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The kiss was soft and tender. And when the mouths parted they remained close enough so that their breaths were but a whisper away in the darkness of the room.

"Come with me," Raisa begged.


Suddenly Raisa got up and offered Carolyn her hand. Carolyn saw her clearly as lightning lit the room and the lights came back on. She saw the hand extended to her and took it.

Silently, they both exited the room and walked down the hallway till Carolyn suddenly stopped.

"Simon.... I can't leave him."

"Where is he?" Raisa asked.

"At a friend's house."

"We will pick him up, come." Raisa took Carolyn's hand and led her down the staircase.

When they reached the foyer where the maid and her two men waited, she stopped for only a moment.

"Rodolfo, take Mrs. Stenbeck into the car and wait for me."

Carolyn was about to say something and seemed to change her mind. Raisa was in control; she had surrendered it for now and simply just followed instructions. She felt so tired.

"Tell Mr. Stenbeck that Mrs. Stenbeck and his son are with me at my ranch. I am Raisa Andieta, do you understand?"

"Yes, Ms Andieta," answered the maid quickly. She knew better than to question people like Ms Andieta; nothing good ever came of it.

"Good," Raisa Andieta said and left followed by her other associate.


As soon as she entered the limousine she entered a closed dome. A partition separated them from the bodyguards. When the door was closed she took Carolyn into her arms possessively.

"Where is your son?"

They gave the driver the address and the car pulled out to retrieve its other passenger.


The trip to the hacienda was in some ways a complete blur. Carolyn was emotionally drained. She remembered just giving all decisions over to Raisa. They had picked up Simon and Raisa was the one to talk to him and keep him occupied while she seemed to be in a dormant state.

Raisa had made arrangement from her car phone. They were taken then to a small airfield and got into a private plane.

As they were all settled one of the attendants was talking to Simon about what he would like to eat. Raisa reached out and covered Carolyn's hand briefly then picked up the ringing telephone again.

It suddenly occurred to Carolyn that she had been running away from one prison to another. Again, a prison of her own choosing. She had not stopped to think. And this time Simon would be affected. She had been so upset with her Matt's threats, the growing, and visible military presence in the country that she had just lost perspective she told herself. She had fallen right into Raisa's arms again. How had this happened?

All her life, Carolyn had thought things through, she had always weighed the consequences of her actions. But, with Raisa Andieta it had all changed. Perhaps, it was this land, with its violence and machismo that she had been thrown off keel. All Carolyn knew was that she was confused and tired. And, of course, there was Raisa. What would she do with the choice of Raisa now? As Carolyn looked towards Simon it all seemed surreal somehow. She just closed her eyes and gave into the sleep she so sadly seemed to need.


It would take a few hours to reach Hacienda Virago. She had never taken anyone home. That's what Virago was to her, home. All she loved was there. Yes, she had invited people over but never into her bed there. No one had ever mattered that much to her. With Carolyn she had never thought; it just seemed the natural thing to do.

There, of course, would be Nona to account to and her brother. But, she would have her way. She was Raisa Andieta and she wanted Carolyn in her house, in her bed and yes, she had to admit, she wanted Carolyn in her life. All these things came to her within the space of a second, rushing in, flooding her mind as she sat back and watched Carolyn as she slept.

This was unfamiliar territory. Before, she knew how to proceed. She had always known what she wanted and how to get it. This was different somehow. Raisa closed her eyes as she remembered all the emotions that went through her back in the room that Carolyn had shared with her husband. She was filled with emotions foreign and new to her. She wanted to destroy and tear apart. Raisa had always prided herself on her control. It was the hardest lesson she had learned; the one taught best to her by her father. To win one must control. And yet, she had no control over her feelings or her actions when it came to this woman.

Raisa stared as Carolyn slept. She recalled past lovers, and remembered her enjoyment of such affairs. She had always been in control. Now, this woman had changed it all and she felt unsure and uncertain of every word and action. It also occurred to her that Nona knew nothing of her tastes, for the lack of a better term.

Nona had raised her. She had been more than a nanny; she was as close to a mother as Raisa had ever known. Her own mother had just left them and gone back to Italy. Nona had stayed and loved her and Andreas. Her approval would be important. Raisa admitted for the first time, perhaps in a long time, that she would dread a look of disapproval from the old woman. But, Carolyn was not a choice. Carolyn was something she had to have.

Andreas was no innocent. He knew that Raisa took as she wanted. He knew she took many and often. He had always just looked the other way and never said anything. She was his big sister and she had always protected him. Especially when their father had not been as understand of his choices. Raisa had always stood by him. He would support her in everything.

Raisa shook her head trying to keep the cobwebs from forming any further. She looked out the window and saw the greenery and the ocean of the country she so loved. Venezuela was her heart, wild and spoiled, yet innocent and uncertain; Like a child going from childhood into the uncertain steps of adulthood. If she looked deeper within herself she would have to admit that like Andreas, once upon a time she would have just loved never to leave Virago. But, unlike Andreas, she had let her heart be swayed by the desire to attain love from someone who perhaps did not deserve it.

She was tired of thinking. Simon had fallen asleep soon after Carolyn had. She found herself staring at Carolyn again. Soon, they would be at Virago she thought. How to proceed then?


They arrived at the hacienda after dark. Two black Explores waited at the airstrip. They all got into the air-conditioned cabin and escaped the heat of the surrounding jungles. Carolyn did not utter a word. Simon half lay on her as he slept. In the darkness of the vehicle Carolyn felt Raisa's hand hold her own. She simply laid her head on the shoulder of the woman next to her.

Raisa smiled into the darkness.


All were asleep in the hacienda when they arrived. They were met by a servant and Nona, of course. Raisa entered the house with her arm around an emotionally exhausted Carolyn and Simon by the hand.

Nona instantly took in the scene. She gave Raisa a smile immediately.

"Raisa," Nona said with such love in her voice.

"Nona." With a simple word she said it all. "Did they prepare the rooms next to mine for them?"

"Si, mi amor, todo esta preparado como tu pediste." It was all ready, as she had wished.

"Gracias Nona." She smiled and guided both Carolyn and Simon to their rooms.

Nona watched as Raisa walked away with her arm protectively around the blonde woman and the little boy. This was a different Raisa she thought to herself. And she told herself that in time her little girl would come to her and tell her about it.


All Carolyn remembered was Raisa helping her with her clothes and the smell of clean sheets and then soft arms that held her through the night.