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“Hell,” Alys said, “I live with him. We’re twins; we’re very close. Incestuously close.”

Jason said, “I don’t want to walk into a setup hammered out between you and General Buckman.”

“A setup between Felix and me?” She laughed sharply. “Felix and I couldn’t collaborate in painting Easter eggs. Come on; let’s shoot over to the house. Between us we have a good deal of interesting objects. Medieval wooden chess sets, old bone-china cups from England. Some beautiful early U.S. stamps printed by the National Banknote Company. Do stamps interest you?”

“No,” he said.


He hesitated. “To some extent.” He remembered his own gun; this was the second time in twenty-four hours that he had had reason to remember it.

Eying him, Alys said, “You know, for a small man you’re not bad-looking. And you’re older than I like … but not much so. You’re a six, aren’t you?”

He nodded.

“Well?” Alys said. “Do you want to see a police general’s castle?”

Jason said, “Okay.” They would find him wherever he went, whenever they wanted him. With or without a microtrans pinned on his cuff.

Turning on the engine of her quibble, Alys Buckman spun the wheel, pressed down on the pedal; the quibble shot up at a ninety-degree angle to the street. A police engine, he realized. Twice the horsepower of domestic models.

“There is one thing,” Alys said as she steered through traffic, “that I want you to get clear in your mind.” She glanced over at him to be sure he was listening. “Don’t make any sexual advances toward me. If you do I’ll kill you.” She tapped her belt and he saw, tucked within it, a police-model weapon tube; it glinted blue and black in the morning sun.

“Noticed and attended to,” he said, and felt uneasy. He already did not like the leather and iron costume she wore; fetishistic qualities were profoundly involved, and he had never cared for them. And now this ultimatum. Where was her head sexually? With other lesbians? Was that it?

In answer to his unspoken question, Alys said calmly, “All my libido, my sexuality, is tied up with Felix.”

“Your brother?” He felt cold, frightened incredulity. “How?”

“We’ve lived an incestuous relationship for five years,” Alys said, adroitly maneuvering her quibble in the heavy morning Los Angeles traffic. “We have a child, three years old. He’s kept by a housekeeper and nurse down in Key West, Florida. Barney is his name.”

“And you’re telling me this?” he said, amazed beyond belief. “Someone you don’t even know?”

“Oh, I know you very well, Jason Taverner,” Alys said; she lifted the quibble up into a higher lane, increased velocity. The traffic, now, had thinned; they were leaving greater L.A. “I’ve been a fan of yours, of your Tuesday night TV show, for years. And I have records of yours, and once I heard you sing live at the Orchid Room at the Hotel St. Francis in San Francisco.” She smiled briefly at him. “Felix and I, we’re both collectors … and one of the things I collect is Jason Taverner records.” Her darting, frenetic smile increased. “Over the years I’ve collected all nine.”

Jason said huskily, his voice shaking, “Ten. I’ve put out ten LPs. The last few with light-show projection tracks.”

“Then I missed one,” Alys said, agreeably. “Here. Turn around and look in the back seat.”

Twisting about, he saw in the rear seat his earliest album: Taverner and the Blue, Blue Blues. “Yes,” he said, seizing it and bringing it forward onto his lap.

“There’s another one there,” Alys said. “My favorite out of all of them.”

He saw, then, a dog-eared copy of There’ll Be a Good Time with Taverner Tonight. “Yes,” he said. “That’s the best one I ever did.”

“You see?” Alys said. The quibble dipped now, spiraling down in a helical pattern toward a cluster of large estates, tree– and grass-surrounded, below. “Here’s the house.”


Its blades vertical now, the quibble sank to an asphalt spot in the center of the great lawn of the house. Jason barely noticed the house: three story, Spanish style with black iron railings on the balconies, red-tile roof, adobe or stucco walls; he could not tell. A large house, with beautiful oak trees surrounding it; the house had been built into the landscape without destroying it. The house blended and seemed a part of the trees and grass, an extension into the realm of the manmade.

Alys shut off the quibble, kicked open a balky door. “Leave the records in the car and come along,” she said to him as she slid from the quibble and upright, onto the lawn.

Reluctantly, he placed the record albums back on the seat and followed her, hurrying to catch up with her; the girl’s long black-sheathed legs carried her rapidly toward the huge front gate of the house.

“We even have pieces of broken glass bottles embedded in the top of the walls. To repel bandits … in this day and age. The house once belonged to the great Ernie Till, the Western actor.” She pressed a button mounted on the front gate before the house and there appeared a brown-uniformed private pol, who scrutinized her, nodded, released the power surge that slid the gate aside.

To Alys, Jason said, “What do you know? You know I’m—”

“You’re fabulous,” Alys said matter-of-factly. “I’ve known it for years.”

“But you’ve been where I was. Where I always am. Not here.”

Taking his arm, Alys guided him down an adobe-and-slate corridor and then down a flight of five brick steps, into a sunken living room, an ancient place in this day, but beautiful.

He did not, however, give a damn; he wanted to talk to her, to find out what and how she knew. And what it signified.

“Do you remember this place?” Alys said.

“No,” he said.

“You should. You’ve been here before.”

“I haven’t,” he said, guardedly; she had thoroughly trapped his credulity by producing the two records. I’ve got to have them, he said to himself. To show to—yes, he thought; to whom? To General Buckman? And if I do show him, what will it get me?

“A cap of mescaline?” Alys said, going to a drug case, a large hand-oiled walnut cabinet at the end of the leather and brass bar on the far side of the living room.

“A little,” he said. But then his response surprised him; he blinked. “I want to keep my head clear,” he amended.

She brought him a tiny enameled drug tray on which rested a crystal tumbler of water and a white capsule. “Very good stuff. Harvey’s Yellow Number One, imported from Switzerland in bulk, capsuled on Bond Street.” She added, “And not strong at all. Color stuff.”

“Thanks.” He accepted the glass and the white capsule; he drank the mescaline down, placed the glass back on the tray. “Aren’t you having any?” he asked her, feeling—belatedly—wary.

“I’m already spaced,” Alys said genially, smiling her gold baroque tooth smile. “Can’t you tell? I guess not; you’ve never seen me any other way.”

“Did you know I’d be brought to the L.A. Police Academy?” he asked. You must have, he thought, because you had the two records of mine with you. Had you not known, the chances of your having them alone are zero out of a billion, virtually.

“I monitored some of their transmissions,” Alys said; turning, she roamed restlessly off, tapping on the small enameled tray with one long fingernail. “I happened to pick up the official traffic between Vegas and Felix. I like to listen to him now and then during the time he’s on duty. Not always, but”—she pointed toward a room beyond an open corridor at the near side—“I want to look at something; I’ll show it to you, if it’s as good as Felix said.”