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Amanda nodded her head.

"We will work on that." Raisa said as she placed her hand on the girl's shoulder. "Now let the doctor check you over and then take care of your horse. He is your responsibility."

The child turned towards the doctor quietly. Carolyn was both awed and furious.

They all walked to the medical tent and once the doctor was sure that the girl was fit, Carolyn began to breathe easier.

Amanda went looking for Astro, her horse. Both she and Carolyn spotted Raisa brushing him as they approached.

Raisa looked up and she could tell that she was about to hear it.

"You told her to change her routine!" Carolyn didn't miss a breath. "How dare you interfere! She could have been killed!"

"No, she is a good rider. She is a strong rider too," Raisa said defensively.


"You just come in do what you please don't you. You never stop to think of the what if," Carolyn said accusingly.


"I told her to just be herself. You can't hide who you are Carolyn!" Raisa attacked back.

"How dare you presume to tell me how to deal with my daughter!"


"You were embarrassing her out there!"

"You pompous ass."

"I would never have let her move if I thought that she might be hurt," Raisa said defensively.

"You are always right aren't you?" Carolyn spat.

"Carolyn, you are suffocating her!"

"How dare you tell me how to me a mother!"

Raisa took two steps back. "You are right I don't know anything about mothers," Raisa said softly. Carolyn immediately felt the impact of her words.

"I'm okay Mom," Amanda said as she put her arms around Carolyn's waist.

Carolyn looked down at the dark head and her hand began to caress it. Raisa looked on as if she were mesmerized.

Carolyn knelt down in front of her daughter and caressed that soft face of her little girl. "I love you, Amanda. If anything ever happened to you it would kill me." Tears ran her face. "I want you to be strong and brave but you must take care because there are people who love you."

Carolyn stood up and looked at her daughter. Amanda went into her arms. Carolyn looked up and saw the tenderness she knew so well in those dark eyes that stood now before her. "Raisa.... I..."

"I shouldn't have changed the routine without checking with her parents.... you in this case. I didn't know she was yours," Raisa said with a sad smile. Her hand reached out to touch the child's hair as well but pulled back before doing so. Carolyn did not miss noticing the attempt. "She's exquisite."

Amanda pulled away from her mother and now stared at the woman in front of her in curiosity.

"Are you Raisa Andieta?" Amanda got both women's attention now.

"Yes, I am," Raisa answered the child.

"I'm suppose to be like you," Amanda said seriously not breaking eye contact with Raisa.

Raisa looked at Carolyn.

"My father doesn't like you," Amanda stated.

"No, he doesn't," Raisa answered the child honestly.

Amanda looked at her speculatively for awhile. "He doesn't like me much either."

Carolyn thought her heart would break. She was about to say something before Raisa knelt down in front of the child in front of her.

"Sometimes, people don't understand." Raisa said gently and then gave her a smile. Amanda nodded in agreement.

Raisa reached out and put a lock of hair in front of the child's face behind her ear. "I used to....your mother has a rebellious lock like yours."

Raisa got up and faced Carolyn now. Amanda put her hand inside Raisa's and her other hand in her mother's. Both women stood looking at the child and then at each other.

Carolyn looked down at her daughter and smiled. "Ice cream?"

v Amanda nodded her head with a smile and looked at Raisa.

"Kid, have you ever tried mango ice cream?"


"Well, I have a surprise for you." Raisa and Amanda started walking without Carolyn. She laughed and she caught up with them.


"Hey! Where were you two?" Simon waltzed into the family room later that night. "We looked for you after the Competition."

"How is George and Tim?" Asked Carolyn looking up from her book.

"Good, we had a blast. The new arcade is incredible." Simon sat down and looked at Amanda. "Hey squirt, how was your competition?"

"I fell but I learned lots," Amanda said seriously. Matt had been reading the newspaper and put it down at that moment.

"Yeah? Did it hurt?"

"Nah, just got the wind knocked out of me."

"Cool," Simon said.

"I went to see you but you were busy talking to Raisa so I...." Simon looked towards Matt and realized too late his mistake.

"Raisa was at the competition?" Matt directed his question to Carolyn.

"We had mango ice cream," Amanda interjected.

"You had ice cream with her?" Matt said with exasperation at his daughter.

"Me and Mommy," Amanda said proudly.

Simon looked at his mother and saw the tenseness in her building.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Matt exclaimed standing up and looking straight at Carolyn.

"And I liked her," Amanda added insolently.

"You go to your room!" Matt pointed towards the door.

"Matt! What's wrong with you?"

"I liked her a lot! I liked her better than you!" Amanda spat out at him.

Matt became furious. "Go!"

Amanda got up and slammed the door behind her.

"What is wrong with you?" Carolyn immediately demanded.

"Simon leave!" Matt growled.

"No!" Simon refused.

"Simon sweetheart, I please, I want to speak, with your father." Carolyn wanted to remove her son from Matt's anger.

Simon looked at his father than at his mother again and walked out of the room.

"What were you doing with Raisa today and with my daughter?"

"Suddenly she is your daughter?" Carolyn was not backing down.

"Don't think I'm going to sit back this time and watch her fuck you!"

"Matt! You are disgusting," Carolyn said as she turned to leave.

"You make me sick!"

Carolyn turned around to face him. "The feeling is mutual." She then turned around and walked out.

Later on that evening he told her he would be away for two days. She breathed in a sight of relief. She actually felt a weight off her shoulder as she heard him close the door behind him as he left.


Carolyn answered the phone as she rushed into the house.



Silence followed.

"I would like....I need to see you," Raisa said abruptly.

"Why don't you come for lunch?" Carolyn invited her tensely.

"All right." Raisa sounded disappointed.

"Do you know where I live?"


"Come then."



Carolyn heard the dial tone and hung up.


It seemed like time had stopped and suddenly Raisa stood in front of her. They were both in a daze.

"Do you like tomato soup?"

"Never tried it."

Raisa walked closer and closer and Carolyn kept talking. "Well, it's nice and warm. I'm also making you a nice sandw--" Suddenly she was engulfed by Raisa's mouth.

And the fire that had lay dormant for so long became a raging inferno. Carolyn's hands went up to the dark mane of hair and as she did her head fell back and Raisa kissed her down her neck. Raisa's hands sought the skin that once had given her so much pleasure and as her hand slid under Carolyn's blouse it found its target in Carolyn's breast.

"Ohhhhhh..." Carolyn groaned and mouths met once again.

"Mom, I'm home."

Raisa and Carolyn pulled apart immediately. Simon walked in and saw the tenseness in their faces.

"I'm sorry," he said not exactly knowing why he said it.