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"It will be so odd to see her naked and collared, though," he said. "Everything has changed so dramatically." One thing that had not changed, however, was the sexuality of his beautiful wife. She was truly a remarkable woman.

"She seems to be making the adjustment well," Angela told him. "Much better than I would have expected. And she looks beautiful as a slave. I never thought I would say anything like that. But she does. She's the type of girl that I would have bought if I went to the island to shop again."

"Does Cedric have sex with her?"

"Oh my, yes," replied Angela. She could tell that John was close to climaxing and she sped up her bouncing a bit to coax his orgasm out of him. "Often. Probably much more now that I'm gone. She's his property and he can do whatever he wants with her. He might even loan her to others, although I think he'll probably keep her to himself for the time being."

"I still can't believe that he would loan you to others; or Jenna for that matter." Then he tensed and groaned as Angela's actions brought him to climax. He waited until he recovered before he continued. "How did that make you feel? I mean how did you feel when he gave you away to others?"

"It made me feel like exactly what I was," she replied. She could feel the cock softening inside of her. "His property. And you should be thankful that he does loan me out. That's the only way that we are still together. He loans me to you. And hopefully, he'll loan Jenna to us someday soon."

"Well, I'm concerned about Jack getting a hold of her," he said. "That was the main reason I had Cedric buy her. I didn't think it would be good for Jack to have his sister available as a slave. At least, in a year, he'll be heading off to college. It should be safer for Jenna to come home then." "By the time she is allowed to come home," said Angela, "something like that shouldn't matter to her."

"I guess," he nodded. "It's so strange, though, to think of our daughter as a slave. I wonder how she will react to us."

‘You'll get used to it," she told him. "You got used to me being a slave. And it looks like it does have some benefits. You were rock hard a few moments ago. So there must be something about the arrangement that appeals to you."

He laughed. "Yes, there are some definite benefits to you being my little sex slave when you are here. I could pump your sweet pussy forever. I'm just having trouble thinking of Jenna that way."

"Oh," he continued, "while I'm thinking about it. I know what happened to Dawn. What happened to April and Becky?"

"April was sold to a Canadian couple. They bought a girl at the same time I bought Alaine. They're a nice couple. Cedric loaned me to them a couple of weeks ago so I got to know them pretty well. He's a bit of an idiot but he's nice. She's very nice and she'll take good care of April. Becky was bought by an American couple. I don't know anything about them so I don't know how she'll be treated."

"Speaking of the girls," she went on. "How are their parents doing? I was supposed to call Denise when I got back."

"They're pretty devastated," he answered. "And they're pretty much in denial. They've convinced themselves that the four of them ran off on an adventure of some sort and that they'll show up again once they grow tired of it. I have to play along with their fantasy. There's no way I can let them know the truth."

"Well, part of it's right," said Angela. "They are off on adventures. April should like hers. I doubt Dawn will, but I will have a chance to check on her when Cedric summons me again. It's just Becky that I don't know about."

"I wonder what Jenna's doing right now," he pondered.

"Probably holding a pair of breasts. Cedric said he was going to have her take my place in the auctions." She went on to describe her role in presenting each girl's breasts to the cane. He quickly got hard and she took that as her cue to start bouncing again. He definitely likes me being a slave, she thought.

"I'm definitely going to visit her soon. I had forgotten all about that part. I remember it being so erotic to see a naked slave offering the breasts of another to the auctioneer to be caned."

Angela called Denise the next morning. She was hoping that Denise had forgotten their earlier discussion and she started the call by saying how sorry she was about Denise's missing daughter. And she also hoped that, even if Denise did remember the grocery store conversation, she would have lost interest in Angela as she grieved the loss of Dawn.

But that did not happen. Denise wanted Angela to report to her immediately. Angela told her that was not possible because of appointments that she needed to keep. In the end, she agreed to be at Denise's house no later than five o'clock on Friday afternoon. And she was told to plan on spending the weekend.

At four forty five on Friday, Angela pulled her car into the Wrightfield's driveway and took a deep breath before opening the car door. She had no idea what to expect from the woman. She stood up and smoothed out her skirt and then went to the door and knocked.

She waited and listened but could hear nothing inside. She knocked again and rang the doorbell; still nothing. She finally turned and started walking back toward her car, relieved that nobody was home. She was halfway there when she heard Denise's voice behind her.

"Where do you think you're going, slut?"

Angela gasped at the words and stopped. She realized at that moment that things were not going to go well. She turned to face Denise. "Hello, Denise. I'm here on time."

"Get in here, slut," was the terse reply. "And you will call me Mistress from now on."

Oh boy, thought Angela. This did not sound good at all. She started walking back toward the house. "Yes, Mistress."

Denise stepped aside to let Angela in and then led her into the living room. She sat down and told Angela to stand in front of the chair.

"Just to refresh your memory, slut," Denise started. "I know all about your little fuck fests with your son and mine. And I know that they are both under-age. So you belong to me now, unless you want to spend a few years in prison."

"Yes, Mistress," replied Angela. Where was this coming from? Was this anger because of what she did with her son? Was it because of the loss of Dawn? Was Denise just naturally a bitch? She had no idea.

"Gary tells me that you have a master," said Denise. "Tell me all about that. Where did you meet him? What do you do with him? I want to know everything; every sordid and juicy detail."

"Yes, Mistress," responded Angela. Why did she want to know about Cedric? "I met him a little less than a year ago when I was on vacation."

"Wait," Denise interrupted. "Strip. Then you can continue."

Angela gulped at the command. "Yes, Mistress."

She knew it would eventually come to this and she was prepared for it. She had worn a pale green blouse and khaki skirt. With no underwear, it was a quick task to get her clothes off. Soon, she was standing naked in the Wrightfield living room.

"Jewelry too," ordered Denise. Angela sighed and removed her watch and bracelet, hoping that she would be allowed to wear her wedding band and engagement ring. But that was a wasted hope.

"All of it," said Denise. "Rings and necklace, too."

Angela nodded and sighed again as she slipped her rings off and set them on the table beside her. "I can't remove the necklace, Mistress."

"Listen, bitch," said Denise, raising her voice. "You will do what I tell you to do. Now get it off. I don't care what kind of sentimental value it has to you. I want you completely naked."

"I can't, Mistress," Angela repeated. "It's welded shut. I couldn't remove it even if I wanted to."

Denise raised her eyebrows at that response. She got up and gripped the collar, rotating it on Angela's neck and looking for the latch. As she turned it, the O-ring came into view. "Oh, I see. It's your collar. Well, every good little slave girl should be collared. This will save me having to get one for you."