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"Your daughter was collected, John," Cedric had informed him.

"Collected where?" was John's response. "What do you mean collected?"

"She was collected in a town named Panama City Beach in your country in Florida," he explained. "I had nothing to do with her selection, I want you to know. But she was selected. I wish to talk with you about her future." "What?!?!?!?" blasted John. "You stole my daughter?!?!?!?!?"

"Please settle down, John," said Cedric as calmly as he could. "I did not call you to anger you. I called you because you have always been a reasonable man. I consider you to be my friend. I want to work with you to find a good resolution for Jenna."

"It's not enough that you own my wife?!?!?!?!?" blurted John. "Now you want to own my daughter too?!?!?!?!?"

"John, please settle down," said Cedric. This was not going well but he had not expected it to go well. He knew that the man would be upset. "I do not own Jenna. That is one of the problems that we have to work together on. She was sold to someone else." Cedric spent the next fifteen minutes describing the events of the past forty eight hours. He left out the part about him fucking the man's daughter the night before. There was no reason for him to know that; or about the blowjob.

"Since she was captured with three of her friends, I can't see any way of having her released immediately. The authorities will be all over her. That would ultimately lead them to the island or one of our other operations. And it would ultimately cost me my head."

"I can't believe that you could snatch innocent girls from the streets and sell them as slaves," John said with a raised voice. "Have you no morals?"

"John," Cedric paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. "Please do not speak to me of morals. I provide a service. It was you who bought two of the innocent girls who we collected from the streets. It is you who bought them; not me. It is you who keeps them as slaves; not me."

That silenced John. Cedric waited a few moments before continuing.

"I wanted to talk with you to find the best solution for your daughter."

"The best solution is to send her home to me," replied John.

"I'm afraid that is not possible," was Cedric's response. "At least it is not possible at the moment. She cannot be sent home until I can be sure that she will not endanger the organization. And even if I wanted to send her home right now, I couldn't. She was bought. She is owned by another."

"Who owns Jenna?" John asked.

"I am not sure that you have met her," Cedric responded. "Her name is Fiona. She lives in England."

"Is that the one you sent Angela to?"

"Yes. She is one and the same," said Cedric.

"Why would she want to buy my daughter?" asked John.

"She does not know that Jenna is your daughter. She does not even know that Jenna is Angela's daughter and I am trying to keep it that way. Things could become very difficult if Fiona finds out."

"As to why she would buy Jenna," Cedric continued. "That should be obvious. Your daughter is exquisite. She is strikingly beautiful."

"She is?" John replied. He knew his daughter was pretty but he had never thought of her as strikingly beautiful. He supposed that some fatherly filter blocked that image of Jenna from him.

"She is," said Cedric. "I would place her at the top of the list with Angela."

"Wow!" exclaimed John.

"Now, here is what I am proposing, John. You will need to make a decision so listen carefully. I am proposing that an offer be made to Fiona to purchase Jenna. It will have to be a lucrative offer because Fiona seems to very much like Jenna and her friend."

"Who else did Fiona buy?" asked John.

"A girl named Dawn," was Cedric's response.

"Oh god," muttered John.

"I take it you know her?"

"Yes, I know her." Indeed he did know her. He practically lusted over her. Now that was a girl who was strikingly beautiful in his mind. He often fantasized about sinking his cock into that sweet pussy. "Are you proposing that an offer be made for both girls?"

"No," replied Cedric. "Just Jenna. We will have a chance to buy Dawn back in a year if we wish. Fiona only keeps her girls for a year and then sells them."

"Okay," said John, disappointedly. He would not mind owning that tall curvy package.

"Now we come to the decisions. You don't have to answer me now. We can talk again later today. The first is who should Jenna's owner be? You can buy her or I can buy her or a friend of mine can buy her. You may have met Kate when you were here buying Kim. Kate has offered to hold Jenna while she is adjusting and then sell her back at cost."

John did remember Kate. That was another beautiful, curvy package that he would not mind owning. But she was a slave owner herself so that seemed unlikely.

"Yes, I remember Kate." "It is your choice. Do you want to own Jenna? Do you want me to own her? Or Kate? Now, the second decision is how much do we offer Fiona for Jenna? Your daughter was sold for eight hundred thousand pounds."

This drew a whistle from John. That was a lot of money! Neither one of his girls cost that much. "Wow!"

"I would recommend one million two hundred thousand pounds," Cedric went on. "That should get her attention and it will provide her a nice profit on merchandise that she only had in inventory for a couple of days. But the decision is yours."

"Okay," said John. "When are you planning to make the offer?"

"Tomorrow afternoon," said Cedric. "We are selling some more teenagers later today and I'm hoping that Fiona finds another one that she likes."

"Okay, I'll have an answer for you," said John.

"Very good, John. I will call you later today." Cedric looked down at his watch. Angela had been punished long enough, he decided. He went into the playroom and switched off the device. "Has my beautiful bird learned her lesson?"

"Yes, Master," she whimpered in reply. The device was damnable! She never knew when she would receive the next shock or how strong it would be. Cedric had used a program that was totally unpredictable. All of the shocks hurt but some were excruciatingly painful. Her entire body was coated with a sheen of perspiration from the exertions of her ordeal.

He removed the clamps from her nipples and rolled the stiff nubbins back and forth in his fingers to work the blood back into them. Angela groaned as the old pain was replaced with new pain, but then all of the pain subsided. He removed the clamp from her clit and rubbed the abused little bud until Angela was moaning loudly. He continued to rub the sensitive little nubbin until Angela finally tensed and groaned from her orgasm. He rotated her frame and then plunged his cock into her vulnerable ass and fucked her until he flooded her bowels with his sperm. He knew that she would not make the same mistake again soon.

Cedric released Angela from the frame and helped her to stand up. "Go prepare yourself for my colleagues, pet. I'll send for you once they arrive."

"Yes, Master," she replied humbly. "But won't you be needing me for the auction later today?"

"No, beautiful bird," he responded. "You have more important work impressing the Japanese. I'll have one of the other girls help."

"Yes, Master."

Cedric went to the processing room to inspect the newest merchandise that was being offered tonight. Again, there were eight girls although they had been collected in different resort towns. It never made sense to revisit the same place too often. And again, they were all beautiful.

He walked around the frames that they were bound in, squeezing breasts and probing pussies. He tried to predict which ones, if any, Fiona would bid on. There was a beautiful redhead with substantial breasts and he made a mental note that this one seemed to meet the British mistress' criteria. Plus redheads were relatively rare. At least natural redheads were. Her pubic hair had already been removed, though, so he couldn't verify that her hair color was natural.