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Carolyn walked into a full-blown war.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Simon screamed.

"What's going on here?" Carolyn asked as she walked into the room.

"Your daughter has struck again!" Matt yelled.

Amanda was looking at the floor while seating at a nearby chair.

"What happened?" Carolyn asked.

"She was in another fight today," Simon said.

"Maybe you should buy her only pants from now on since she can't seem to behave like a proper young lady!" Matt bellowed.


"Where were you? I tried calling you all afternoon. They pulled me out of a meeting to pick her up at school!"

"Amanda are you all right?" Carolyn asked her daughter who still said nothing.

"Of course she's all right she can slug it out with the best of em.... She's a regular boy these days."

"Matt! Shut up!" Carolyn spat out.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" He went towards her.

"If you touch my mother I'll kill you!" Simon jumped in front of him.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Matt acted indignant, grabbing for Simon.

"Let go of him Matt! Don't you dare touch him!" Carolyn pulled at Matt's arm and Amanda jumped up and started hitting her father.

Amanda kept punching and punching. Carolyn pulled her away and held her tightly as the child through a fit and then quiet suddenly began to sob in her mother's embrace as they both sat on the floor.

Matt stared and Simon sat down and covered his face.

Carolyn caressed her hair and rocked the child in her arms back and forth. "It's all right baby. Everything is going to be all right."

Matt slammed the door on his way out. Carolyn looked up and saw the pain in Simon's eyes as hers filled with tears he came and sat down next to her.


Matt stormed into his office. "Claire!"

"Yes Matt, I'm here." Claire came in quickly.

"What's this?" He demanded.

"Those changes just came through."

"Who signed off on these changes in personnel?"

"I did," Raisa said standing at the doorway. "Do you usually get to the office at 11am every morning or is today a special case?"

Claire wanted to disappear into the wallpaper and Matt looked unnerved.

"There was a problem with my daughter at school."

Raisa's inwardly faltered. "Is she all right?"

"She seems to attract trouble," he said with disdain.


"She will have to learn," he said to her in a challenge.

She seemed unfazed when she answered before walking away. "Some of us never do."

"Bitch," Matt said under his breath.

Claire looked to see if Raisa might have overheard and took a deep breath of relief when she kept walking.


"Claire, do you know why she's here?"

"Memo on your desk. The totem pole is being shook. She has taken over that big office on the 11th floor."

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" He spat and grabbed a glass holder on his desk and threw it against the wall.

Claire stared in horror. Matt sat down behind his desk and turned his chair to stare out the window.

Claire left the office and closed the door behind her as quietly as possible.


That afternoon Matt marched straight up to the 11th floor. He had been summoned.

"Come in Matt," Raisa said as she kept reading the papers in front of her.

Matt sat down not too happy.

She suddenly looked up. "Do you want the European seat?"

Matt had expected a fight and he was being offered a prize. His mouth hung open.

"Should I consider your silence a yes?" She asked as she looked back down at her papers in boredom.

"Yes! Raisa I don't know what to say.... I never expected," he blurted out.

"Don't say anything to anyone yet. Give me a week," she said as she looked up again.

"Of course, I understand. Thank you Raisa." He was drooling all over himself with joy.

"Well, then consider it done. I'm busy Matt we'll talk later."

He had been dismissed. He got up and walked out the door in utter joyful shock.


Copeco sponsored many community events in Dallas. This particular event was horsemanship. These were some of the things that Raisa enjoyed participating in. This event in particular was a competition of sorts for children from 8-10 year olds for horsemanship and jumping. She had noticed since her arrival several good riders. Before the next round she decided to go down to the paddock and see some of the young riders and the horses they were competing with.

All the riders competed with numbers. It had always been done this way so as to promote non-favoritism. She remembered that she had really liked how well rider number 9 had done.

When she saw the child with that number on their back she naturally walked there first.

"Hi," Raisa said as she approached.


"You were really very good today," Raisa praised.

"Thanks, but I almost hit the top pole that last jump." The child removed her helmet and dark hair covered her shoulders.

"You should pin that back." Raisa smiled and pointed at her hair.

"Yeah, I know but I sweat more that way."

"I used to let mine loose too," Raisa conceded with a smile.

Amanda was intrigued and smiled back.

"Do you ride?"

"I have done my share. I have quite a few ribbons to show for my bumps and bruises." Raisa smiled broadly.

"Can you give me some pointers about that last jump?"

"Well, actually, yes..."

The two compared notes and laughed a few times in unison.

Simon was walking towards the paddocks when he suddenly stopped and a smile covered his face. He turned around and walked the other way.


Carolyn sat on the bleachers and the riders began to get in order of participation. Number 9 came out of the gate with gusto. Carolyn noticed the difference in posture immediately. Amanda seemed to come to life on the horse. She seemed to be taking more chances with her routine and she had sped up her jumps. Carolyn instinctively knew something had changed. On the last jump Amanda barely managed to hang on and as she finished the jump the young rider fell off.

Carolyn started running instantly. A few other people jumped the fences and ran towards the field as well.

Raisa reached the young girl first since she had been watching close by.

"Hey kid, you okay?" She touched the child gently.

Amanda turned around and tried to sit. "Yeah, I think so."

Two of the officials arrived next. And suddenly Carolyn appeared on the ground kneeling next to her.

"Mandy baby, don't move." Carolyn was shaking visibly. "Let's wait for the doctor."

"Breathe deeply. Can you feel anything hurting?" Raisa asked as she outwardly checked Amanda's limbs.

Amanda shook her head.

"I think she's okay. Got the wind knocked out of her that's all." Carolyn looked at the voice that had just spoken and only now saw Raisa besides her.

"Yeah Mom, I'm okay. I just couldn't move for a minute there," the child said bravely.

"The doctor is on his way," one of the officials said.

"She's fine," Raisa assured.

"You don't know that!" Carolyn was getting angry.

"Let it go Carolyn," Raisa said as quietly as possible.

"No! She is my child. You are not a doctor!"

"Mom, I'm okay!" Amanda said trying to get up. The child began to get agitated and aggressive.

The doctor arrived and began to examine her.

"Leave me alone!" Amanda yelled.

"Amanda!" Carolyn tried to cajole her.

Raisa stood up to her full height. "Amanda, get up." All looked up at the imperious voice. Amanda stopped fidgeting and stood up. "Your gate was strong but you lost control of your horse because you didn't concentrate at the last jump."