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Matt looked at Carolyn. "We have a conference tomorrow at 9am at her school. They want us both to come," she said to him.

"I can't."

"Matt, this is important."

"I can't, the whole office is in an uproar. Raisa Andieta will be attending the conference and gala this year and she has changed the whole program."

"Raisa is here?" Carolyn said before she could stop herself.

"Yes, she got here yesterday. And with her usual panache she has all in an uproar," Matt said curtly, put his napkin down and left the room.

Carolyn got up as well and followed him out the door and into the grand room.

"Matt, I really wish you would try to make this meeting tomorrow. Amanda is out of control. I want you to actively participate here!" Her irritation finally got his attention.

"Carolyn you always deal with the children, you know that," he said exasperated.

"She's getting into trouble all the time Matt, I don't know what to do or how to reason with her. Perhaps if you..."

"Oh no! Don't lay this guilt trip on me!"

"I'm not, but she is our daughter. We have to try and make some sense out of this behavior before it becomes more destructive. She's getting into fights, she's acting up in class; Matt, I need your help!"

"I would know how to deal with her if she were a boy."

"How? Like Simon? You barely give him the time of day!" Carolyn was really angry now.

"He is more like you than me!"

"And Amanda? What's your excuse with Amanda?"

"If I didn't know any better..."

"What? What!"

"It's a joke isn't it?"

"What are you going on about Matt?" Carolyn asked in frustration.

"Carolyn, if it were at all possible I would say she was Raisa Andieta's bastard!"

Carolyn stared at him in disbelief. They had never openly discussed this.

"You think I didn't put two and two together? All that bitch needs is a cock!" He growled at her.

"She doesn't need one Matt." With that Carolyn walked out the room and left Matt speechless.


Carolyn walked out of the room to bump straight into her children who both stood in front of her horrified. Carolyn wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole.

"Mommy? Why doesn't daddy love me?"

Carolyn knelt down in front of her daughter. She tried touching her and the child pulled away. "Who is Raisa Andieta?"

Carolyn stared unable to speak.

"Mandy..." Simon knelt in front of her. "You know dad says some real dumb things sometimes." He was being so gentle with her.

"He said that I was her bastard!"

"No, darling, that's not what he said." Carolyn again tried reaching for her daughter.

"I don't understand!" Amanda screamed

Amanda ran and Simon went after her. Carolyn's world was whirling out of hands. She took a deep breath to control herself and then turned to go after the children to see how much damage had occurred.

At that very moment Matt came out of the room. "What's the ruckus?"

"Amanda heard us arguing. She heard what you said."

"Well, I have a lot of work to do tonight for this conference, keep her quiet Carolyn."

With that Carolyn lost what little control she had left.

"You conceited son of a bitch!" She went to slap him and he caught her arm and pushed her away.

"As usual you are getting over emotional," he merely said as he tried to straighten his jacket.

"Don't you care about them at all Matt? Was I so blind? Have you always been this callous ass hole?"

They both stood looking at each other. Matt broke the eye contact first. "I'm sorry she overheard," was all he said before he walked over to his office never looking back, locking the door behind him.

Carolyn's hand shook as she brought it up to her face. She felt flushed. She immediately turned around and went after Simon and Amanda.


Half way through the conferences Matt found out that the European position might become available within the upcoming year. He remembered that Raisa had mentioned that she had pressing business in Europe. If he played his cards right that much sought after position might be his.


Matt turned around and saw the general manager of Rig 54, Harry Pentak, approaching.

"Hello Harry," Matt said as both men shook hands.

"Have you heard Matt?" Harry said below his breath.


"Most of the general managers would support you, Matt, if you go for it. I want to remind you that I'm the president of that association."

"Thank you Harry," Matt said with a big smile. "I always remember my friends."

"I know you take care of your people Matt. I just wanted to let you know that we would support you just in case you need the muscle." Harry added.

"Thanks Harry, I have an ace myself."

"I know that you are suppose to be tight with Ms Ice herself but if the others...."

"Harry one thing I learned a long time ago is that whatever she says goes. None of those pricks would even try to cross her," and with that Matt laughed heartily.


The final day of the conference was long and tedious so all were looking forward to the gala. All of Dallas showed up with all their finery. Most of the "who's who" had something to do with the oil business and the cream of that crop worked for Copeco.

Raisa sat back and watched as the men in their tuxedos strolled around with cowboy boots and their 10-gallon hats while the women wore the most outrages gowns only to be outdone by the jewelry they displayed on their bodies.

Raisa went through the motions of giving her speech and handing out special mentions and awards all the time scanning the room waiting.... waiting but not wanting to admit who she was waiting for.

Finally she spotted Matt who walked in alone. He was immediate surrounded by both men and women. Carolyn was not with him.

Raisa decided that she was tired. They could finish this party without her. She said her good-byes to the governor and left the gala accompanied by her two bodyguards.

Matt had been late. He was supposed to have been there to do some of the presentations with her. The audacity of the man was beyond reason. All the antipathy she felt for him suddenly surfaced as she got into the private elevator that would take her straight to the penthouse.

When she got to her floor she immediately saw a situation unfolding before her.

A young man started walking towards her and was blocked by one of her bodyguards. The young man was thrown down to the floor.

"What in hell is going on here?" Raisa demanded.

"We caught him trying to sneak into your rooms, Ms Andieta. We will take care of this." One of the men suppose to be on security detail on her floor spoke.

"Wait! Raisa! It's Simon," the boy said with his face against the carpet.

"Get off him! Now!"

They released Simon and he slowly got up.

Suddenly before her was a young man. No longer the boy that she remembered. He towered over her. And her inspection suddenly stopped in his eyes.

"You have your mother's eyes."

"Yeah," he said with a floppy smile.

"Are you all right? Did they hurt you?" Raisa asked, as she looked him over.

"I'm sorry, Ms Andieta, but he..."

She cut in immediately. "It's not bad enough that you wrestled a boy to the ground but you are going to give me

excuses?" "No Ma'am, that's not...."

"Good, now do your job and tell me how he got up here?" She looked towards Simon who answered proudly.

"I got in through the service elevator," he added with a smile. He looked proud of himself. Raisa could not hide her smile either.

"Come in Simon." She led him into the main room of the Penthouse. "Would you like something to drink?"

"No, no thank you."

He walked around. "Wow, this is some place." He walked up to the glass wall and saw all of Dallas in front of him. "Wow, what a view!"