“That might work ashore…” Gray muttered as the two sat down, eliciting laughter.
“I beg your pardon, Your Majesty,” Courtney said. “What was your question?”
“What did you think of the fauna in the colonies?” Gerald repeated more loudly.
“I had little opportunity to explore, I’m afraid, with all the bothersome battles. I did see a few fascinating specimens after the sea fight ended and we joined the shore action.” He paused, and his wild brows fairly bounced with excitement. “One beast we saw was simply titanic, but the locals paid it little heed!” He sipped tea, cooled by ice brought from Walker. “Of course, by then, it was more a general chase. Commodore Jenks and Mr. Gray”-he nodded at the Bosun-“had already won the fight.”
“Those locals are damn good shots, and even Silva’d appreciate their humongous rifles!” Gray said with actual admiration. “We never saw any o’ their ‘Grik birds’-they must’ve all been after you, Skipper-an’ Chack’s probably right about ’em not havin’ enough sense to use in a pitched land fight. Anyway, once the Doms found out their fleet was beat, they retreated south faster than our artillery could keep up. They left most of theirs, but we needed our guns because they still had us outnumbered pretty bad.” He took a gulp of tea himself. “We didn’t take many prisoners,” he added. “Mostly wounded they left behind. I’m told if they try to walk all the way back to the Dominion, most won’t make it, though.”
“True enough,” Gerald agreed soberly. “I once visited the borderlands, back when Harvey Jenks and I were both ‘squeakers’ aboard the old Zeus,” he reminisced. “The country they must cross is quite dreadful, full of terrifying beasts.” He looked at Captain Reddy and smiled crookedly. “But since my attempt at preliminary pleasantries has been so successfully redirected, we may as well get down to it. Tell me, what do you think about the situation concerning Governor Dodd and Lord Admiral McClain?”
Matt considered. “The admiral’s no traitor; he simply disagreed with our strategy. He made no secret of his belief the Doms would strike at the Enchanted Isles. The problem is, he understood our strategy and knew what was expected of him. His tardiness cost us more casualties than we would’ve taken with the force we expected, and nearly cost us the battle. All here had already agreed what the consequences of that would have been. Jenks was right to relieve him in your name.”
Gerald nodded. “Indeed. Of course. A sad necessity.”
“On the other hand, it looks like Governor Dodd did turn. He was ‘missing’ throughout the crisis, gone ‘camping’ or ‘hunting,’ I’m told. A search was unsuccessful and revealed no evidence his party fell prey to predators. The militia there-damn fine scouts-don’t think he went anywhere near where he said he’d be, but went south toward the Dom landings instead. The consensus is he retreated with the beaten enemy.”
“I thought I knew Dodd,” Gerald lamented, shaking his head. He looked at Chack and Blair. “It seems sure we still have high-placed traitors here as well, who passed nearly our entire plan to the enemy. They must be discovered!” His gaze returned to Matt. “And though Dodd was always a ‘Company man,’ I never believed him capable of treason. Clearly, we still have our hands full on the home front.”
“That’s what it looks like.”
“Aye,” Bates agreed. “Jenks’ll have his hands full in the east as well, sortin’ out the colonies an’ tryin’ ta take the fight ta the Doms. They’ll go fer the Enchanted Isles now for sure.”
“Most likely,” Matt agreed. “At least he should have the ships to stop them now, with what we left him. Frankly, the Dom ‘ships of the line’ are almost useless. Good thing for us they started this war with last generation’s Navy! I guess that’s all they thought they’d need. The transports are fairly new, built for this war, but their fighting ships are twenty or thirty years old. They’re still dangerous as hell if you get close to one, but with enough steamers, you shouldn’t have to. Sooner or later they’re going to put engines in them and that’ll change, but for now? We captured a couple, once they were helpless. Dom sailors and regulars aren’t all crazy, at least. I recommended Jenks put some of their heavy guns on the steam transports we took. He’s ‘CINCEAST’ now by the way, if you’ve no objection, Your Majesty.”
