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Angela sighed. Cedric was right, she knew. There was no difference. She never had a choice. She was owned now and would remain owned regardless of what she wanted. It just seemed so unfair that her baby was entering slavery also.

"I'm going to put you in your cage now, beautiful bird. It will let you calm down and you can think about the three alternatives. I'll be back in a little while."

"Master, must you lock me up?"

"Yes, love," he replied. "It's for your own good. I don't want to punish you any more than I have to." He led her into the playroom and pushed her into the cage. And then he left to let her settle herself down.

Angela was steaming. She paced back and forth in her cage, although it was so small that she could only go a few steps before she would have to turn around. She was lucky that she had been able to control her temper as well as she had but she knew that she had still earned herself some punishment.

Eventually, she did settle down. She had to think about Cedric's three options and hope that there was a fourth that she could dream up. And she wondered where John was during all of this. They still had not heard back from him.

She finally stopped pacing and sat down in a corner of the cage. As hard as she tried, she was not able to come up with another solution that would be acceptable to Cedric. She was afraid that she would have to resign herself to her daughter being a slave. It was growing late and she finally fell asleep in the cage in the playroom. Cedric left her in there for the night.

In the morning, she woke up and called out to Cedric. When she heard no response, she started to think about the three options again. Letting Jenna stay with Fiona was out of the question in her mind. She could not bear knowing that her daughter was prancing naked for the amusement of sick Brits and eating out of a feed bag and sleeping in a stall. That life sounded horrible.

That left Kate or the island. She hardly knew Kate although she had spent some time with Elke and quite a bit of time with Tempest. Kate's two slaves seemed very happy and very content with their new positions in life so maybe that was the answer.

But Kate appeared to be lesbian to her. Angela had no problem with lesbians. She would not even be bothered if Jenna came to her one day and told her that she was lesbian. But something like that should be chosen and not forced upon a person. Kate did seem like a good owner, though.

Kate was a possibility, but so was the island. She actually loved it here. Maybe Jenna would learn to love it too. But what would Jenna's role be here? She belonged to Cedric which was the main reason she liked it here. Who would her daughter belong to? She would talk to Cedric more about it when he returned.

A slave girl came into the cottage mid morning to tend to Angela. She secured Angela's wrists behind her back and then let her out of the cage to use the bathroom. She showered and then pampered Angela before feeding her. Before she left, she attached Angela's wrist cuffs to a post in the bedroom where she would spend most of the rest of the day. Why would Cedric do this to her? He never bound her these days other than for his amusement. Now she was being treated like a prisoner.

Cedric had left the cottage early that morning and arranged for the care and feeding of his first girl. He attended to some paperwork in the morning and made final preparations for the auction that was to be held that evening. Another batch of teenagers had arrived during the night and were to be sold that afternoon. Then he headed to the classroom to enjoy his second girl, as he had started to consider Jenna.

Fiona had been forced to stay on the island because of the heavy demand for this shipment of girls which had created a backlog. She had enrolled Jenna in the basic slave skills classes that were offered on the island and Cedric decided to assist in the training. And he had already arranged for Jenna to be assigned to him.

The morning sessions were focused on etiquette and the girls were taught how to stand and kneel and walk properly. It was the afternoon session that he looked forward to. Those sessions focused on sexual skills. After lunch, he walked to the classroom building to help in Jenna's education.

When he entered the room, he saw a dozen girls practicing fellatio with dildos that were mounted on the wall of the classroom. He walked slowly down the line of naked, kneeling girls, listening to the slurping sounds of the new slaves servicing their plastic masters as the instructor gave them correction and advice.

This had been a good crop, he thought. All of the eight teenagers were in the room as were four others who had been sold earlier in the week. Each of the twelve was exquisite but the two that Fiona had bought were clearly the cream of the crop. Fiona had chosen wisely.

He still could not get over the breasts on the raven-haired beauty named Dawn. He stood off to the side of her and admired the generous swells rising and falling with each of the girl's breaths and jiggling slightly as she bobbed her head on the dildo.

But it was Jenna's form that intrigued him the most. She was soft and warm; just the kind of slave that he liked to cuddle up with. And her breasts were much more natural and inviting to him. They were more tear-dropped shaped than the two large rounded snow cones that were perched on Dawn's chest. They were perfect in his mind; just like her mother's.

Eleven other men entered the room and each of them took a chair. Cedric grabbed the one behind Jenna and waited.

"You may stop now, girls," said the instructress. Several of the girls breathed a sigh of relief while several others flexed their jaws to stretch them. "Now you will practice on a real male." This drew gasps from a number of the girls.

"Turn around and crawl to the male in front of you," the instructor said. "Then you may begin. Remember, no teeth."

Jenna blushed furiously when she saw that it was Cedric who she was expected to serve. She was not sure that she could even get his huge rod into her mouth. And what would her mother think if she learned that she had given her mother's owner a blowjob? And where was her mother, anyways? She assumed that her mom was Cedric's exclusive outlet for sexual pleasure.

She crawled to where Cedric was seated and then reluctantly looked up at him. "May this girl pleasure you, Master?" she asked.

That line had been drilled into each of the girls earlier in the day during the etiquette session. While the words were difficult for her to say, it was better than the punishment she knew she would receive if she didn't say them.

"Please do, girl," he replied.

"May this girl undress you?"

"You may open my slacks."

With trembling hands, Jenna reached up and unfastened Cedric's belt. It was not that she had never given a blowjob before. She had done that several times in the past. But it was different being a slave. She always had a choice before. She always did it to please someone. Now, she was doing it to avoid punishment.

She got the button undone and lowered the zipper. She reached in and felt her face blush again as she found the soft tube of flesh. She wrapped her fingers around it and just barely stifled a gasp as she felt how big it was. And it wasn't even erect yet! She took a deep breath to calm herself and then tugged the cock out into the open. This time, she did gasp at its size.

She quickly glanced around the room to see how the other girls were doing. All of them were dealing with very large cocks although the one before her was by far the largest. She saw that Dawn's cock was already erect and saw her friend's lips gliding up and down the impressive shaft.