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“Yes, I did.”

“Did you notice the cruciform building in the center of each barracks complex?”

“Um, no. Why?”

“That was a very specific building and is only native to one kind of unit. Those were transportable chapels belonging to Ascetic units of battalion size or larger. You have at least a brigade of Ascetics down there. Three thousand or more religious zealot mercenaries are probably providing security and ground defense for that planet.”

Kelly had heard of the Ascetics, or the Templar Corps, as they referred to themselves. They were fierce fighters with a reputation for tenacity and innovation in battle. They used to only fight on the side of good, but occasionally found their units on both sides of the battlefield.

“Alistair, will you prepare a briefing paper for me to hand Admiral Minacci and his staff when I attend the commander’s call once the 3rd ALG arrives?”

“Certainly. I’ll include a complete order of battle laydown, too.”

Another rendezvous was taking place in the Rigel-Aldebaran sector. Friedrich Debran’s hired fleet was assembling over Rigel Prime’s pole. Captain Alden counted ships as they pulled up to his ship. He seemed to be missing a gun corvette and two missile boats. He called up Captain McDougall, the other corvette captain, and asked where the missing corvette was. Corvettes carried three forward-firing heavy guns and up to 40 medium missiles on internal rotary launchers.

“Ben,” replied Captain Mac, “Captain Dobbs accidently argued with a Fleet frigate and thus won’t be fulfilling any more contracts. Sorry, I couldn’t find a replacement on such short notice.”

Alden called the senior missile boat captain to find out why he was short two missile boats. Missile boats carried thirty heavy missiles in internal and external mounts. They were a heavy punch in a small package. It was one ship that many hostile commanders underestimated.

Captain Argo reminded Captain Alden that missile boats were no longer in production and he had to cannibalize two of them to keep the other eight operational.

Captain Delong came up on the communicator and offered that, as long as Ben was concerned with shortages, he was missing thirty assault troops from one of his armed cargo ships, but he had more ammunition loaded in their place. Ben just shook his head.

The last ship to arrive was Captain Cho in her fighter carrier. Ben breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the sun glint off her hull. Her four fighters were the linchpins to his plan to either rescue the Debran women or decimate the planet. His plan was to infiltrate a few special operatives onto the planet on her fighters and have them sniff out the Debrans’ location. They were specialists in blending into the environment.

When all ships were in laser transmission range, he set up a laser ring and video conferenced with the captains. He laid out his plan and could sense general agreement. He entertained suggestions from the gathered captains, then accepted some and rejected a few. In the end, it made for a stronger plan and ensured the captains bought into the plan because their ideas were incorporated.

Ben closed out the videoconference by telling them all to disperse but to be at the mouth of the star cluster at a given time tomorrow. Ben took his gun corvette, Cecelia, to a geostationary parking position over Rigel Prime and rested his crew in preparation for tomorrow’s events.

Chapter Twelve

Admiral Paolo Minacci sat in the astrographer’s bubble on the top of the Assault Support Carrier, Golden Eagle, as it sped through space at top speed. His command was arrayed all around him. It was a powerful but compact force for enforcing the Galactic Republic’s will throughout space. His flagship carried two fighter squadrons equipped with twelve F-48s each. These were the up-engined models with the extendable atmospheric wings. They could carry nine missiles or bombs in external and internal mounts. They were equally good in the fighter role and ground support role. He also had two attack squadrons equipped with twelve AS-76s each. These ships were his heavy hauler attack ships and each could carry the bomb and missile load of two F-48s. His support squadron had an early warning ship, four search and rescue ships, and two electronic warfare ships.

Arrayed in an arrowhead formation behind him were his three Landing Assault Carriers, each with a dozen AS-500 landing craft capable of carrying 100 marines each with their heavy weapons and providing suppressive fire from six hypervelocity plasma cannons. Each carrier could land a brigade of Marines in one lift.

Off to port and starboard were his two plasma frigates. These were bombardment ships capable of destroying planetary defenses and facilities from the edges of space with pinpoint accuracy. They could take out a single enemy shooting from inside a house without even rattling a teacup in the next-door neighbor’s kitchen. They also carried defensive missile pods to provide anti-fighter and anti-missile defense of the fleet. Following directly astern were his two replenishment ships carrying all weapon reloads, food, repair parts, and assorted supplies for the group.

Admiral Minacci was proud of his command. He was grateful that this combat opportunity came so soon after he assumed command. He had served on the Fleet Staff during the New Alexandria Campaign, and was afraid he may have missed any chance for combat experience. These pirates were going to be his ticket to higher rank and awards.

Thorson thought about Julia during the ride back to his home. Now that he was a captain, he qualified for a large house, almost a villa, on the southern ridgeline. Of course, he would have to pay off the house and his ship with plunder and prize vessels.

He was pretty sure he loved Julia. She was all he thought about lately. He hated the time he spent away from her. If it wasn’t love, it was probably something that would disqualify him as captain.

He arrived at his house and poured himself a stiff drink. He thought how his fortunes had shifted in the last two weeks. He had found a prize target, his share of which was enough to cover advanced weaponry and engines for his new ship. His captaincy came through and it was in the newest Undefeated class cutter coming off the ways.

He remembered how angry Captain Mabry was that she was losing her pilot/navigator. It took a sizable increase in her cut of the Debran shuttle prize before she would stop howling. Oh, but he was thankful he was no longer part of that crew.

Steven Maynard had personally escorted him up to the moon base to tour his new command. Maynard took him onto the bridge of his ship and had him swear the oath of the Brotherhood. The words were old, but still had meaning. He pledged his loyalty to the brotherhood; to come to the aid of any member in distress; to inflict no unnecessary injury on captives or their ships; and to fairly share the proceeds of his captures with the brotherhood.

After the pledge, Steven offered to give him a tour of his new ship that would be ready to launch in a week. The engines and weapons modules had been removed to make room for their advanced replacements. It was missing an engine synchronizer that would be installed starting tomorrow. Steven told him to take two weeks to shake out the bugs and he would be cleared to go hunting.

Even though this ship was almost identical to the Undefeated, he allowed Steven to give him the tour. It was obvious how proud Steven was of his shipyard’s capability, and it would have been unfair and impolite to deny him the pleasure of showing off. He followed Steven through the ship as he pointed out the almost microscopic differences between the Eclipse and the Undefeated.

Alistair Bennett asked for a meeting with the captain in his cabin. Kelly led him into his ready room and the two sat down to talk.