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‘And?’ she asked, a little confused. ‘Please go on.’

‘Okay. We can assume that we’re dealing with a perpetrator who is planning his actions, rather than acting in an uncontrolled way. He’s not just killing his victims, but also satisfying other needs, one of which particularly jumps out at me: that he wants to be in contact with us. He sends his messages via the murdered victims – the tattooed coordinates with Nora Papenberg, the notes in the caches, and not least the body parts. He forces us to listen to him, and to engage with what he sends us.’

That was nothing new. ‘So you think his main motive is a desire for attention?’

‘Without a doubt. He also wants to pit himself against us, to prove himself; that comes across very clearly in his messages.’

‘But it’s also very clear that he doesn’t take us seriously. Why would he want to pit himself against someone who he regards to be incapable?’

Kossar straightened his glasses. ‘Well, have you ever been to a boxing match? Before it starts, the opponents often shout abuse at each other, provoking one another. By doing so, they motivate themselves and try to make the other man angry, because then he might make mistakes.’ He sipped at his coffee. ‘I suspect the perpetrator exhibits strong narcissistic tendencies. He enjoys picturing the police trying to fathom the pieces of the puzzle he’s throwing at their feet. I’m sure he’d love to be here in person, watching us come up with theories and pulling our hair out in frustration because none of it makes any sense.’

Florin had arrived in the middle of the last sentence. ‘Is that what you think?’ he asked. ‘Does none of the information in the files make any sense to you?’

‘No, on the contrary. But at the moment the information we have mainly draws attention to individual aspects of the perpetrator’s psyche.’

‘Like what, for example?’

Kossar stared thoughtfully at his hands. ‘Normally, when a person is acting like this I would assume he picks his victims at random, studies them for a while and then rips them from their lives. Like God, you see? He watches how his chosen ones contend with their daily lives, drive their cars, care for their families, knowing that he’s going to put an end to it all, at a time and in a way that suits him. Like a sadistic child watching an anthill and then plunging a burning match into it.’

Kossar lifted a finger. For a moment, he resembled a pompous old headmaster giving a lecture. ‘But unlike most perpetrators who act like that, this one is making a connection between the victims. He leads us from one to the next: Nora Papenberg was the signpost to Herbert Liebscher’s body parts. Those, in turn, led us to Christoph Beil and on to Bernd Sigart. Now Beil has disappeared, and you—’ he looked at Beatrice – ‘have a feeling that he knew Nora Papenberg but kept quiet about it.’

‘Yes. And the longer I think about it, the more sure I am.’

‘That’s very interesting.’ He propped his chin in his hand, his forehead furrowed, gaze averted to the side.

Good God, what a show he puts on, thought Beatrice. ‘And what do you conclude from that?’ she asked, in a tone that left no doubt of her low expectations. But Kossar wouldn’t be distracted.

‘There was a case in the USA some years ago; a twenty-nine-year-old man who killed people who had a particular breed of dog. They didn’t know each other, but they all had this one thing in common. Maybe we’ll find something like that with Herbert Liebscher and Nora Papenberg too.’

It was an idea they couldn’t immediately dismiss, in any case. ‘The best lead so far,’ Beatrice summed up, ‘is this desire for attention that the Owner clearly has. What would happen if we took that away from him?’

For a moment, Kossar’s lopsided smile made him look almost endearing. ‘Presumably he would try to force it.’

‘Then I think it’s time to change the rules of play on our side,’ she said. ‘If what you’re saying about him is true, and he really does want to be a fly on the wall here, then I’m sure he’s following the news and buying the papers to find out as much as he can about how the investigations are coming along. If nothing is being mentioned all of a sudden – then I’m sure he wouldn’t like it in the slightest.’

‘That’s absolutely right.’ The smile on Kossar’s face deepened. ‘It’s a shame that you never finished your studies.’

‘Indeed.’ Beatrice made no attempt to hide the irritation in her voice. ‘Anyway, let’s make use of these insights.’

Within two hours, following Hoffmann’s intervention, the Department of Public Prosecutions had imposed a gagging order on the press, preventing them from publishing details about the case.

The bus rumbled along the uneven road. Bernd Sigart’s forehead banged lightly on the pane of glass he was leaning against, which fogged up every time he exhaled. Observing his breathing calmed him down. Every intake and exhalation of breath was one less to contend with. The number was endless.

He closed his eyes. Perhaps, this time, he would just stay seated when his stop came. Keep riding the same route on the bus over and over again, until someone threw him off.

No, he warned himself. Tiredness cannot be permitted as an excuse to let yourself fall, no more than despair and weariness of life could. The appointment would take place, just like every week. And just like every week, it wouldn’t help.

As he got off the bus, a woman with a limping Alsatian crossed his path, but it was only when he rang the bell to the practice that he realised he hadn’t immediately made a flash diagnosis out of habit.

Another goodbye. He was no longer a father or a husband – and now he was gradually ceasing to be a vet.

Dr Anja Maly’s therapy practice was decorated in cream tones which were intended to encourage relaxation, the only real fleck of colour coming from a dense blue meditation picture hanging over the desk. Everything here was designed to promote calm, not least Maly herself. Moving majestically like a tall ship, she came slowly over from the window to greet him, squeezing his hand and gesturing for him to take a seat on the armchair.

Sigart sat down.

‘Would you like a glass of water?’ She asked him that every time, even though he had never once said yes. This time, too, he shook his head. ‘How have you been this week?’

He looked her in the eyes, without smiling. ‘I didn’t kill myself.’ It was the same answer he always gave.

‘I’m glad to see that.’ The doctor flicked through her files. ‘Tell me what’s happened over the last few days. We agreed that you should go for a walk for half an hour each day. How did that go?’

He hesitated. ‘I didn’t manage to go every day. But I went three times.’

She smiled as if he had really made her happy. ‘That’s a wonderful improvement. How did you feel afterwards?’

He looked to the side, thinking for a moment. ‘I don’t know. Strange. Once I felt like someone was following me, but it was probably just the thing that’s always following me. My conscience.’

Maly made a note in her file. ‘Did you turn around and see if there was really anyone there?’

‘No. Well, not properly, I mean. It was more of a blur, like someone had just ducked into a doorway or disappeared behind a delivery van. Do you know what I mean?’ The long sentence had exhausted him. A glance at the clock told him that he had only been here for five minutes, and now he wished he really had stayed on the bus.

‘Yes, I can imagine.’ Maly’s pen scurried across the page. ‘Let’s come back to the subject of your conscience again.’

He waved his hand dismissively. ‘What’s the point? I know I didn’t set the forest on fire. But the fact is and remains that I didn’t see the signs. Miriam asked me not to drive off and she was really upset with me that I was doing it regardless. She was…’ He put a hand over his eyes.