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Angela pulled her head back long enough to answer. "Yes, Mistress." Then she plunged her tongue deep into the opened sex in front of her face before starting to flutter it over Fanny's clit again.

"You must be very special to him," Fanny commented as she trailed her finger along the lower edge of the collar, feeling the girl's warm skin contrasting with the cool of the metal collar.

Again, Angela pulled her head back to respond. "I'm his first girl, Mistress."

Angela heard laughter off to her side. "I never envisioned him being deflowered so recently," said Bob with another chuckle. "I'm surprised he could hold onto his virginity for so long, especially in his line of work."

Angela pulled her head back yet again and turned toward Bob. She saw him stroking his moderate and unimpressive cock.

"It means that I am the first girl of the island," she said with a bit of contempt in her voice. "That means I'm the top slave. The brand and the collar are to make sure everyone knows."

Fanny placed a hand on Angela's head and gently guided her lips back to her sex. "Relax, girl. He can be such an idiot sometimes."

Angela seethed as she went back to work on the juicy sex in front of her. How dare he make fun of her master or her position as first girl? She treasured both.

She quickly brought Fanny to an orgasm. Fanny then bound her so that Bob could fuck her ass while Fanny coaxed several orgasms out of her beautiful slave girl.

Angela actually enjoyed the time she spent with the Canadian mistress. She was kind and loving and she definitely knew all of Angela's hot buttons. She found Bob to be pretty ordinary and was not overly impressed with either him or his average cock, but she reasoned that was probably because he had pissed her off earlier.

But then again, she realized, she truly did like sizeable cocks. And Cedric had the most size of anyone who had ever taken her. Once again, she thought about asking him to let her remain on the island.

Chapter 12

Angela was returned to Cedric early on Friday morning. A new shipment of girls had arrived overnight but processing would not start until late afternoon. This allowed Angela to catch up on her sleep after a late night with the Canadians.

It was a small batch so she was allowed to sleep until three. Only eight girls were to be sold. But these were the teenagers that so many of the buyers had been awaiting. Angela could tell by the buzz in the compound as she walked toward the processing center that it would be a full house.

Once again, she was assigned the task of shearing. She would run the electric clippers over a girl's Venus mound and would then lather her up, swiping the razor across the mound and then along the thighs near the labia to get any stray hairs. Then she would wait for the girl's legs to be lifted and separated and she would glide the razor between the bottom cheeks to remove any hairs that had rooted there.

She usually looked at each of the girls who she denuded to see how they were doing. After the first one tonight, however, she avoided looking at anything other than the mound that she was to make bald. The girl had looked so devastated and frightened.

She was working on the fifth girl of the night when she heard loud grunts which was new to her. "Mmmphhh!"

She kept her eyes on her work and tried to ignore the distractions caused by the desperate girl.


The girl had particularly delicate petals and Angela was very careful as she held the labia and scraped along the outside of each. This was the prettiest pussy she had seen all week.

"MMMMMPHHHHH!!!" the girl grunted even louder. Angela finally looked up and gasped and felt her heart start pounding in her chest.

"Oh my god!!!" she screeched. Then she dropped the razor and stood up, racing from the room. She looked all over the place for Cedric and finally found him in the settlement room where they were setting up to be able to finalize tonight's sales.

"Master!" she cried out once she found him. "It's Jenna!"

"What's Jenna?" he asked, somewhat annoyed by the interruption. "Who's Jenna?"

"Master, it's Jenna! My daughter! She's here!"

"Your daughter is here? She's not old enough to buy our merchandise."

"Master!" she cried out again. "She's here to be sold! You have to stop it!"

"Oh no!" he groaned. "Dear god, how did that happen?"

"I don't know, Master. But you have to stop it!"

"Okay, okay, let me think," he said. Then he turned to the frumpy looking woman who always worked the settlement table. "Trudy, take over here. Make sure you're ready. I don't want any long waits like we had last week."

"I'll make sure of it," said Trudy.

Cedric took Angela to his office. She was nearly hysterical by the time they got there. "Let me think."

"Master, you have to let her go!"

"It's not that easy, little bird," he replied. "I have to account for every girl who was sent for. I need sales receipts. I can't just release one."

"Then you have to buy her, Master!" Angela was getting more and more panicky by the moment.

"That's another problem," he said. "I am not allowed to participate in sales at this market."

"Cedric!!! That's my daughter for god sake!! Forget the damn rules!!!"

He let that infraction slide. He knew how upset she must be and a momentary lapse would not earn her punishment.

"You once called us pirates," he said. "In this way, we are like pirates. We live by our own rules and any infraction of the rules is dealt with swiftly and harshly… and terminally."

"Now, settle down," he continued. "Let me think for a moment."

She opened her mouth to scold him again but then shut it before saying anything. He was right. Calmness was needed to come up with a solution.

But the image of her baby girl kept coming back to her. Jenna had been naked and tied spread eagle into a metal frame that could be rotated to provide easy access to all parts of her body. Even when she closed her eyes, Angela could see the full breasts of her daughter standing proudly on her chest. And just beyond the generous mounds, her daughter's gagged but terror-filled face was etched into her memory.

"Call John," said Cedric. "Have him buy her. He has already been vetted for our sales. Tell him to hurry. The auction starts in twenty minutes and he probably has less than an hour before Jenna is sold."

"Yes, Master," replied Angela, a little more calmly now. At least they had a plan now. She went to the phone and placed the call.

"Have him call me on my cell if you don't reach him," added Cedric. "I'll be right back."

"Yes, Master."

She dialed his cell phone first. There was no answer so she left a message. She dialed the house but he was not there either. She called three other numbers where she thought he might be but could not find him anywhere.

"I left a message, Master," she said in resignation after he returned.

"Good," he replied. "I'll keep my phone with me tonight. And I came up with another plan. I called Kate and she agreed to buy Jenna if we can't get a hold of John."

"Will she sell her back to us?"

"Yes she will," he said. "She's good people. By the way, I went to the processing area. Your daughter was not difficult to identify. She looks exactly like you. She is beautiful."

He had done more than just visit the processing room. While he was there, he had given Jenna a quite thorough inspection. As he squeezed the girl's breasts, he was amazed at the firm fullness and how remarkably similar they were to Angela's. And Jenna's sex was positively flowing as he pumped his finger in and out of her sex. This was almost a clone of his first girl. It was going to be very costly for the Dawsons to buy back their daughter. He was sure she would sell for a small fortune.