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"This," he continued and gave one of the taut bottom cheeks a pat, "is the First Slave of the island."

He reached behind him and picked up something from the cart. Angela could not see the branding iron that was glowing brightly from being heated in the hot coals. But she felt it. He pressed the brand to her left bottom cheek and her ass exploded in pain. Her body tensed and she let out an ear-piercing scream as he held it there for several seconds. She heard her skin sizzling and smelled the burning flesh. Even when he took it away, her ass still felt like it was on fire. A slave poured a bucket of cold water on her ass but that did nothing to relieve the pain.

Fingers worked at her bindings and she was pulled upright in front of Cedric. He bent her at the waist and then slowly turned her so that everyone could see her brand. "Know her by this mark."

Then he straightened her up and held her. He kissed her as tears rolled down her cheeks and then held her in front of him. "And know her by this."

He reached toward the cart and Angela stiffened, fearing that she would be branded again. Instead of a brand, however, he produced a new collar for her. He held it up for her to see and slowly turned it for her. It took her breath away.

It was beautiful. It was narrow and seemed to be made of white gold. And all around it, huge diamonds had been mounted and were sparkling in the sunlight. It had to be worth a half million dollars at least.

There was no hasp on it. Cedric gently pried it open and fit it around her neck, bending it closed again. Then, one of the masters stepped forward. Cedric had her kneel and bend her head forward. A thick cloth was forced between her neck and the collar where the two ends of the collar came together. And then the master welded it shut.

Angela gulped when she realized what was happening. This was permanent. The brand would be with her forever. The collar that was being welded around her neck would be with her forever. She wondered what that meant about her future.

Her butt hurt for several days but eventually the pain went away. She was left with a scar in the shape of an ornate, script C. This was not what she had in mind when she asked Cedric for something that would let others know that she was Cedric's First Girl. But there would be no doubt in anybody's mind at this point.

And the new collar left no doubt either. It was gorgeous and the diamonds sparkled constantly in the bright tropical sunlight. It clearly separated her from the other girls on the island. She wore both of her new marks of distinction proudly.

As she rested her head on Cedric's shoulder and continued to listen to the sounds of the night, she thought about her life and what she would choose if it were up to her.

She loved John and she knew that he loved her. They had been soul mates almost since they first met. And she dearly loved her children. Her daughter didn't seem to love her back very much these days, ever since her enslavement. And unfortunately, her son loved her back too much. Or more accurately, he lusted her too much and treated her in ways that no son should ever treat a mother.

And at home, she kept getting tugged in and out of the slave state, most of the time with no warning or time to prepare. It was very difficult for her to switch gears like that. The incident with Denise in the grocery store on the day before she left was a good example. One moment, she was a normal housewife, shopping for food. The next moment, she was being groped and claimed as a slave. It was very hard on her.

But here, she was first girl always. She was Cedric's property. She knew how to behave and she did what was expected of her. She served her master and whoever else he designated.

Maybe she really should ask Cedric to keep her here all the time. At least then her life would have more clarity. She never aspired to being a slave but over the past year, she had come to accept that slavery was her ‘new normal' as Cedric had put it a couple of weeks earlier.

Cedric had told her that she was meant to be a slave. She wasn't sure if that was true. She wasn't even sure that she knew what that meant. She did know that she was constantly aroused nowadays. Ever since her second trip to the island when she bought Alaine, her pussy was always, always wet with the lubrication of her arousal. She was constantly prepared to serve sexually. And that new state of her body coincided with her descent into slavery. So maybe she really was meant to be a slave.

So, should she ask Cedric to keep her here on the island? Would she be able to give up the remaining strands of her former existence? It would be such a final step. There would be no going back after that.

She knew that the family would be fine without her. They had each other. And they had to beautiful and loving slaves to satisfy their sexual needs. But would she be okay without them?

And what if she asked Cedric to keep her here and he said no? How would that make her feel? She was pretty sure that she was his only slave but what if he had more than one part-time slave? She was not sure that she could share her master with others, even though she knew that he enjoyed sampling other slaves. He seemed to particularly enjoy sampling the slave named Tempest. But she could never be jealous of Tempest. That girl was extraordinarily beautiful and all men and most women would want to sample her. Plus, Angela knew that Tempest had an owner already so she could not be jealous of that girl.

She had two days left on the island before Cedric would send her home. She decided that it would be best if she not make any decisions no. She should clear her mind and spend time with her family before she came to any conclusions. Besides, the kids started spring break soon and she wanted to be there. It would be fun. And then she could wrestle with her issues after that.

Chapter 11

"I have informed John that I will require your presence for an additional two weeks," Cedric told her on the morning when Angela was scheduled to depart.

Despite her reservations about the topsy turvy life she led with her family, she felt a let-down that she would not be going home right away. She had mentally prepared herself for the transition.

"Yes, Master," she replied. "May I ask why?"

"You know that you can always ask me anything. And you know what the rules are for questions."

"Yes, Master." She quickly undressed him and he sat in the chair behind his desk. This was always the most awkward place for Angela to get fucked but she had learned that she could manage it by slipping her legs under the arm rests of the chair. She maneuvered into position and felt the huge shaft sliding easily into her sex.

"Why are you keeping me longer, Master?" she asked as she started the steady up and down motion.

"Because I can," was the short reply. He tilted his head forward and gave each bobbing nipple a nip with his teeth, eliciting a pair of squeals from the naked and impaled slave. "I own you."

"But I also need you for the next two weeks. I learned this morning that we should expect a heavy volume some time during that time and I may need you to help with the processing. Plus, a group from our Japanese office will be arriving next week to study some of our methods. I may want to offer you for entertainment."

She felt her heart sink at the news. She absolutely hated it when she had to help with the processing of slaves. They were always so terrified and she always came out feeling horrible. Processing occurred between the time when a girl was captured and the moment she was sold. None of them knew what to expect but they all knew it would be bad. She always felt so guilty afterward.