Seeing it without distractions for the first time, O’Gilroy broke the long silence. “Nice enough little place.”
“Needs more gardeners,” Corinna said succinctly. And correctly, because the formality was blurred by overgrowth, moss and crumbled stone. But it hardly mattered, since nobody could make decay as elegant as the Italians. “I must ask if it’s genuine Palladio.” She was quite sure O’Gilroy had never heard of him.
But O’Gilroy didn’t ask. He was noticing other villas, half hidden by trees, a quarter of a mile away on either side. In Ireland and England, such houses would have been miles apart, each the dominating Big House of its area. But here, on a vast scale, they had built a Renaissance garden suburb.
It was like words, he was coming to realise. They didn’t translate exactly, and nor did the patterns of life.
As they came near the house, O’Gilroy pitched his cigarette-butt into the dampest bit of undergrowth he could see and got a sharp look from Corinna. But at the last moment she relented as far as saying: “ I don’t know what orders you’re following, but for what it’s worth, I’ll back you if you want to abandon ship. And I’ll tell Matt that.”
But he just muttered something gruff, and they walked up the cracked, mossy but still elegant steps.
With its thick walls, the dungeon was out of phase with the day. It was late afternoon when it had realised it was a warm day outside, but it took to the idea enthusiastically. Already bad-tempered, Ranklin had sweated on the itchy blankets long enough. He grabbed the water-jug, found it was empty, walked to the door and stab-kicked it several times. He heard the guard come scurrying down the corridor to peer through the Judas window.
“Wasser, bitte, und schnell!” Ranklin bawled, waving the jug at the guard’s startled eyes. Looking back, he was a bit surprised the guard hadn’t told him where to stuff the jug, but instead called a mate to stand guard while he hurried away to fill it.
The Count watched and said cynically: “The word of an Englishman – when shouted loudly enough.”
So Ranklin tried again when the guard returned, demanding the window be opened. That, however, was definitely verboten.
“Perhaps,” the Count observed, “you did not shout loudly enough that time.”
Ranklin finished washing his hands and face and left them to dry by evaporation. “And perhaps,” he said nastily, “you haven’t as many friends in high places as you thought. Looks like you’re spending another night here.”
The Count sat up. “That is impossible. I cannot be here tomorrow.”
“Hard luck,” Ranklin said callously. Then that “tomorrow” echoed in his mind. “Why tomorrow? – because you don’t want to be here, in the Castello, in their hands, when they realise just what you’ve been plotting? Is it happening tomorrow?” He grabbed the Count by his coat and hauled him up, shaking him like the frail old man he was, and Pero leaping up to intervene . . . But the Count’s frightened nod had got through to Ranklin and he let go.
They all just stood for a moment, the Count trembling, Pero tensed to jump, Ranklin panting – but thinking. And deciding to play the cards he had; it was too late to hope for more. He looked at Pero. “Right: go and tell Novak I want to make a full confession. Go on, man, can’t you see it’s over? Get on with it.”
Pero hesitated a moment longer, then smiled. “Almost I thank you, it was so very tiring.” He went to the door, thumped on it, and called out in fluent German.
The Count had caught up with events and now his trembling was rage. “You, sir, are an English hound of extreme obscenity! You are . . . without honour!”
Ranklin considered this briefly, then nodded. “Yes, I do seem to be growing out of that.”
Signora Falcone was having first-night nerves but the house servants must be used to it, because they tiptoed around her as they would around sweating dynamite.
“Just plain bad British workmanship!” she flared at the oil-feed pipe.
“Happens all the time,” O’Gilroy said stolidly. “And mebbe I shook it up on yesterday’s landing, along with the wheel. Thing is to get it brazed.”
Signora Falcone controlled herself and called for Matteo. He took one look, started explaining the problem and its solution, but then saw her expression and vanished to the garage.
She turned to Corinna, smiling professionally. “And you, my dear, perhaps you’d care to bathe before dinner? I want to go over a few details of tomorrow’s demonstration with Mr O’Gilroy.”
There wasn’t much Corinna could do but accept graciously. But she dawdled her way and managed to hear Signora Falcone saying: “Giancarlo – the Senator – will be back on the sleeper early tomorrow morning, so he will tell . . .”
Well, Corinna reflected, now Conall’s finding out whether I, a mere woman, had deduced the truth about tomorrow’s demonstration’. And as she turned along the gallery to her room, she ran into a distinct whiff of lavender water. So d’Annunzio had arrived, she’d been right about that, and walked slower until her nose and the sound of movement identified his room – next to hers. Probably that corner was all guest bedrooms; still, she’d remember to lock her door.
She took her time with bathing, dressing, and sorting out her hair – she now didn’t want a strange maid distracting her – and thinking. With Andrew safely out of any plot, it really wasn’t any longer her business. Conall could look after himself, might even be acting under orders – though he’d seemed genuinely worried – and Ranklin wouldn’t thank her for interfering in British policy, if that were involved. It might be wiser to think of the House of Sherring’s good name, since London had a way of having a quiet word with itself that could leave you suddenly out in the cold. But those schemers downstairs had still, she believed, planned to talk Andrew into something dirty. He’d probably have let them, too. She wasn’t in a hurry to forgive that.
She came out of her bedroom wearing a royal blue evening dress and carrying just a small purse. The scent of lavender was still there, perhaps renewed. She paused, standing back from the balustrade of the gallery, and listened. There was a gentle babble of conversation in Italian from the big hall below. That was the hub of the house, onto which all the ground-floor doors opened and where both staircases began. People naturally gathered there and it had little Italian formality: chairs and small tables scattered in a way that would have been cosy if you couldn’t have thrown a party for a hundred people in the space. D’Annunzio would be down there by now, and if she couldn’t see anybody, nobody could see her. She stayed back by the wall and sidled towards his room, trying to remember just what a New York detective had told her about how a skilled burglar worked.
Probably Novak wasn’t even in the Castello; certainly he would want to hear Pero report first and alone. Meanwhile, Ranklin was kept waiting in a room that was only slightly more office than cell, watched by two large soldiers. They regarded him with some awe, but also as if they could overcome that if he gave them an excuse. So he sat quietly, at first wondering if he were really betraying the Count and deciding, a little surprised, that the question was a waste of thought. What mattered now was working out just what Novak would believe.
At last he was called through into a slightly larger, military-style office with sheaves of printed orders and a couple of maps hung on the walls. Novak had placed himself behind someone else’s table, Pero on a chair at one side.
“So.” Novak glowered heavily and launched into his own brand of German; it was a good language for climactic speeches. “So we have an agent of the famous English Secret Service. Odd, but you look like any other slimy little spy to me. And Pero here has told me everything, everything, that you and the Count plotted together – see?” He flourished two pages of notes. “So your pitiful denials will be useless, quite useless. Your one hope – and it’s a thin one, I warn you – is to make a complete confession. Because even more than wanting to watch you rot into fungus in some forgotten cell, I want to see the Count on the gallows. Twenty years he’s spent plotting treasons at his cafe table, and now I have him in my hand. So: make your confession complete enough to hang the Count for treason and I might perjure my immortal soul to let you off lightly. Begin.”