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To my rad writer pals for making writing not just an activity but a community: Thomas Calder, John R. Saylor, Aaron Devine, Karen Russell, Nate Brown, Philip Dean Walker, John Copenhaver, Robert Kerbeck, Bridget Hoida, Bryan Hurt, Lindsay Chudzik, Jonathan Church, Emma Komlos-Hrobsky, Rob Spillman, Sam Ashworth, Gale Marie Thompson, and everyone at BOA Editions. Zach Doss, we miss you.

Thanks to The Writer’s Center, my literary home in the D.C. area, and to my colleagues Margaret Meleney, Laura Spencer, Grace Mott, Laureen Schipsi, Brandon Johnson, Tessa Wild, and Amy Freeman.

I owe a debt to these authors and editors of books on the Soviet space program: Asif A. Siddiqi (Sputnik and the Soviet Space Challenge); Siddiqi and James T. Andrews (Into the Cosmos); Eva Maurer, Julia Richers, Monica Rüthers, and Carmen Scheide (Soviet Space Culture); Colin Burgess and Rex Hall (The First Soviet Cosmonaut Team); Nick Abadzis (Laika); Jim Ottaviani, Zander Cannon, and Kevin Cannon (T-Minus: The Race to the Moon).

In memory of Jeremy Mullins and Kirk Lawrence. It’s been ten years, but you’re still the two people who’ve pushed my creativity the most.

In honor of everyone, human and canine, who died in pursuit of the cosmos.

Thank you to my brother, Josh, my parents, and the whole family for being supportive of life paths as diverse as rocket science and writing.

All my love to Stephanie Grimm, who I think is quite nice.


Zach Powers is the author of Gravity Changes, which won the BOA Short Fiction Prize, and his work has appeared in such places as American Short Fiction, Black Warrior Review, The Conium Review, and the Tin House blog. First Cosmic Velocity is his first novel.

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Gravity Changes


G. P. Putnam’s Sons

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Copyright © 2019 by Zachary J. Powers

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Names: Powers, Zach, author.

Title: First cosmic velocity / Zach Powers.

Description: New York, New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, [2019]

Identifiers: LCCN 2018044742| ISBN 9780525539278 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780525539285 (epub)

Classification: LCC PS3616.O94 F58 2019 | DDC 813/.6—dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018044742

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