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Not a big deal. I'm used to it. And it's great when I do see him.

Finn is God

When do you go back to Boston?

Julie Seagle

Sunday morning. Really early flight. Home by noon, I think.

Finn is God

You're calling it "home" now?

Julie Seagle

Uh... Apparently.

Julie Seagle

How long are you in the South Pacific? Sounds so exotic.

Finn is God

Probably three weeks. Just got here last Sunday. Exotic experience started early while on the looooong flight. Ate a distinct meal of fermented cheese on canvas-y crackers.

Julie Seagle

Mmmm.... Yummy!

Finn is God

Dessert was an even more exotic congealed glob of rice pudding. Can still taste it!

Julie Seagle

Now you'll just keep booking flights all over the world.

Finn is God

I live for airline food. Nothing gets me off more than small portions of gunk on a tray. And sporks, of course.

Finn is God

Love sporks!

Julie Seagle

Am making a note of your fetishes.

Finn is God

It's gonna be a long list.

Julie Seagle

Understood. Tell me the best thing you've done on this trip so far.

Finn is God

Bungee jumped. So awesome.

Julie Seagle

Ugh. I would NEVER. How was it?

Finn is God

Complete rush. Phenomenal. You're not a daredevil?

Julie Seagle

No way. Total wuss. I nearly faint on escalators. What other crazy things have you done?

Julie Seagle

Oh, let me guess! Are those your skydiving shirts I saw?

Finn is God

Yup. Want to go sometime?

Julie Seagle

Uh, let me think... NO!

Finn is God

Come on! You'll love it. Maybe. It's nothing like an escalator.

Julie Seagle

Again, NO!

Finn is God

But don't tell my parents. They don't know about my risky activities.

Julie Seagle


Finn is God:

They'd freak.

Julie Seagle

Understood. Lips are sealed.

Finn is God

I want to go bungee jumping in South America next. Right by waterfalls. Supposed to be gorgeous.

Julie Seagle

So many bungee jumps to make. Sounds like I won't get to meet the renowned Finn anytime soon.

Finn is God

Probably not. Pretty committed for a while. We'll see. Hard to pass up these opportunities. Be good to meet you, though. But at least we can chat for now!

Julie Seagle

True. And I kind of feel like I know you already. Weird.

Finn is God

I know what you mean.

Julie Seagle

Think it's because I'm staying in your room and absorbing Finn vibes?

Finn is God

The vibes from the stinky monster poop in the closet? Yes, that's it.

Julie Seagle

So that's the funky smell. I've been wondering.

Finn is God

Apologies. Boys are gross.

Julie Seagle

Not all boys.

Finn is God

If I'd known you'd be staying in my room, I would have tried harder to make a better impression.

Finn is God

Will work on bolstering my image!

Julie Seagle

Not necessary. You're very charming.

Finn is God

You don't need pictures of me in a tuxedo, cleaned up, trying to look suave and presentable?