“None whatsoever. He’s earned it. He’ll need troops, however.”
Matt looked down the table at Tamatsu Shinya and Lelaa-Tal-Cleraan. “Troops and air cover. What do you think, General Shinya? Admiral Lelaa?” He’d received the reports of their activities several days out. Lelaa blinked rapidly and would have blushed if she could, Matt was sure.
“ Maaka-Kakja and her battle group will go where they’re needed, Cap-i-taan Reddy,” Lelaa said.
“May I have Chack?” Shinya asked.
“Well, no, you can’t,” Matt said, his brows furrowing. “He’s going home with me and Walker.” He glanced at Sandra, then looked at Gerald. “My ship needs a refit like she can’t get out here-yet. Besides, things are heating up in the west, and while the Dom Navy might be on its heels for now, we haven’t heard a peep from the Grik Navy in a while. They build fast, Your Majesty!”
“You can say that again, Skipper!” Spanky muttered, several places down. Tabby sat beside him-in a real uniform, thank God-and as an officer, it was appropriate she be present. None of Walker ’s destroyermen doubted why she’d chosen to sit next to Spanky, however. “About the refit, I mean,” he added. “And things are heating up. I almost popped my cork when we got word about the zeppelins! I mean, well… shit!”
Matt nodded grimly. What Spanky didn’t elaborate on was the rest of their reaction when they “got the word.” The Ceylon operation was a success, but they’d had it almost easy out here compared to First Fleet. Humfra-Dar, Tolson, Revenge, Geran-Eras, Pruit Barry, Clancy, Jamie Miller-not to mention the thousands of soldiers, sailors, and Marines the campaign cost-and there was that “new” Grik general Rolak’s pet Grik had learned about, questioning the survivors at Colombo… Walker needed to go home for a lot of reasons.
“I mean to escort Salaama-Na as far as an island we call ‘Wake,’” he said. “I can’t remember what your charts call it. We need another comm relay. After that, I may have another short stop to make, but ultimately”-he looked fondly at Chack-“ Colonel -Bosun’s Mate Chack-Sab-At deserves to go home-and on to fight the Grik. I’m… sure he’s been sorely missed.”
Matt didn’t notice, but Sandra saw Selass sink down slightly in her seat. She pursed her lips, sad for her friend and her hopeless love. She cut her eyes at Matt. “And what’s this ‘short stop’?” she asked, suspecting he meant to visit the Great South Island “on the way” home. It was a trip Courtney had long been pressing. There were many potential allies there-and just as many wonders for Mr. Bradford to explore. Or maybe he wanted to chase that Japanese destroyer.
“Just a minute,” Matt asked her, looking at Shinya. “Do you mean you won’t take the job if Chack’s not with you?”
Shinya blinked. “What? Oh! Of course I’ll take the job! I thought that went without saying! I just wanted Chack along, that’s all.” He paused. “I should take as many Imperial troops as possible, of course, and I’d like to recruit some of these ‘colonial scouts.’ I do think it’s time a few Imperial troops went west, however,” he prompted. “Our Lemurian allies have given much on this front.”
Gerald nodded gravely. “Your point is well taken, General. Our ‘Army’ is growing quickly, but it’s still small. Do you think a regiment would suffice for now?”
“Yeah, under the circumstances,” Matt said. “Our friends know you’re stretched. A regiment now, with a promise of more, would be sufficient and appreciated. Our losses in Ceylon have been heavy.”
“Have you anyone in mind to command this force, Colonel Chack?” the Governor-Emperor asked.
“Ah, yes, sir. Majors Blair and Jindal.”
Gerald laughed, looking at the two men in question. “Blast it, you can’t have them both! I’ve just relieved half the officer corps of the entire Imperial Marines! Useless bureaucrats! Hmm. Major Blair’s already faced these Grik of yours, but Major Jindal could use the experience, and perhaps your tutelage? I shall consider it.”