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She saw the surprised look of the secretary as she tried to pass by her and succeeded in between her to the door.

Carolyn walked straight in what seemed like a board meeting. Oddly enough Matt was seated at the table as well. Perhaps it would be prudent to wait but she had waited 10 years and that was long enough.

Raisa stood up and waited. Carolyn took a deep breath.

"You made me an offer 10 years ago, or you were very going to. Is it still on the table?"

"Carolyn!" Matt stood up quickly

"Yes," Raisa answered simply. Both women could only see the other.

"Carolyn this is not the time or the place." Matt was visibly nervous looking around all the people seated around the boardroom intently staring.

Carolyn and Raisa stood as if they were the only ones in the room.

"I shouldn't have run away," Carolyn said softly.

"I should have gone after you," Raisa answered quickly.

Not a word or a sound was heard from anyone seated around the table. They were all looking around at each other and in Matt's direction in embarrassment.

"I'm still afraid," Carolyn said.

"I know."

"Do you still want me?"

"Oh God Carolyn, I never stopped." And Carolyn could see the truth of that statement in Raisa's eyes.

"I don't have to ...." Matt slammed his papers down and began to leave.

"Sit down!" Matt hesitated for a moment then obeyed. "Everyone get out! Now!"

All the board members hurried to the out. When they all had Raisa turned her full attention to Matt.

Raisa opened her brief case and pushed a folder towards him.

"Look it over. I believe I am being generous." Raisa looked at him with a murderous glare. "I would rather just kill you but Carolyn would probably object to that type of behavior and for better or worse you are Simon's and Amanda's father. But don't push too hard Matt. Never push me too hard!"

Raisa looked up and met Carolyn's gaze. At that moment Carolyn was not sure whether Raisa was being sarcastic or just plain honest. Matt looked like he believed her threat. Raisa then looked towards Matt again.

"Sign these papers and all in that package is yours." She placed a document in front of him that she took out of her briefcase.

"What am I signing?"

"Does it matter?"

Matt looked at the folder and was visibly pleased and smiled at Raisa. He then looked over the papers he was to sign.

v "I won't..." he started to say.

"It's all or nothing," Raisa spat. "There will be no negotiations."

"I won't give up my daughter," he said indignantly. "I'll fight for her custody in the courts and I'll get it too."

"Another five million." Carolyn began to feel unwell as she stared from one to the other.


"Done, now sign," Raisa demanded.

Matt signed the papers and walked towards Carolyn.

"Not a word!" Raisa warned him. "One word will cost you my patience and your life."

Matt turned to stare at her in disdain.

"She chose me." Raisa tasted those words. "You say one word to her, just one and no matter how much she pleads for you will save you. Because Matt, this time I will kill you."

Matt stood silently, then turned around and walked out.

"The papers?"

"They were drawn up to set you free."

"You were very sure of yourself," Carolyn stated

"Not sure, just hopeful," Raisa said earnestly. "I have been living on hopes my whole life. This time I fought for my happiness."

Raisa looked at Carolyn intensely now. Carolyn saw as the clouds disappeared in those beautiful dark eyes and all that she could see was love. And she remembered that words that Nona had once said to her and she smiled.

"I'm trying," Raisa tried to say reassuringly.

"I see," Carolyn said with a smile.

They both started walking slowly towards one another. Raisa now stood a few feet in front of her.

"I would ask again." Raisa took another step and only their breathing stood between them. Carolyn smiled and waited for the question.

"Would you be mine forever and ever?"


And the distance closed visibly before them as two lovers' lips united together forever at last.