“We will begin,” said the Alnduul hologram. “When Dr. Thandla opens a channel, you may see one of us from each gallery, and we may see and hear those of you who stand within the sending circle.” A faintly glowing ring-maybe big enough for two-appeared in the floor. “If you wish privacy, simply close the channel and reopen it when you are ready. To do so abruptly or unannounced will not be taken as rudeness. We understand that the need for confidential discussion will arise throughout this meeting. If you are ready, I will introduce the spokespersons of the other delegations.”
Caine realized that if he swallowed now, he would make a loud gulping sound. “We are ready.”
“May I present he whose name translates as Wise-Speech-of-Pseudopodia of the Ktor.” Another hologram-this of one of the water-heaters they had seen on the opposite side of the amphitheatre-snapped on. The voice was clearly a machine simulacrum: “The Ktor are honored to encounter the human species.”
“And we are honored to meet the Ktor.”
Alnduul resumed. “May I present Vishnaaswii’ah of the Slaasriithi.”
There was a pause and then a blinking green quatrefoil pulsed into existence to the right of Wise-Speech. Caine waited: no further image appeared. After several very long seconds, he started: “Alnduul-”
“My apologies, Caine Riordan. It seems that the Slaasriithi delegation has elected not to share their likeness with your species at this time.”
“It is their right,” added Wise-Speech mildly.
Caine heard various rustlings in the gallery behind him; people were standing, sitting up straighter, taking notes. “Is this expected, Alnduul?”
“It is not.”
“Are they receiving our signal?”
Another simulacrum voice answered, this one from the green quatrefoiclass="underline" “We mean no slight by withholding our image. We would understand if you wish to do the same.”
“A little late for that now, isn’t it?” snapped Wasserman, quite loudly. Caine saw Downing turn to glare at him, but not quite so harshly as before: after all, “Le Mule” did, once again, have a point.
Vishnaaswii’ah’s voice was puzzled. “I did not hear your last utterance clearly, the Riordan-who-is-Caine.”
“One of my colleagues was commenting on the awkwardness of this situation. However, we will continue to make our image available to you.”
“This is a kindness-made greater, since we are currently unable to reciprocate. We shall not forget.”
Hmmm: an unpromising start to that introduction, but a rather reassuring finish.
Alnduul’s voice sounded very flat now. “And finally, may I present Darzhee Kut of the Arat Kur.”
Another pause; another quatrefoil-this one yellow-flicked on and pulsed next to the green one. More rustling from behind; Visser looked at Thandla, made a slicing motion with her hand. The connection broke. She turned to Caine. “A second race chooses not to share its image? What does this mean?”
He shrugged, looked over at Elena, who shrugged back. “Let’s find out.” He nodded to Thandla: the water heater, the quatrefoils and Alnduul reappeared. “Our apologies. We are somewhat surprised at our inability to view so many of the species we came to meet.” No response. “Darzhee Kut, can you hear me?” Still nothing. Then a third artificial voice whispered out of the yellow diamond: “I am Zirsoo Kh’n. Speaker-to-Nestless Kut is indisposed. We, too, decline to share our image.”
Caine felt Visser look at him, then back at Downing: there was no mistaking the tone. Curt, clipped, no-nonsense: not exactly hostile, but certainly not friendly. “We are pleased to make your acquaintance, Zirsoo Kh’n.”
“We are gratified to participate in this process.”
But nothing nice to say about us, huh? Caine looked over at Elena, whose eyebrows were lowered into a shallow vee: she shook her head slowly. Nothing to add yet, evidently. “Alnduul, we are ready to begin.”
Alnduul’s fingers flared momentarily like pinwheels. “Very well. The member states have received the personal bona fides of your delegation. They are now permitted to inquire into them.”
Silence. At least ten seconds of it. Caine was surprised at just how long ten seconds can be.
Alnduul prodded the other members again: “I remind the delegations that if they ask no questions, and make no challenges, the governing construance is that silence grants consent. Once accepted, the personal credentials of the human delegation is immune to subsequent interrogation or challenge.”
Five more seconds-even longer ones-went by.
“So noted. The human delegation’s personal bona fides are accepted without reservation or question. We may now proceed with the legitimation of the government they represent, which has been outlined in the dossiers you received yesterday. If there are questions-”
“Yes.” The voice came from the yellow quatrefoil. The Arat Kur. Of course. “We do not understand some of the claims of the human government, which is referred to as the Earth Confederation. Specifically, it claims to be the collective medium whereby the will of humankind is solicited, represented, and made manifest. Do you dispute this?”
“Not at all,” answered Caine. “If I remember correctly, you are quoting our own statement.”
“I am. However, we find this claim suspect, since it seems that some nations were pressured into joining this Confederation.”
“There were some fierce debates, yes. However, any exertions of political pressure were strictly in keeping with the normal principles of democratic process.”
“Nonetheless, in the end, the greater nations imposed their will upon a number of weaker-albeit quite populous-states.”
“Speaker Zirsoo, I would express that differently. No nation was compelled to join the Confederation. However, the great majority of nations-and through them, a majority of Earth’s population-did agree upon a set of requirements that had to be observed by any country that desired membership in one of the Confederation’s five blocs.” Caine paused. “Just as the Accord imposes requisites for membership upon its member states.”
“Touche.” Caine could hear the smile that accompanied Lemuel’s interjection. He also saw Alnduul’s holographic mouth half-twist about its axis.
“He’s trying not to laugh,” supplied Elena.
But the Arat Kur were not finished. “We have another question. You categorize the Confederation’s governmental structure as ‘modified bicameral.’ Please explain.”
“Well, bicameral means-”
“Two houses of representation, now common among many of your nations. This we understand. We are interested in how this has been ‘modified.’”
Caine looked at Visser-who was clearly nervous. Yeah, I think this is where they try to put us in the bag. “The first house of representation-called the ‘Forum’-is the one in which all nations have equal representation: it is a ‘one state, one vote’ system.
“The second house-called the ‘Assembly’-is the one in which national representation is proportional to a metric which balances population against productivity.”
“This is what we noted with interest. As we understand it, nations with lower per capita productivity suffer a reduction in their total votes.”
“That is correct.”
“In other words, their populations are deemed less worthy of equal representation. Which, as a simple matter of mathematics, means that their citizens have a proportionally smaller number of votes representing their interests. This makes them, in your language, ‘second class’ citizens.”
“I would not agree with that categorization.”
“Perhaps not. But the fact remains that their representation in the Confederation’s Assembly is not proportionate to their numbers.”
Visser was shaking her head. Caine raised a-hopefully-stilling palm. “That is true.”