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"Raisa please.... Please go. Simon..." Carolyn said in barely a whisper. "Please," Carolyn begged as her eyes closed.

"Hide behind your son if you want to. But we both know that you enjoyed it. And remember Cara Mia, you fucked me back," Raisa said as she roughly released her.

Carolyn stood leaning against the wall as Raisa started picking up her clothes and dressing. When she was done she faced Carolyn once more. She stared at Carolyn for a moment and then walked out.


Raisa walked out of the bedroom and came face to face with Simon. He extended his hand to her and she as if in a trance took it.

"Hello, I'm Simon," he said with a smile.

"Hello Simon, I'm..."

"You are Ms. Andieta, my Mommy told me." He said sounding very proud of himself for having all this knowledge. "You work with my Dad and you came to make sure we were okay."

Raisa could not help but smile. She usually found children bothersome; but she found herself reacting to the charming little boy with the bright smile and the innocent blue eyes. It was quite obvious that he was Carolyn's child. He also had the sunlight in his hair like his mother had and the softness of her eyes.

"Are you going to have breakfast with us?" As he finished asking his question Carolyn was coming out of the bedroom.

"Well, I am hungry," Raisa said turning back and giving Carolyn a smile, daring her to object.

"Simon darling, Ms. Andieta is a very busy person. Don't impose on her," Carolyn said hoping that Raisa would take the bate.

"But, Mommy, she's hungry."

"Yes, I'm hungry," Raisa added with a devilish smile. The insinuation was not lost on Carolyn. She looked from Raisa to her son then back to Raisa.

"Then of course she must stay. Shall we order then?" Carolyn walked over to the telephone trying to put some distance between Raisa and herself.

All three had breakfasted together. Raisa almost totally ignored Carolyn. She engaged Simon in conversation and the boy was eating up all the attention. Raisa was really listening and Simon was quite animated. They laughed and giggled all throughout breakfast. Carolyn had a chance to see this woman in front of her from a whole new different viewpoint. Raisa had just slid into this very intimate part of her life and she couldn't understand how it had all suddenly come about.

The world was spinning so fast she hadn't been able to catch her breath yet. And as she was daydreaming her eyes became fixed on Raisa's hands.

A soft moan escaped Carolyn's lips without her ever realizing it. Her mind was filled with visions of what those hands had done. Those hands had caressed, teased and made her body soar over and over again. The same feeling of dizziness that she had experienced in Raisa's office was spreading through her body again and again the world began to spin.

She felt Raisa's hands on hers before she actually saw them. And when she looked up to meet those eyes she remembered how they changed when they were filled with passion. Raisa's voice broke through the haze.

"Are you dizzy Cara?" Raisa now kneeled next to her.

"Mommy, are you okay?"

Carolyn swallowed, broke eye contact with Raisa and directed her comments to Simon as she tried to catch her breath. "Yes, darling, I'm fine, just a little tired." She suddenly realized what she had said and looked at Raisa. They had hardly slept.

"You must lie down and get some rest," Raisa said softly.

"No!" Carolyn said much too quickly and pulled her hand away from Raisa's.

Raisa smiled and stood up. "Of course you must. Go lie down and I will have my car outside pick up your maid. While you are resting I will keep Simon entertained until she arrives."

"No, you have done enough," Carolyn replied.

"Not enough Cara, I wish I could do more," Raisa said with double meaning and sealed it with a smile filled with a promise. "Is this plan all right with you Simon?" Raisa looked for an alley. She did not have to wait long.

"Mommy, come on. I will tuck you in. You look really tired." Simon took his mother's hand and started walking her towards the bedroom.

"Simon, Ms. Andieta has been very kind but she is a very busy woman. We can look after ourselves; we mustn't impose." Carolyn tried desperately to get control of the situation.

"Nonsense Carolyn, I am doing this because I want to. Now go to bed. My driver shall bring back your maid to take care of things. I have some things to take care of in my office and then tonight I shall come back and take you both home." Raisa finished saying then picked up the phone and started putting her plan into action.

Simon tugged at his mother's sleeve and she allowed him to walk her to bed. What had she gotten herself into. Kept going over and over again in Carolyn's mind.

Simon tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead before he walked out and closed the door behind him.

Carolyn kept going over things in her mind. How had this happened? How had she allowed it to happen? And now, how could she deal with Raisa Andieta now? Raisa had made it perfectly clear that she had been taken. How dare she assume that she could just take over things? thought Carolyn to herself. If Raisa Andieta thought that she somehow now had some right to force herself in her life she had another thing coming. I'll be damned if I get within 20 feet of that woman ever again, was the last thought that Carolyn had before the weight of what she had lived through the last 24 hours took her to a sound sleep.


Raisa had waited for Clara to come and take over the care of Simon. Before she left she checked in on Carolyn and found her in a deep sleep. She stood before the sleeping woman for a moment then walked out.

Raisa went home to shower and change. She called into her office and went over some things on the telephone as she was being driven to the office. There was a message from Matt Stenbeck "He had called to confirm his appointment. He would be there by the time that she arrived"

Raisa leaned back into the leather of her seat. She would be meeting with the husband of the woman she had spent the night with. And although it was not the first time that she had slept with one of her executives wife this time it bothered her. It was not that she felt remorse or shame of having taken another mans wife. And it wasn't that she had any regrets; on the contrary. She wanted Carolyn now more than ever. What began to bother her was the thought that Carolyn was his wife. He had touched her; he would touch her again and at that thought Raisa shook her head.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" She asked out loud.

"Ms. Andieta?" The driver asked.

"Just drive!" She yelled and stared out the limousine window without saying a word for the remainder of the drive.


Raisa walked into the Copeco Oil Headquarters Building with all her energy. She was on top. That was all that had ever mattered. She was in control and everyone knew it as they stepped aside as soon as they saw her coming. As she approached her office she immediately saw Matt Stenbeck.

When he saw her approaching he stood up to greet her.

"Ms. Andieta," he acknowledged and she nodded.

"Come with me," was all she said and he followed her into her private office. She walked around her desk and sat down. "Sit down."

Matt sat quickly. He had come straight to her office. He had been trying to call his house and had received no answer.

"Mr. Stenbeck, what happened out at my rig?" Raisa jumped right in.

"It seems that it was a deliberate explosion. We found remnants of a small device. We are still investigating."

"Did you get rid of Curbelo?"

"I have not been able to find him. I did hear about his family."

"Yes, most unfortunate. Have you notified the authorities?" Raisa wanted to keep it all sterile. She had learned that early on. Feeling was a weakness. Compassion was a flaw that had no place in business. Her father had taught her well. She was a daughter not the son he had wanted but he had been proud at how easy she learned. He had once said that she was more of a man than anyone he had ever known and that he was proud of her ability to run his company.