And if you truly wish to learn the way of our magic, you will need great courage.”

No one asked him his name. He would have given that as willingly as he had all the other things he told them. The crazy-looking Chett sitting in front of him, slowly testing the edge of his sword, never took his eyes off him.

“I don’t want to die,” he said for the tenth time.

“You’re going to die,” said the tall female Chett who walked around him. “It’s only a matter of how quickly.”

The mercenary had long run out of tears, and all he could manage was a jerky breath.

“How many Haxus regulars will Rendle be taking with him?”

“I don’t know, not exactly. A brigade I was told.”

“You must have seen them.”

“Not all of them. We left to scout the pass before they’d all arrived.”

“Two thousand? Three?”

“I don’t know.”

“How many were there when you left?”

“A lot. Maybe two thousand.”

“Maybe more?”


There was a pause, and the Chett on the ground eagerly looked up at the female. She shook her head, and the Chett looked disappointed.