Downing nodded. “Yes, but right now, let’s hear what the Arat Kur have to say.”
Caine felt the delegation’s eyes turn, along with his, to the blinking yellow quatrefoil. Ten seconds later, they were still waiting.
“Speaker-to-Nestless Zirsoo, there may be a problem with the communications equipment; we are not receiving your responses.”
“The communication equipment is operating properly. We decline to respond to your questions.”
Strike three-a blind miss-and out. Not a single question answered.
Alnduul folded his hands. “The human delegation has received all formal responses.”
Caine stepped closer to the image of the Dornaani. “Alnduul, we would like to ask a question.”
“Have member states elected not to answer the formal questions of candidate races before this?”
“How many questions have been declined-in toto-over the course of all the prior candidacy hearings?”
Alnduul folded his hands more tightly. “Two.”
Caine turned to face the others. “Yep. We’re in deep shit.”
After the long silence that followed, Visser’s voice sounded very tired. “So, any ideas what we should do now?”
Elena looked over at Caine-inquisitively, tentatively-before suggesting, “We could have a party.”
The room was more silent than before. At the words “have a party,” Hwang commenced looking sidelong at Elena, as if assessing her for signs of impending mental collapse. Wasserman’s reaction was even worse: he smiled, kindly and a bit crestfallen, as if he’d just learned that a favorite sibling had been diagnosed with dementia.
But Elena kept looking at Caine-and then he understood. “Yes-of course.”
Durniak’s head snapped back. “We should have a party? Now?”
Elena’s hands were suddenly as lively as Alnduul’s. “No, no-not a party for us. For them. A diplomatic reception.”
“So that’s our show of strength and resolve? They insult us, and in return, we feed them?”
Caine turned toward Wasserman. “No-she’s absolutely right. And not just on the level of communications, but tactically.”
“Pardon?” Downing’s eyebrows were raised.
“Sun Tzu; always do what your adversary won’t anticipate. Always find fields of engagement that minimize your weaknesses, maximize your strengths. Always strike them where they are most vulnerable. And Elena’s suggestion accomplishes all those things.”
Visser nodded. “Yes, of course. Today, all the member states either dismissed us or attacked our credentials: the last thing they will expect is a social invitation.”
Downing smiled. “And, being the diplomatic victors of the hour, the Arat Kur can hardly reject an invitation without also making themselves look like utter cads. They’ve got to be gracious in victory-or they come away looking petty and ungenerous.”
Durniak was frowning. “What if the other member states do not care how they look? So we give a party. Some do not show. Others say ne kulturny, shrug, and turn their backs. How does this help us?”
Elena nodded. “It might not. But I think it will, at least with the Dornaani. And perhaps more importantly, I think it could be very important in our future relationships with the Slaasriithi-and the Hkh’Rkh.”
Visser squinted at Elena: “Important in what way?”
Elena leaned back, collected herself-and Caine had the impression of an organist surveying all the keys, pumps, stays, and pushes before starting a complex concerto. “Firstly, I suspect that those two member states are the ones most likely to be undecided about us. The Slaasriithi, in particular, seem not to be a part of the Arat Kur’s ploys-”
“Even though they also refused to be seen, and refused to answer our questions.”
“True, Dr. Thandla, but they were always very polite and suggested that more complete communication would be forthcoming. The Hkh’Rkh are new, like ourselves, and could hardly have come with any preconceived notions-”
“Unless the Arat Kur got to them first.”
She looked at her brother. “And if that’s the case, Trev, then the Accord is more sham than substance. Fully half the current or prospective members would be actively involved in subverting its basic principles. How long do you think it will last, if that’s the case?”
Trevor met her gaze. “I didn’t say I think it will last. In fact, if you were taking bets-”
Downing stood. “Agreed-things are looking shaky all around. But I think Elena’s making some excellent points. The greatest remaining strategic prize is the good opinion of those races which may be undecided about humanity, particularly since the decision upon our membership is to be made tomorrow. So, if the Arat Kur accept our invitation, we have an opportunity to learn about them; if they do not, they have shown themselves to be aggressive and unfriendly in formal council, and rude and inconsiderate in informal interaction. And in contrast, we will come across as patient, congenial, forgiving-”
“And weak.” Wasserman leaned forward. “No member state is going to ally with us against another because someone turned up their nose at our appetizers. Christ, it’s just a party.”
Caine tried to keep his smile from becoming ironic. “Just a party? Lemuel, where do you think most politicking is done, where most deals are made? At meetings? No: on the side. Meetings are for show; the real action is taking place over drinks. Wars are won, land ceded, truces made in the time between the crudites and the canapes. Besides, Elena’s plan has another upside.”
“What’s that?”
“The Ktor. Remember what they said?”
Wasserman smiled. “Yeah, that they would welcome ‘an opportunity for longer, less rigidly structured discussions.’”
“Precisely. They asked for an invite, so we’re sending them one. And I think they’re the ones we really need to talk to.”
Visser frowned. “Why?”
Downing jumped in. “Because they’ve got their fingers-maybe tendrils-in almost all of the issues that involve us. They’re the surrogate Custodians who may or may not have visited our systems. They want to talk with us, but not briefly or in public. They don’t challenge our legitimacy but they make trouble when the Dornaani try to put aside the Arat Kur objections to it. And their seniority and technology is second only to the Dornaani.” Downing shook his head. “We have to talk to them before tomorrow’s decision. They know it. They made sure of it.”
“You’re saying-?”
“That they orchestrated many of today’s events? I’d lay odds on it.”
Visser raised an eyebrow. “So you think they’ll come?”
Caine stepped toward the communication node: “There’s only one way to find out-”
Chapter Forty-Five
“You’re sure you’re okay?” Opal was on the way out of the reception hall.
Caine looked up. “Why?”
“Because you look like shit, darling.”
“Tough day at the office.”
“Sounded like it, from where I was sitting. And I’ll be happy to be back at my boring post for most of this evening.” She looked around at the platters that had already emerged from the serving alcove: buffalo carpaccio and kibbe nayyeh sans bulgur-Elena’s best guess at what the Hkh’Rkh would consider delicacies. Opal wrinkled her nose at the raw meats.
“Finger food,” Caine explained.
“Road kill,” she countered. “Look, take it easy: you’ve been working too hard, running on fumes.”
“I’m fine-fine.” No one was looking; he ran his palm into and around the taut arch that was the small of her back.
Her eyes sprang wide, as if he had pinched her. “Caine-not here!” she remonstrated. But her smile-and her quick half-step closer to him-said otherwise.
“You’re such an old-fashioned girl.”
Her smile faded, replaced by a look that was more intent. “Yeah, sure. Demure. Passive-” her next half step brought the tip of her right breast into faint, split-second contact with his left upper arm “-Uninventive.”