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He took another slow breath, savoring the image in his mind, and the desire running through him, and with a moment’s struggle, sorted out which were his own ideas and which were hers. “You,” he accused, his voice coming out much lower and rougher than he’d intended, “are earthcrafting me, Ambassador.”

She ate another berry. More slowly. Her eyes sparkled as she did. “Would I do such a thing, my lord Octavian?”

It became a real effort of will to remain seated. He turned to his plate with a growl and took up a knife and a fork to neatly slice off and devour a piece of the beef—real, honest Aleran meat, none of that leviathan-chum they’d been forced to choke down on the voyage—and washed it down with a swallow of the light, almost transparent wine. “You might,” he said, “if it suited you.”

She took utensils to her own roast. Tavi watched her, impressed. Kitai generally took to a good roast with all the delicacy of a hungry lioness and often gave the impression that she would respond in a similar vein should anyone attempt to usurp her share. Tonight, if she did not move with the perfect smoothness of a young woman of high society, her behavior was nonetheless not too terribly far off the mark. Someone, presumably Cymnea, had been teaching her the etiquette of the Citizenry.

When had she found the time?

She ate the bite of meat as slowly as she had the berries, still watching his eyes. She closed her own in pleasure as she swallowed, and only a moment after did she open them again. “Are you suggesting that I would prefer it if you tore this dress from me and ravished me? Here? On the table, perhaps?”

Tavi’s fork slipped, and his next piece of roast went flying off the table and onto the ground. He opened his mouth to reply and found himself saying nothing, his face turning warm.

Kitai watched the roast fall and made a clucking sound. “Shame,” she purred. “It’s delicious. Don’t you think it’s delicious?”

She ate another bite with the same, torturously slow, relaxed, elegantly restrained sensuality.

Tavi found his voice again. “Not half so delicious as you, Ambassador.”

She smiled again, pleased. “Finally. I have your attention.”

“You’ve had it the whole time we’ve been eating,” Tavi said.

“Your ears, perhaps.” She cleared her throat, resting her fingertips upon her breastbone for a moment, drawing his gaze there involuntarily. “Your eyes, certainly,” she added drily, and he let out a rueful chuckle. “But your thoughts, chala, your imagination—they have been focused elsewhere.”

“My mistake,” Tavi said. “Obviously.”

“Obviously,” Kitai replied with a rather smug smile. Her expression grew more serious. “Though not solely for the immediate reasons.”

He frowned and rolled a hand, inviting her to continue.

She folded her hands in her lap and frowned, as if gathering her words together before releasing them. “This enemy is a threat to you as your others are not, chala.”

“The vord?”

She nodded.

“In what way?”

“They threaten to unmake who you are,” she said quietly. “Despair and fear are powerful foes. They can change you into something you are not.”

“You said something like that last winter,” he said. “When we were trapped atop that Shuaran tower.”

“It is no less true now,” she said in a quiet voice. “Remember that I can feel you, chala. You cannot hide these things from me. You have tried to, and I have respected your desire. Until now.”

He frowned at her, troubled.

She slid her hand across the table, palm up. His own hand covered it without the need for a conscious decision on his own part.

“Talk to me,” she urged quietly.

“There was always someone nearby on the ships. Or else we were in lessons and…” He shrugged. “I… I didn’t want to burden you. Or frighten you.”

She nodded and spoke without rancor. “Was it because you think I am insufficiently strong? Or because you find me insufficiently brave?”

“Because I find you insufficiently…” he faltered.

“Capable?” she suggested. “Helpful?”

“… replaceable,” he finished.

Her eyebrows lifted at that. She returned his earlier gesture, rolling her hand for him to continue.

“I can’t lose you,” he said quietly. “I can’t. And I’m not sure that I’m able to protect you. I’m not sure anyone can.”

Kitai stared at him for a moment without expression. Then she pressed her lips together, shook her head, and rose. She walked around the table with that same severe expression on her face, but it wasn’t until she was standing beside Tavi’s chair that he realized that she was shaking with unreleased laughter.

She insinuated herself onto his lap, lovely in the green grown, wrapped her pale arms around his neck, and kissed him. Thoroughly. Her gentle laughter bubbled against his tongue as she did. When she finally drew away, moments later, she put her fever-warm hands on either side of his face, looking down at him fondly.

“My Aleran,” she said, her voice loving. “You idiot.”

He blinked at her.

“Are you only now realizing that forces greater than ourselves might tear us apart?” she asked, still smiling.

“Well…” he began. “Well… well no, not exactly…” He trailed off weakly.

“But that was always true, Aleran,” she said, “long before the vord threatened our peoples. If they had never done so, it would still be true.”

“What do you mean?”

She shrugged a shoulder. Then she took up his knife and fork and cut another slice of roast as she spoke. “Many things can end lives. Even the lives of Aleran Citizens. Disease. Fires. Accidents. And, in the end, age itself.” She fed him the piece of roast and watched him begin to chew before nodding approval and beginning to cut another. “Death is certain, Aleran—for all of us. That being true, we know that all of those we love will either be torn away from us, or we will be torn away from them. It follows as naturally as the night after sundown.”

“Kitai,” Tavi began.

She slipped another piece of roast into his mouth, and said, quietly, “I am not finished.”

He shook his head and began to chew, listening.

She nodded approval again. “In the end, the vord are nothing special, Aleran, unless you allow them to be. In fact, they are less threatening than most.”

He swallowed, and said, “How can you say that?”

“How can I not?” she replied smoothly. “Think on it. You have a reasonably good mind when you choose to use it. I am certain it will come to you eventually.” She arched and stretched, lifting her arms straight overhead. Tavi found his left hand resting on the small of her back, left bare by the gown. He couldn’t seem to stop himself from stroking that soft skin in a slow circle, barely touching. “Mmmm. That pleases me. And this gown pleases me. And the jewels, too—though I couldn’t wear them on a nighttime hunt. Still, they are beautiful.”

“And expensive,” Tavi said. “You wouldn’t believe.”

Kitai rolled her eyes. “Money.”

“Not everyone uses obsidian arrowheads as the basic standard of trade,” he told her, smiling.

“No,” she replied tartly. “Though if it cost an Aleran money every time he wanted to kill something, it might have helped make your people’s history much less interesting reading.” She looked down at him for a moment, smiling, then asked, “Do you think the jewels are beautiful, Aleran?”

Tavi touched her cheek. “I’d like to see you in nothing else.”