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The ladder's in place, she thought to the soldiers in the room below. She heard their window squeak open, and checked the skies and the grounds again. No one was there, not even the green house guard.

"All right," she said. "I'm going."

She felt then, suddenly, how loath Musa was to let Fire go, how it pained Musa to send Fire anywhere alone and unguarded. Fire held Musa's hand harder than was necessary. "I'll call for you if I need you," she promised. Tight-lipped, Musa helped her out the window into the cold.

Her dress and slippers were not made for winter, nor for anything approximating weather, but rather clumsily she managed the descent to the window below. Soldiers pulled her inside and tried not to stare as she straightened her dress. Then they tucked her under the cloth of a wheeled cart bearing food bound for level seven.

It was a fine, sturdy cart, and Nash's floors were strong and smooth, and a minute or two of determined shivering under the tablecloth warmed her. A servant pushed her through the halls and then wheeled her onto the lift, which rose on its ropes without a single creak or jolt. On level seven another servant rolled her out. He followed her mental directions down hallways and around corners, finally pushing her into the far northern corridor and stopping outside the room containing Gentian and Gunner.

She reached upward to find Brigan. He was not there.

Sweeping around in a panic, she realised what she'd done. Rocks, she seethed to Brigan. Monster rocks. I miscalculated. I did not send them to the rooms directly below yours. They're one suite over to the west.

Brigan sent assurance that he wasn't worried about this. He could scale the balconies to the neighbouring rooms.

They're occupied rooms.

He was certain they weren't.

Not the ones on your level, Brigan. The ones on mine. I've led Gentian and Gunner to occupied rooms. Quisling? Quisland? Someone beginning with Q. Her head stabbed with pain. Should I try to move them again? I think Gunner would refuse. Oh, this is dreadful. I'll spread the word that the fellow beginning with Q must be kept from his rooms somehow, and his wife and servants and guards too. I can't think what we'll do with Gentian and Gunner's bodies now, she thought bitterly, overwhelmed almost to tears with the consequences of her mistake.

Quislam? Brigan offered. Lord Quislam from the south?

Yes, Quislam.

But isn't Quislam Gentian's ally?

Fire strained to remember. Yes, Quislam is Gentian's ally. But it makes no difference, other than to explain why Gunner stopped fighting once he entered the room.

But, Brigan thought, if Gunner thinks himself safe in the room of an ally, then perhaps he'll be easier to handle. Perhaps her mistake had been fortunate.

Fire was turning hysterical. It isn't. It's not fortunate. It creates countless problems.

Fire –

Her concentration was fracturing to pieces and she grasped wildly at a thing that seemed, suddenly and senselessly, to matter. Brigan, your mental control is as strong as anyone's I've ever encountered. Look how well you're able to communicate – you're practically sending me sentences. And you don't need to explain why you're so strong. You made yourself that way of necessity. My father – Fire was impossibly drained. A fist in her head was punching at her brain. My father hated you more than anyone.

Fire –

Brigan, I'm so tired.


Brigan was saying her name, and he was sending her a feeling. It was courage and strength, and something else too, as if he were standing with her, as if he'd taken her within himself, letting her rest her entire body for a moment on his backbone, her mind in his mind, her heart in the fire of his.

The fire of Brigan's heart was astounding. Fire understood, and almost could not believe, that the feeling he was sending her was love.

Pull yourself together, he thought to her. Get yourself into that room.

She climbed out from under the cart. She opened the door to the room.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Both Gentian and Gunner sat in chairs facing the entry. As she shut the door, Gunner rose to his feet and edged sideways against the wall in a direction that brought him slightly nearer to her.

A shield with Quislam's colours was propped against a footstool. Fire saw that the carpet was a patchwork of squares in rust, brown, and red; the curtains red; the sofa and chairs brown. At least they wouldn't have to worry about bloodstains. She soaked in the feeling of these two men, and knew immediately where the trouble would lie in this room. Of course it would not be with Gentian, so charming and so blitheringly happy to see her, so easy for even her torpid mind to invade that she would have wondered how such a man could ever have risen to a place of power, had the answer not stood scowling before her in the form of Gunner.

He was a bit like Nash used to be: unpredictable, confusing, too much for her to control, but not entirely under his own control either. He began to prowl back and forth along the wall, his eyes always on her. And though he was not a big man or imposing, something tight and smooth in his movements caused Fire to see suddenly why the others had been worried. He was a calculating creature with a capacity for strong, fast viciousness.

"Won't you sit down, Gunner?" Fire murmured, moving herself sideways, away from both of them, and seating herself calmly on the sofa – which was a mistake, because more than one person could fit on a sofa, and the sofa was where Gunner now seemed inclined to sit. She fought him with her mind, which felt puffy and stiff, pushed him back toward the seats nearer his father, but he would not sit if he couldn't sit with her. He retreated to his wall and resumed prowling.

"And what can we do for you, darling child?" Gentian said, slightly drunk and bouncing in his seat with happiness.

How she wished she could go slowly. But her time in this room was borrowed from Lord Quislam.

"I want to join your side," she said. "I want your protection."

"You're not to be trusted, looking like that," Gunner growled. "Never trust a monster."

Gentian chided his son. "Gunner! Did she not prove her trustworthiness when we were set upon in the hallway? Mydogg wouldn't wish us to be rude."

"Mydogg does not care what we do, as long as it's to his advantage," Gunner said. "We shouldn't trust Mydogg either."

"Enough," Gentian said, his voice suddenly sharp and commanding. Gunner glowered, but made no retort.

"And how long have you been allied with Mydogg?" Fire asked, turning innocent eyes to Gentian.

She latched tightly to Gentian's mind and directed him to speak.

Some twenty minutes later she had learned, and conveyed to the siblings, that Mydogg and Gentian had allied themselves largely in response to the lady monster joining the ranks of the king, and that Hart had only told part of the story when he'd said Gentian planned to attack Fort Flood with his force of ten thousand. Really Gentian would attack Fort Flood with fifteen thousand. After they had allied, Mydogg had moved five thousand of his own Pikkian recruits piecemeal to Gentian, through the tunnels.

It had not been easy to play-act delight at that particular piece of news. It meant Brigan would be outnumbered by five thousand at Fort Flood. But perhaps it also meant that the rest of Mydogg's army, wherever it was hiding, only numbered fifteen thousand or so? Perhaps the other two branches of the King's Army plus all the auxiliaries could then meet Mydogg on equal ground...