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Millicent curled her lip, though flushed with pleasure at what she had been told. “Oh, him!” she uttered in scorn.

“You may well scorn him, Millicent, but he is now better fit for use, is he not? I feel certain you were not unaware of his lewd fondlings of Jennifer, but perhaps were a trifle in fear of him and so said nought?”

The inflexion in her voice was tactfully placed. Millicent nodded. In such circumstances women may often be induced to agree to things upon which they might have otherwise had doubts. Thus can one urge and guide-prepare the paths.

“Good,” my stepmother declared as if she had received her spoken assent. “All has been seen. There need be no furtiveness in future, Millicent, in such matters. Did you not eat well? You returned early. Fortuitously, however,” she added with a smile.

“The food was not to Horace’s liking,” murmured Millicent as if that were in some wise her fault.

“Other things will be. Do you have doubts, hesitations? I think not. He was well up her, serviced her well, and she has been the beneficiary of pleased surprise, I have no doubt.”

“You caned her! Did you not force her?” Millicent asked in even more surprise.

“As to that, my dear, young women must be oftimes led. Were you never put to males in your youth when you most doubted that you should be?”

Millicent simpered and gazed at the ground. “Of occasion, yes,” she murmured.

“So came you to your ways in sweet revenge. Consanguinity is ever useful to this end. You do not seemingly intend Clive to service you, though?”

“I think not.” A deep flush invaded Millicent’s features.

“As you wish. It is not of paramount importance provided that submission is forthcoming. Even so, were he to have two Mistresses, one would occasionally bring him to the other in order that his duties might be fulfilled. Think on this well, Millicent, for we are not yet ready to depart until all is well settled and the females seen supreme.”

“I will. I will think on it.” Millicent turned away, her features flushed. “But if I wish…” she began, only to be interrupted swiftly.

“The wishes of the subordinate females are not always paramount, Millicent,” my stepmother told her.

“Are we not equals?” Her voice made to flare but then subsided.

“We shall be when I better know your merit. Come, Clara, we must see to Jennifer. The sweet girl has suffered much in the cause. You, Millicent, may go to Clive. Remove your shoes and sit upon his bed. Dangle your legs idly before him while he kneels and sucks your toes. He will gurgle happily at that, I have no doubt.”

“Oh!” Millicent giggled rather girlishly and was gone, quite certainly to do as she was told. The male submissive’s sucking of a woman’s toes I had not heard of before. It is a pretty little trick, and pleasing to the female. Her free foot may tease along his upright prick meanwhile, should she take the whim to do so. Of occasion the teasing makes him come and then he may be punished for his sin in emitting sperm before he was told to.

Jennifer, as may be imagined, huddled up tightly at the sight of us, but we would have none of that, stretched her legs back down and made her lie upon her back. The thin striations of the cane no longer stung but sent a warm glow through her being.

“Were you not well feted?” my stepmother asked her teasingly, chucking her lightly beneath her chin.

“Oh, please, go away,” Jennifer mumbled, but such was only to hide her confusion. Her curiousity was far stronger. She could not resist asking where “he” was.

“Put down, my pet, of course, and in due time will soon become accustomed to it. Millicent henceforth will have no truck with his nonsense, nor we. You did not see us lead him out? Oh, what a shame!” my stepmother laughed, “for Clara grasped his balls and hair and I his prick. How docile men are when their lust is expended! He is upon a bed, well-tied and docile.”

“He will not always be!” she quivered and raised her hand as though in pleading and grasped the front of my stepmother’s dress.

“You think not? Millicent has seen him at you, his cock ploughing in your furrow. Yes, every second was observed, and Clive put down to kneel before her all the while.”

“Clive! Oh, he is weak-how weak he is! I, his wife, who should have been defended!”

“Did you wish to be once the pulsing and tingling of your parts had met and made acquaintance? I think not. Shamed you felt at first, but then excited, he put to pleasuring you and well observed. The glory was not his but yours, my pet. Your bottom formed a divine altar of love whereat he worshipped with Priapus, but once expended then he had done his duty.”

“His duty? Is that the way it is! I do not want to see his face-oh, no!”

“When he is put to you? You have no need to yet, but there will come a time when, mounted on your belly, you will gaze up at him impassively, or-better-you will straddle him and sheathe his cock yourself while he lies prone, obedient, arms at his sides. He will learn soon enough the lessons of obedience, for Millicent will not touch him otherwise. He will be in a blind alley, knowing better to crawl than to walk. Upon command he will lick your feet, your thighs, your pouting cunny, as a dog might, yet will not attempt you.”

“I never wished to be beholden to any male.”

Jennifer pouted as she spoke and spoke as though to herself.

“Nor shall you be if you are bold enough. Come, sit up and let us have some wine.”

“You c… c… caned me!” Her voice trembled. She gazed at me accusingly.

“For your own good, my sweet.” I smiled at her beguilingly and helped her sit, though she made to fluster awkwardly. My stepmother departing to fetch refreshments, I bathed her face and brushed her hair, she feeling mollified at this attendance on her.

“Did you not like it? Oh, be truthful?” I asked.

“What?” she responded, though well knew what I meant and tried to tease a grin from off her lips.

I made a real merriness of it and tickled her, whereat my stepmother entered with a tray and smiled to see us so. The act of laughing had given Jennifer greater release of her spirit.

“Is he really as you said?” she asked.

“Have you not eyes to see? Come.”

Such conspiracies between women are ever stronger than those between males. Being persuaded along the corridor, though timidly at first, the miscreant was shown to her view, his trousers full rucked down below his knees, cock limp, and haggard eyes that stared back to our own.

“See if he may be brought up, Clara,” I was told and being not uneager to show my prowess in front of Jennifer, lolled upon the bed beside him at arm’s length and caused his prick to stiffen and to rise, massaging my fingers all about at will until his majesty Priapus stood.

“He does not speak, you see, for he may not,” my stepmother observed cuttingly and then for good reward raised her skirts and queened him heavily, causing him to splutter much beneath the weight of her knickered bottom and his tool to quiver all the more while Jennifer, bemused, stared on. His breast heaved as he fought for air. I ringed his cock with my fingers and so held it, then beckoned Jennifer.

“Come-hold it,” I murmured, though with a fine strain of command in my voice. Her footsteps slurred. His face being completely hidden under my stepmama’s bottom, the fact that he could not see her encouraged her. Her arm extended itself slowly. I took her hand and guided it to the root whereat, perhaps to her dismay, the smothering bottom was lifted from his face and my stepmother quickly stood on the floor beside her, daring her with silence to withdraw her hand.

Mr de Vere Lacey’s face was sheened with perspiration and his eyes were hot. His lips moved and yet he seemed afraid to speak. I slid in turn from the bed and so Jennifer stood, only the faintest trembling making itself apparent in her limbs and the glowing crest of his penis emerging from her grasping hand. The longer that she held it, the more her confidence appeared to grow. A look now proud, implacable, came on her features that did not fail to convey its message to him. Indeed, he looked cowed.