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“I was stopped on the way here. They’re searching everybody.” She saw the food, the empty wrappers scattered on the bed. Her voice rose. “You’ve got food! What have you been doing—holding out on me?”

“Relax,” Paula said. She handed her a minji. “We just got back from the north.”

Jennie ripped off the wrapping. “And you ate it all. I do all the goddamn work—you people just sit around all day—”

“Shut up,” An Chu said. Bunker with a single ferret look at Jennie dropped to hands and knees and vanished out the hole in the wall.

“I’m going up in the head.” Jennie sat down on the bed. Her mouth was full of minji. “I know you all hate me because I’m working.”

“Nobody hates you.”

“You’re half-right,” Paula said. “You’re going up in the head.”

Jennie gulped food. “This is my house.”

“That’s my minji.”

“Shut up,” An Chu said to her.

Bunker forged a job-card and ration tickets for Paula, and she took them up to the public dispensa, across from the government building, stood in line, and brought back two loaves of bread, a pound of rice, a pound of dried vegetables, a gallon sack of milk, a pound of maxibeans, half a pint of oiclass="underline" a week’s ration for a civilian woman. She and An Chu stowed the food away in the secret room. In the apartment, Bunker sat hunched over the table, the reading light aimed at the paper inches from his eyes. She went up behind him and watched him draw the curlicues on the upper-right-hand corner of a ration ticket.

“Don’t look over my shoulder.”

She moved away from him. An Chu was slicing bread on the counter at the kitchen end of the room. Paula went up to her.

“I have some honey,” the other woman said.


Bunker finished his work. He brought the sheet of blue ticket paper over to Paula. “There’s a man on the red wing who has a white card he’ll give me for twenty ration chits.” He reached for the bread. “Did you get meat?”

“They don’t have meat.”

An Chu spread a thin film of honey on a thin slice of bread. “Only the Martians get meat. The red cards and the soldiers. You need special tickets.”

The blue sheet was divided into two rows of five ration slips each. They were perfectly drawn. He used An Chu’s thick hairs for his brushes. Paula said, “You’re wasting your talent, rat, they hardly even look at them, they just tear them up and throw them in a box.”

He was biting into a slice of bread. “You’re eating, aren’t you?” His eyes were puffy, and his fingers stained with ink.

“I bought an hourly.” She took the folded sheet from her hip pocket. “Not a word in it about any fighting.” An Chu took it.

It was late in the afternoon. Paula could hear the people moving back and forth in the apartment above them. She got the paper shears from the desk and carefully separated the tickets. Bunker rubbed his eyes. “The other page is in the desk.”

Paula opened the desk drawer and took out the second sheet. Like the other, this was perfect, ten identical tickets; even the hairline flourishes on the capital letters were exact. She sat down and cut the sheet out. Stacking the tickets, she decked them neatly on the floor.

“Thanks,” he said, and took them from her and went out the door.

“He doesn’t talk much,” An Chu said. “I don’t think he likes me.”

“He never talks to me, either. It could be worse if he did, like Jennie. If she loses her job, can we stay here?”

“I don’t know.” An Chu fingered the worn mat flooring. Paula watched her Aztec profile. “There’s some dirty talk about rounding people up and sending them to work camps.”

“That’s just rumor. There aren’t enough Martians to do that.” She would not go back to jail. “What about Tony Andrea? Do you know where he is?”

An Chu raised her head. “Tony was arrested right away. They all were—all the known people like that. Especially writers. And you know Tony. He never shut up.”

“No, he wouldn’t.” She remembered him vividly, his bright blue eyes, telling her she had sold her soul. She went into the secret room, alone.

She removed her job-card from her collar. The name on it was Stella Dominac. While she stood thinking of Tony, the door behind her rasped back into the wall, and Bunker came in and sat next to her on the cot. He thrust a white card at her. The photograph had already been sliced off the surface. She ran her thumb over the raised numbers.

“The description’s not even close.” Hair: Black. Eyes: Hazel.

“I’ll fix it.” He rubbed his eyes. She put her arm around him and kissed his cheek. He turned his face toward her so that their mouths met.

“You taste like honey.”

“Try me.”

Standing up, he started to take his clothes off. She lay back on her elbow. She liked seeing him naked. An Chu looked in the door and shut it. In the gloom the light on the wall cast shadows over the floor like hiding places.

“I wish I had something left to surprise you with,” he said. He peeled off his shirt and lay down beside her, and she put her arms around him.

The cold made her shiver. She shifted from one foot to the other, her hands jammed in the pockets of An Chu’s overcoat. Above the fur collar of the coat just ahead of her was a head of hair as gray as Bunker’s, molded into sleek curls. She had been standing in line for three hours and she was still only halfway to the door. The walk was carpeted in hourlies.

The headlines jumped at her:


She rocked back and forth on her heels. Across the plaza was the government building, where she had been jailed. The white trim around the windows was freshly painted. The scaffolding before it carried a brotherhood poster, three stories high: a white hand clasping a brown hand. She wondered what they had done with Sril’s body. Thrown it on the garbage heap. Every time she came here she saw Martians she knew going in and out of the building. Once General Hanse passed within fifty yards of her. She hid behind her hourly.


Mars Combined Forces has destroyed two Styth cruisers in a three-hour battle near Vesta.

The people around her chafed their cheeks with their hands and blew out plumes of white air. “What’s holding things up?”

“You know I had to wait five hours this week to have my hair done?”

Paula leaned against the wall behind her. The line moved sluggishly forward into the mouth of the building. Probably the dispensa clerks were checking each ticket through a scanner. That had baffled Bunker at first, until he discovered that the Martians used the same metallic ink to print hourlies. They had a connection with the hourly men. A file of soldiers marched by in their dark winter uniforms. Their white gloves swung mechanically in time.


She stiffened. The soldiers had stopped ahead of her, along the line. The ringing voice of their commander was shouting something. She leaned out to see. The soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder facing the line of civilians. Their commander and another man stood between the two groups. The other man held up a piece of blue and white cloth.

“This is the flag of the Martian Republic. Now it’s also the flag of the Earth. It represents all of us—our solidarity against enemies, our faith in ourselves and the future. To salute—” The officer wheeled smartly. His right arm snapped up, palm flat, toward the flag.

“You will now salute the flag.”

Paula drew back against the wall. Her heart pounded. She looked back along the line. Above the fur collar, the silver-haired head turned. “Now, what’s this all about?”