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"Master," said Angela. "Tell me that you did not target my daughter."

Under more normal circumstances, Cedric would be insulted by this coming from a slave and would have dealt with it swiftly and harshly. But these were not normal circumstances. He knew how pained Angela must feel at the moment. He let this infraction slide also.

"I'm surprised that you could even think such a thing, my bird," he responded. "I had no idea what your daughter looked like until a few minutes ago. I would not have known where to find her even if I wanted to target her. Besides, we target places; not people. Four of the girls, including Jenna, were collected in Panama City Beach. Two were collected in Nassau. And two more were obtained in Cancun. These are places we go when we need teenagers to sell. Jenna just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Sorry, Master," said Angela. "I should have known better."

"It's okay, my pretty pet," he said as he pulled her naked body to him and held her. "Now, you need to get to the auction. You have a job to do. I will wait for John's call."

"Yes, Master. Thank you." She left his office and headed toward the auction room.

"Oh my gosh!!!" she said out loud as she stopped in her tracks once she was halfway to her destination. "I'm going to have to present Jenna's breasts to the cane!" She wasn't' sure she could do that. Should she go back and talk to Cedric about it? Then she realized that someone would do it, regardless. At least this would allow her to be close to her daughter for a moment.

She started walking again and eventually made her way to the auction room. She had learned from past experience to go all the way around and enter through the rear door. It was further to walk but it ended up taking much less time. She was almost always the only naked body at a sale other than the girls who were to be sold. And when she entered through the front door, she had to make her way through a sea of groping and pinching hands. It was always a torturous journey until she learned about the rear entrance.

She stepped through the door and checked in with the auctioneer who was one of the mistresses this night. Then, as the auction was about to begin, she went to the back of the stage and took her position. She looked out across the room and saw that it was packed to capacity with people even standing along the walls.

"Tonight we have eight lovelies available for purchase," the auctioneer began. "Each is a fresh catch, having only been collected yesterday and flown in last night. They have been in our cages for less than twenty four hours."

"Each is truly exceptional," the auctioneered continued. "I visited them earlier in the day to determine how to best market them. I concluded that no sales pitch would be needed at all for any of them. Each is remarkably beautiful and each holds the promise of being a passionate and exciting plaything for the lucky buyer."

"Now, let's begin with lot number one." She paused as a petite blonde was brought onto the stage and then fastened to the post near the front of the stage with her wrists secured behind her back. "Number one is sixteen years old." Then she went on do describe the girl's exquisite features. At her cue, Angela stepped forward. She reached around the girl and held her breasts up to receive the cane. The breasts were not large but Angela knew that they would probably fill out more in the next couple of years. She heard the cane whistle through the air and heard the girl grunt loudly as she felt the impact of the cane from below.

Angela stepped back to her assigned position. Her heart was pounding frantically as she waited for her daughter to be brought onto the stage. Which lot number would she be? Had John returned her call yet? Would Kate really sell Jenna back to them? She was going crazy with all of the anticipation.

Lot number two was a tall brunette with very generous breasts. She was beautiful also and was ultimately purchased for five hundred thousand pounds compared to the first girl who went for four hundred thousand. Number two was taken away and the third girl was brought onto the stage.

Angela gasped when she saw the girl. This was someone else she knew. Being fastened to the post was Dawn, one of Jenna's best friends and the daughter of Denise who had accosted her in the grocery store right before she left home. The girls must have gone on spring break together.

Dawn was also tall with long raven hair. She had been an early developer and had an exceptional feminine figure with generous, full breasts. Angela hardly felt the impact of the cane as she held the bountiful orbs up for punishment. Dawn was sold for close to a million pounds.

Angela also recognized the fourth girl as one of Jenna's friends. Angela had never really approved of this friend of her daughter's. April came from a wealthy family, just like Jenna. But April wore her wealth openly and almost seemed to use it as a weapon to make others feel uncomfortable. Jenna, on the other hand, was much more modest and unassuming.

April was certainly beautiful, though. She was about five feet four inches tall with long blonde hair. Angela guessed her to have D-cup breasts which never seemed to be tethered enough, especially when she was in her cheerleading uniform. She was the captain of the cheerleading squad at the high school and seemed to take great delight as she saw all of the male eyes in the stadium glued to her chest during cheerleading dances as her animated breasts performed dances of their own. April was sold for six hundred thousand pounds. This was turning out to be a very profitable night for the slavers.

Angela's heart sank as she saw lot number five being brought forward. She watched as Jenna was led onto the stage and then secured to the post. She saw the auctioneer glance at her and then to Jenna again and back to her. It was obvious to Angela that the auctioneer had noticed the likeness.

She listened to the auctioneer extol the virtues of her daughter and blushed as she heard Jenna described in intimate detail. The auction even added a few embellishments such as talking about Jenna's strong pedigree as a slave and how there was evidence that she would be quite pleasing as a sex toy. "And she should be a good breeder for those of you so inclined."

Finally, the moment that Angela had been dreading arrived. She stepped forward and reached around her daughter. She lifted Jenna's heavy breasts in her palms, amazed at their generous weight. During the few times that Jenna had ever used her as a slave, she had never touched her breasts. She had no idea that they would be this firm and this heavy.

"Tease out her nipples a bit," the auctioneer told Angela. Angela groaned at the command but immediately gripped her daughter's nipples, rolling them and stretching them. Jenna started moaning as the woman behind her started arousing her.

Angela leaned forward and whispered into Jenna's ear. "I'm so sorry, baby."

Just as she got the words out, she felt the impact of the cane pull the nipples from her fingers and heard Jenna grunt. The bidding started immediately and Jenna was ultimately sold for just over eight hundred thousand pounds. The remaining girls were sold after that and one more of them was another of Jenna's friends. Angela had witnessed four people who she knew well being sold into slavery.

After the sales were completed, the auctioneer walked with Angela to the holding area. "Lot number five was your daughter, wasn't she, girl?"

"Yes, Mistress," sighed Angela. "She is."

"I wish we didn't have that silly rule about not participating in our own auctions. I would have definitely bought her. I've always had my eye on you and she looks exactly like you."

Chapter 13