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Raisa couldn't stand it and tried pulling away. "Let me go! You don't understand."

"I do understand. She has to sever the ties herself Raisa. You can't do that for her." Andreas insisted.

"You don't understand!"

"Yes I do," Andreas said in a small soft voice.

"You can't possibly. Andreas, I need her!" Raisa said in desperation to her brother.

"You think because I don't act like you that I can't feel as strongly as you?"

Raisa looked deep into her brother's eyes.

"I understand Raisa. I understand."

"Andreas..." she began to say gently.

"Another day, not today. Only one passionate love affair per Andieta at a time." He said to her with a smile. "Come, let's see to our guests." He led his sister back to the others.


"What's going on Carolyn? What the fuck is going on here?" Matt demanded.

"Stop yelling!"

"I want this insanity to stop. We will be civil for the next few days then leave," Matt said as he started unpacking.

"I'm not going back," Carolyn said softly.

"Of course you are. You can't get proper medical treatment here. The doctor said you might be over emotional because of the baby." He kept unpacking.

"What? What are you talking about?" Carolyn looked confused.

"The doctor called and I spoke with him. Why didn't you tell me?" Matt now looked up to meet her eyes.

"It can't be true," she said weakly.

"You didn't know did you?" Matt asked her in confusion.

"No," Carolyn said and found a place to sit before her legs gave out.

"Well, that explains your odd behavior. Apparently the doctor says some women get incredibly sensitive and overemotional. So you see, it's quite natural. It will all go back to normal when your hormones settle. It's time Simon had a brother or sister anyway," Matt said half to himself and to her while dressing.

Carolyn sat in shocked silence.

"What I don't understand is how you came to be here. I didn't realize you knew Raisa Andieta so well. I just thought your attending those luncheons were a waste of time. But now, well, to know her so well, can only work in our favor."

"Matt please be quiet," Carolyn finally said as she pressed her temples with her hands.

Matt suddenly turned and was about to say something when he noticed how pale she had suddenly gotten.

"Are you feeling ill Carolyn?"

"What do you think?" She got up, agitation plainly showing on her face.

"You will feel better..."

"No! I won't feel better! I don't believe you. You are lying!"

"Call your doctor if you don't believe me," Matt said in restrained anger.

"Oh God no." She whimpered as she sat back down again. Her whole world was running through her fingers. How would she tell Raisa? is what kept going through her mind.

"Carolyn, I know that things have not been perfect between us..."

At that statement something inside her snapped.

"What did you say? Were you actually going to say that perhaps something could possibly be going wrong between us?" Carolyn now yelled in mockery.

"Carolyn, you are over reacting."

"You son of a bitch!" She went at him and he grabbed her hands and pushed her onto the bed.

"Calm down, don't embarrass me Carolyn!"

"I will never go back with you. Never!" She yelled from where she lay.

"Yes, you will," Matt said as he walked over to a chair, sat down, and started putting his boots on. "You won't leave without Simon. And that child growing inside you is mine too. This country recognizes my right over them Carolyn!" He spat out at her.

"How could I have married a monster like you?" She cried.

Matt did not bother to answer.

"Matt, it's over. Let me go. Please, I beg you."

"No," he mumbled under his breath.

"I don't love you Matt," she said barely above a whisper.


"Matt, let me go. You know how this baby was created. Let me go before all the good is gone Matt," she begged him.

"This child was created with passion Carolyn!"

"You raped me Matt! That's not passion." She no longer could hold back the sobbing.

"You are my wife. I have the right," he said to her unable to look at her. "All right Carolyn, you can have your divorce. But Simon stays with me."

"You know I won't leave my son, you know that!" She said in desperation.

"Then be the wife I know you can be and let go of this mad idea." He demanded. "Think about what I've said Carolyn."

On that note he walked out of the room leaving her to deal with her torment.


Carolyn stood by the window and watched as they rode away. For a moment she saw Raisa look towards her. Raisa, being the CEO of Copeco, rode with the men. She was the only woman who rode off but not before looking back and seeing Carolyn looking at her from the window. Then Raisa turned and galloped away.

Carolyn's hand was shaking as it went to her temple again. This can't be true", she told herself over and over again. This can't be true.

She had wanted desperately to leave Matt for a long time now. But she couldn't take Simon out of the country without his permission. One night her "no" had not worked and ... she closed her eyes as the tears ran down her face. Then the whole thing with Raisa started. She couldn't think straight after that. Her emotions ran from hot to cold. She had accepted her desire for Raisa but she was overwhelmed with her need to flee from Matt. That afternoon when she called Raisa for help she was desperate. Matt had told her in no uncertain terms that he would take her whether she wanted it or not. And Carolyn's only thought was to run. And run she did; she ran into Raisa Andieta's arms.

Raisa loved her, she knew that. But her lover had so much baggage to deal with of her own, Carolyn thought. She had to make Raisa understand, Carolyn told herself. Raisa would help her. She had to.

Her hands went protectively across her abdomen. She would have to tell her the truth. There was no other way. She had to trust that Raisa would love her enough.


Finally, the riders returned with two bores as their trophies. There was a planned dinner that evening so all went to their bedrooms to change for the festivities.

Raisa did not get to see Carolyn until that night. When Raisa entered the room only a few of her executives and their wives had come down. Raisa instantly saw Carolyn speaking to Maria Cabaler and started walking towards her.

"Good evening," Raisa said. Carolyn had not seen her enter the room and turned around to look into the eyes that made her heart soar each and every time.

Both Maria and Carolyn responded. "Good evening."

"Maria, will you please give me a minute with Mrs. Stenbeck?" Raisa asked graciously.

"Of course," the other woman said and then walked away.

Raisa then turned and smiled at Carolyn. "I missed you today," she said barely above a whisper.

Carolyn returned the smile. "I missed you too sweetheart."

"Have I told you how much I like it when you call me sweetheart?" Raisa felt the joy grow inside her. Carolyn was looking at her with eyes filled with love. She would not leave her. And knowing that made her feel giddy with happiness.

"Does it?"

"Yes, it does."

"Then I shall have to call you that more often won't I?" Carolyn said lovingly.

This was the perfect time, Raisa told herself. She took a deep breath. "Carolyn, I want to spend the rest..."

Mario Carabel, Maria's husband, interrupted her. "Good evening Ms. Andieta, Mrs. Stenbeck," he said with a smile. "Have you seen my wife?" He asked pleasantly.

"Good evening Mario. I saw your wife going out to the verandah," Raisa said politely.

"Thank you." As he was about to leave he turned towards Carolyn. "Oh, and by the way Mrs. Stenbeck congratulations on the new baby. Matt seems very happy."