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The haggling went on and on. Ceam rocked restlessly on his heels, pulled a spear of grass, peeled it into fine strips, pulled another, then another and wondered if he could last much longer without leaping to his feet and running at the monster who was so absurdly acting like all the other merchants he’d seen from the time he was whelped. Obscene that the two of them out there should look so much alike, Porach and the mesuch. Both old. He didn’t know how he knew that, mesuch didn’t have hair to go gray and they all seemed wrinkled to him, with skin like tree bark. He was, though. Old. Temperish. Yellow cast to eyes that were still far too sharp for Ceam’s comfort.

Finally, though, the chaffering was done. Porach was tucking his goods in a c’hau cloth bag, needles and thread, a coil of cord, fine and colorless, some packets of dye. The mesuch snapped his fingers and the two younger ones came and loaded the reed baskets onto the floatwagon.

Porach got to his feet, swung the strap of the bag over his shoulder, caught up the mat, and stood rolling it into a tight cylinder as he watched the floatwagon go gliding off. When it disappeared into the trees, he pulled loose the long stick he’d thrust into the muck and came over to them, swinging the stick and moving with the peculiar long glide of a swampy, his bare feet barely bending the grass or so it seemed to Ceam.

Heruit cleared his throat.

Porach shook his head. “Not here.”

They followed him deeper into the Marish. He went back on a new path; Ceam had noticed that the two tendays he’d spent living in the Marish. Swampies almost never used the same path twice in the same day. It might have been to keep down any signs of wear, or perhaps some predator they didn’t discuss might be alerted and avoided by this. His curiosity was itching at him, but he knew better than to ask. Swampie wanted you to know something, he told you. Got snarked if you kept pushing at him and one day you’d turn around and he wasn’t there any more and you were out in the middle of the morass and didn’t know where you were and didn’t dare go anywhere because there were sofas and crogall burrows where if you stepped in them you were dead.

Porach moved swiftly along the edge of the water, jumped onto the kneed roots of the mekek trees that grew along here, ran across the knees with a curious, irregular, tied-in gait. Ceam followed more slowly. He wasn’t used to going about in his bare feet and his soles had picked up some parasites that itched like fury and hurt when his feet slapped down on the slippery, hard wood. Behind him he could hear the sound of Heruit’s feet, the muttered curses that got louder the longer they ran. And Bothim’s panting snicker as the smaller, more limber man trotted along behind them.

Porach jumped from the roots onto the dimpled sand of a long thin island like the scar from a knife wound. He flung up a hand to stop them, then dug the end of the stick into one of the dimples, inspected the result, and jumped back onto the root. He took a whistle from inside his tunic and began blowing into it. Though it produced no sound that Ceam could hear, it made a tightness behind his eyes.

He smothered an exclamation as he saw the sand shift and shiver as something ran along beneath the surface and vanished beneath the water without giving him the least glimpse of what it looked like.

Porach slipped the stick under his arm, jumped onto the sand and ran along it. The others followed.

He led them on a winding difficult route deep into the Marish, till they reached the twinned isles where they’d been living for the past tenday. The one with their hutches on it was round and barren, thick bug-ridden grass and lichen webs crawling everywhere, a single raintree at one end. Porach’s isle was a long pointed oval with a small spring of clean water welling up between two trees into a stone basin. Porach and Meisci his wife had brought stones from outside and cement powder and had built a neat cup with knee-high walls. The stream from the spring ran through it and kept it filled and a shell lid on the top kept it clean.

Porach blew into his whistle again, this time drawing a strange echo from inside the thicket at the end of the island. A moment later Meisci came out and brought for them a long narrow board with folding legs, the portable bridge between the islands.

He’d shown them what swam in that water and Ceam got the shivers each time he got his feet wet, no matter that Porach was along and knew what he was doing.

When the bridge was settled in place, Porach turned. “You are welcome to share a sip of tea and a word or two.”

Meisci was a thin, worn-looking woman with strands of gray in her long brown hair. She was shy and half-wild, uneasy with strangers about, though when they came to visit, she knelt behind Porach for the courtesy of it and listened to the talk with curiosity enough to forget herself from time to time. She brought out her china cups, no two of them alike, and filled them with hot strong tea, added slices of ullica fruit and small rounds of unleavened bread.

Heruit emptied his cup and let Meisci take it for a refill. “I can’t see as that gets us any forwarder. Unless you got more than I heard out of that ulpioc.”

Porach’s mouth thinned and curled into a secret smile. “More’n you’d guess.”

Heruit made an exasperated sound that pretty well expressed what Ceam was feeling.

Porach’s smile widened. He played with the moment, then capitulated according to some schedule of his own. “To start with, that’s not one of the big ‘uns inside the walls, that’s what they call a Drudge. It’s him runs the mesuch drink house in Dumel Dordan that was, I picked up other trades isn’t first time he done that, easy enough to get him running on about old days. He’s an old ‘un as mesuch go. Likes to natter on about nought. He pretty pissed at techs for bringing husk to his place and stinking it up and ignoring his brew. He got a pride in his brew and it’s like they slighting him when they do that. Besides, it takes ‘um funny, he says, sometimes they just get sleepy and hit floor snoring, othertimes they like to go crazy, bust the place up. He says he can tell old hands at it, their haws come half down all time, that’s those inside eyelids they drop when they getting fire-bellied.”

He pressed his lips together again, no smile this time. His shaggy brows drew inward, a deep trench dug between them. “Couple things to worry on. Less’n a hundred of them right now, but they expecting lots more in a couple months, maybe a bit more. We could maybe wipe the hundred. When it’s thousands, I dunno. Worse, was something else ol’ Farkly said, one time he and me, we was trading brew, had to sample it like, and he gets feeling loose and one thing he says is mesuch has same problem a while back. ‘Nother world. Something on it messed up their techs. Couldn’t stop them getting at it, so they stop the world. Cracked it open like you’d stick a nut ‘tween you teeth and chomp down. Mucks get too fussed with husk smoking, could be they do the same here.”

Heruit scowled. “World’s a big nut.”

“Cha oy, but when you figure how they get here, maybe they can do it.” He supped up some tea, handed his cup to Meisci for a refill. “What I know is bits and pieces. Techs getting itchy one way ‘nother. High Mucks not paying ‘ttention to what they supposed to be doing. Like when you kick into mutmut nest and watch the itchies run round like crazy. One of ol Farkli, that’s his name, one of his bumpers, he sidle over to me couple ten days ago, wants to buy husk, I say I don’t have any, but I’ll ask round. What I think is, you can use that Drudge to get to techs over to Dordan-that-was and worm outta them what you gotta know.”


“You’ve come to make trouble, haven’t you.” Parlach was a broad strong woman a little younger than Deдnin, with a round face, pouty lips and pale blue eyes. Bland blue eyes, mouth falling into a meaningless smile when she finished speaking.

Deдnin looked at her a long moment. “Yes,” she said finally and waited for a response.