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With one step she grasped his hand, and with another step she was in his arms, skin to skin, heart to heart. “Take me, now,” she commanded, her voice clear and certain, as she sealed her mouth to his. Holding her close, he sat on the bench, drawing her up into his lap, her legs straddling his thighs. His mouth broke away from hers to find a breast, red, full, and swollen. As he drew her nipple into his mouth, his hand slipped between her legs, stroking her there.

She moaned low in her throat, dizzy with the pleasure that was filling her. His touch was teasing, pleasuring, but leaving her wanting more. “Richard,” she cried, her voice shrill with need. Balancing with her hands on his shoulders, she found him pressed against her, his cock hard and ready. Her nails dug into his shoulders as he drew his tip across her, playing with her clit, making her scream. “Please,” she begged as she ground mindlessly against him.

“Open your eyes, Char,” he said, and once she did, he guided himself to her, watching as she sank down on him, slowly, inch by delicious inch, until he filled her completely. Her body shook equally from both the need for release and from the relief of having him again. Closing her eyes again, she rose and fell on him, savoring every sensation, the sweet fullness that seemed to be growing with each second. She felt wicked and dirty, and she adored it. With every stroke, she worked out every ache and scar that had pained her heart, grinding and polishing every defect from it, until she glowed, bright and hot.

She opened her eyes and took in his expression of wonder and amazement, owning the compliment that it was, even as a deep, aching need filled her. “Richard,” she prayed through swollen lips just as the circuit closed and every muscle tensed and molten pleasure exploded throughout her body. Again and again she throbbed, fresh pleasure filling her each time.

Richard’s voice was frantic as he called her name, pleading, as if for his life. Quick as a thought, he pulled her close and rolled on the bench, drawing his knees up and clasping her hips. “Charlotte, my God, Char!” he roared. “That was so hot. God, Char, that was so hot.” His hips pistoned in and out.

Charlotte smiled wantonly as her hands played at her own breasts, pinching her nipples as her desire rose again. Richard’s thrusts were becoming violent as he lost control he didn’t even know he had and she drew in each thrust and demanded more. She was distantly aware of boundaries of pleasure she had never crossed before. She demanded more than she had ever dared, risking more, taking more.

“Richard,” she said, low and urgent. “You’re mine. Do you understand?” She waited for him to nod, her words breaking through his lust. “You are going to fuck me any time I want, any way I want. Understand?” His eyes rounded in amazement even as he nodded and moaned desperately.

“If I want to spank you, I can. If I want to tie you down and use you like a toy, I can. If I want to watch porn while you lick me off, I can! Understand?”

He nodded rapidly, almost unable to believe what was happening. “Now, I want you to fuck me hard and come like you’ve never come before.” Even before the words were out of her mouth, he was shouting as his release overtook him. Charlotte came with him, her cries joining his as their bodies violently shook and then slowed before coming to an exhausted stop.

Richard rolled to his side to take his weight off her, holding her tight to him. “Char?” he said when his breath returned to him.

“Yes?” she panted.

“That was amazing.” He laughed. “And kinda scary.”

“Want me to do it again?”

“Oh God, yes.”

Charlotte smiled to herself and kissed him. “I love you.”

“And I adore you, my Charlotte,” he said as his eyes studied her face, contemplating all that had happened. “I’ve lived most of my life being a monster in bed. It’s been my identity.” He voice was soft with wonder. “And here I find you, and you’ve not only matched me but completely overtaken me. You’re a wonder, Charlotte.”

She lifted an eyebrow. “I know.” She kissed him sweetly. “I’ve resolved that if you ever stumble, it won’t be because you’re bored or wondering if someone else could be better.”

“There’s anyone else?” he asked disbelievingly. “Honestly, Char, you keep this up and I don’t think I’ll have the energy to stumble.”

She ruefully shook her head and sat up. “Come on; it’s been a long day and I need to get some sleep.”

“You’re sleeping with me.”

“Where else would I sleep?” she asked as she started dressing.

Without rushing, they dressed, pausing now and then to kiss or simply hold each other close. They stopped a long moment before moving from the area around the bench, each wishing to protect the other from the pain and conflict that was waiting for them back in the loft.

“We’re a team now, right?” he asked.

“I’m yours and you’re mine,” she answered. Satisfied, they joined hands and walked back to the doorway and into the loft. Wordlessly they descended the staircase, and after ensuring that there had been no change, Richard led them to his room.

Charlotte sat on the bed and as he watched, her eyes filled with worry for her friend, like water in a jar.

“Have you ever been arrested?”

She nodded. “Twice.” She smiled deprecatingly. “I’m a bit of a brawler when I’m drunk.”

“Oh, I’d never have guessed that,” he joked lightly as he sat down beside her. “I’ve done the same, plus the DWI,” he admitted. “We’ve been through it and know what’s involved, so why am I so nervous for Lizzy?”

“Because we were guilty?” Charlotte guessed. “Because poor Lizzy didn’t do anything, so just being arrested is wronging her, and because, well, she’s not like us.” She reached out and drew him close to her. “I am worried for her. And I’m glad you punched that asshole.”

Richard kissed her lightly. “So am I.” They lay down together and he cuddled her close, pillowing her head with his shoulder and covering her lightly with a sheet. “Try to rest now, Char. We’ve done enough today.”

She snuggled closer, content to leave her worries until morning, and soon fell asleep in his arms.

Sleep took much longer to come to Richard as he struggled to understand all that had happened, what he had promised and been promised, the new opportunities that had opened to him, and the astonishing woman in his arms.

Chapter 20

Elizabeth waited in the tiny room, puzzled at how long she had been there. Almost an hour had passed since the two detectives left, promising to “be back in a few minutes.” She wasn’t complaining; she certainly didn’t want to go to a holding cell, but she wanted to know what was going on.

She looked up at Linda, a question in her eyes, and Linda frowned and nodded. “The DA’s office should have called me by now.” Linda stood up. “Let me go and place a call and see—” Her words were interrupted when the door opened and three people entered the room.

There were two large burly men wearing suits, followed by someone Elizabeth knew. “Winnie!”

The woman smiled in recognition. “Hi, Lizzy.”

“Miss Bennet,” the man with lighter-colored hair said, “I’m Agent Austen of the DEA, and this is my partner, Agent Holmes. We would like to have a word with you,” he looked squarely at Linda, “in private.”

Elizabeth drew in a breath to speak, but the sound of Linda’s deep-throated laughter interrupted her.

“You don’t really think I’m going to let you speak to her without counsel, do you?” Linda asked disbelievingly, her eyes locked with Agent Austen’s.

Agent Austen bit back a retort. “Ms. St. Andrews?” Agent Holmes said in a calmer voice. “Miss Bennet is no longer under arrest. She’s free to go.”

What?” Elizabeth gasped. Linda’s face was more composed, but she was clearly astonished.

“I saw Wickham place the drugs in your bag, Lizzy. The police know that you are innocent,” Winnie said gently.