Since the plan was not being channeled through normal Defense Department command, getting accurate intelligence proved to be the most difficult part. Sure, there was overhead imagery of Bermuda, of Chechnya, and probably of Korsov himself. But getting it meant telling someone that they wanted it, and, more importantly, telling them exactly why they wanted it. That was not acceptable. But U.N. Ambassador Sarah Wexler, one of the few people who knew the details, provided an unexpected answer. Captain Hemingway from JCS, Wexler said, understood the challenge of working under unusual circumstances.
Tombstone and his uncle, retired Admiral Thomas Magruder, formerly Chief of Naval Operations, both stared at Captain Hemingway. For the past fifteen minutes, she’d been filling them in on various concerns having to do with the Commonwealth of Independent States. As she detailed Ambassador Wexler’s concerns and correlated them with available military intelligence, Tombstone’s expression and his uncle’s expression grew somber.
Finally, she finished. “Well, that’s that. What do you think?”
Neither Tombstone nor his uncle spoke for a moment. Each was occupied with his own thoughts. His uncle, a Cold War veteran, knew all too well what the Russians were capable of. And Tombstone had seen first the Soviet Union and then Russia and the CIS intervening in international conflicts whenever the opportunity presented itself. Russia had always been a player, always, if not on the front lines, then certainly behind the scenes.
“It would solve a lot of their problems,” his uncle said finally. “Particularly if they retake Ukraine — food and oil are in critical shortage in Russia, and Ukraine has more of both. With modern technology, some of those oil sites around the Black Sea could be productive again.”
“It makes sense,” Tombstone added. “Ukraine has always believed that she is the birthplace of modern-day Russia. Culturally and politically, Russia and Ukraine are quite compatible. And if those two merge, Armenia, Georgia, and most of the states with predominately Muslim populations will go along with it.”
“Aren’t we going to have to worry about the Pan-Arabic coalition?” the senior Magruder asked. “Seems like we’ve had trouble out of them from time to time.”
Both Tombstone and Hemingway shook their heads. There was something about his uncle’s mindset that had been formed during the Cold War that tended to see strong alliances in every situation.
“No,” Hemingway said, after Tombstone deferred to her. “From what we’ve seen in the past, the Middle East nations have been able to form short-term working alliances, when it was in their economic interest to do so. But as far as long-term allies, no. The deep divisions within Muslim society supports that conclusion. Additionally, Russia and Ukraine are used to working in tandem. Especially in military matters. We know that they can work in concert long-term.”
“So.” The senior Magruder stood. “We have contingency plans, of course, and we remain at JCS’s disposal. But, until we know the exact nature of any planned Russian aggression, we can’t realistically assess our chances of operational success. But thank you for the heads-up.” He made a move as though to show her to the door.
Hemingway didn’t move, and something in her expression made his uncle pause. “There’s more,” she said finally, and looked away from them both as she reached into her briefcase. She pulled out a red file folder, and without looking at Tombstone, held it out to him.
Tombstone opened the folder. It contained one grainy, slightly blurred picture. Two men, one woman, the woman in the center.
Tombstone felt as though he’d been sucker punched. His breathing stopped and the blood drained from his face. The edges of his vision grayed, and for a moment he was confused, because he wasn’t in a Tomcat pulling max G forces and losing oxygen to his brain, but that’s what it felt like.
“Stoney? You okay?” His uncle moved around to stare over his shoulder at the picture and sucked in a hard, sharp breath. “Sweet Jesus, it can’t be.”
Tombstone still could not speak. The fragile world he’d built around him shattered, the dams he’d constructed against the overwhelming pain collapsed.
The figure in the photo, the woman staring directly up at the sky, had petite delicate features over a strong, forceful jaw, and topped by a halo of ragged red hair, was undoubtedly his wife.
“When? Where?” Tombstone managed to say finally. Hemingway handed him the analysis that went with the photograph.
“Siberia,” Tombstone moaned. “That explains the snow.” Neither his uncle nor Hemingway reacted to his attempted humor. Tombstone felt cold horror grip his heart. “We can — you can — we have to do something.” He looked wildly from his uncle to Captain Hemingway, searching for their acknowledgement of what must be so obvious. “Now that we know where she is, we can get her out!”
Hemingway stared at a corner of the room, apparently completely engrossed by a dusty plastic plant on top of a file cabinet. When she spoke, it was with a distant tone of voice, as though trying to distance herself from his pain. “There was a great deal of debate over whether to show you this,” she said finally. “Most people said it would be cruel, since the photo isn’t that clear. Better to go ahead and let you believe that she died when her Tomcat was shot down.”
“It’s her. I’m certain of it,” Tombstone said.
“That’s not what they were worried about, Stony,” his uncle said, a note of infinite sadness in his voice. “Was it?” he asked Hemingway.
She shook her head. His uncle nodded. “I’ve been on the other side of these discussions. Once or twice. Not often.”
“What discussion?” Tombstone said, not able to believe what he was hearing. He couldn’t sit there any longer, he couldn’t. They should be on the airstrip, preflighting, loading up bombs, moving ships into position, and getting ready to bomb the hell out of anyone or anything that got in their way. Tomboy was alive—what was there to discuss?
One part of his mind knew. Knew, and refused to shut up.
They won’t go in after her. The intelligence sources they’ll compromise, the political ramifications — they won’t. Because Russia has no excuse for having kept this a secret, none at all. And whatever’s going down over there, we’re not going to push them over the edge with this. They’re not going to.
“They can’t get her out, Stony. They won’t even try,” his uncle said gently. Then he looked over at Hemingway, a new respect in his eyes. “And you lost. You were ordered not to tell him about her, weren’t you?”
Hemingway didn’t answer. She didn’t have to.
Tombstone felt as though he was being flayed alive. He stared up at her, tears starting in his eyes, agony coursing through his soul. “Thank you,” he said, his voice thick. “I know you’re risking your career telling me this. ‘Thank you’ isn’t enough.” He took a deep breath, then continued. “But you understand, don’t you? You know that I can’t leave her there. You knew I couldn’t when you decided to tell me.”
Hemingway nodded, infinite sadness in her eyes. “And if things ran the way they were supposed to in this country, no one else could, either.”