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Raisa had always wanted his approval. Her brother Andreas was weak in her father's eyes. All Andreas wanted to do was run the ranch. He was happy just tending the land. Martin Andieta had tried everything to get his son to toughen up as he put it, but Andreas had remained steadfast in his convictions.

And suddenly one day Martin Andieta noticed his daughter. He had been aware of her sharp intelligence and her desire to excel. Then quite suddenly he saw her desire to please him and please him she did. She became the best in everything. He taught her all that was important to him. He taught her how to shoot and ride a horse with out fear. He taught her the desire to conquer and to vanquish. He taught her how to control and manipulate people. He taught her to be the heir he wanted to keep his empire intact and growing.

Mostly, he taught her not to need. And before he died he had looked at his creation with pride. She was truly all and more he could have hoped for. She was self-sufficient. He had made her a fortress of strength. He had taught her the ability to be alone.

This is the woman that was facing Matt Stenbech. She wanted the facts and none of the details that she found unnecessary. Matt was no lightweight, but even he found her disinterest in the loss of human casualties surprising.

"I have not been able to get in touch with the police--" he was interrupted.

"Good, we will take over. This business is out of your hands now. Give Estes all the details of your finds and get back out to the rig. I want security tight Mr. Stenbeck. I don't want the flow to slow down anymore than it has already." She continued to say without the blink of an eye. "Have you made arrangements to replace the personal you lost?" When she received no answer she looked up from the papers she was looking at.

"Ah..no, we will need a few days to bring them in from other rigs. It will slow us down a bit but it will be worth the security measure rather than just bringing in unscreened personnel," Matt finished saying and watched as she sat back now staring at him.

"Very good," was all she said acknowledging his foresight. "I want you back out there today," she said not giving him any other option.

"I will be going back in a few hours. I have had no word of my wife and son. I want to make sure that they are all right before I go back. I have everything bottled up at the rig."

"Your family is fine. They are now at the Caracas Hilton. It seems that they were caught out at the Autopista when the flooding took place. I had breakfast with them this morning." She jumped right in.

"That answers why I couldn't get in touch with them." He smiled his thanks. "Carolyn tends to over react sometimes I wanted to make sure that all was well."

Raisa felt herself swallow down her disgust as she faced the man in front of her with dispassionate disinterest.

"She had a right to be frightened Mr. Stenbeck, she saw the water rising with her son in the car as others were submerged and drowned," Raisa said condescendingly.

"Of course she did. Of course she did. I want to thank you Ms. Andieta for all the trouble that you've taken with my family." He tried to make amends for his apparent lack of sensitivity.

"No trouble Mr. Stenbeck, I found your son quite charming. Your wife and son are fine. I expect you out on the rig immediately." She left him no other options.

"I figured I would be needed back. I have arranged for transportation back this evening. I will be picked up at home. So if there is nothing else you wish to know. I will give Mr. Estes all the details and updates and go to the Hotel and take my wife and son home." Matt rose and Raisa nodded her dismissal. There was nothing else she could say.

She sat and looked at the door he shut as he left her office. His wife... his wife...his wife... How many times had he said that? She stood up and walked up to the glass wall that put the city of Caracas at her feet. His wife.


When Carolyn heard the buzzing from the door of the suite she looked up in dread and anticipation. Raisa had said she would be taking them home. She chastised herself and looked in the direction of the door as Clara went to answer it.

Carolyn had taken care when she dressed and lightly put some make up on. She had brushed her hair and now she looked more herself. She had had enough rest so that she could handle Raisa Andieta.

When the door opened she took a deep breath. Matt waltz in to her surprise and Simon ran into his father's arms.


"Is Ms Andieta available?" A police sergeant asked Gloria Bertran, Raisa's private secretary.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"She is expecting me... my name is Sargento Ramiro Fonseca."

Gloria looked at him suspiciously and picked up Raisa's private line.

"Ms Andieta. I have a Sargento Fonseca that says..."

"Send him in," and she was disconnected.

"Sargento, if you will please go through that door."

The Sergeant nodded and disappeared into Raisa's private office.


Raisa did not speak to Carolyn that night. She did not communicate with her either. But from that day on she knew where she was every moment of the day.

As the city started settling after the disastrous land slides and the finding of some of the missing the disturbance began again. There were demonstrations and riots rising all over the city. The populace was unhappy with how the government had handled the emergencies. There had been very little in terms of relief and the death count was still growing due to the unsanitary conditions now created by stagnant water.

Disease ran through the barrios and left death and more despair in its path. The University students began their protest marches and the army was called in to put down the civil unrest. The military began to be more visible. And the arrests and interrogations of known activist began to take its toll. The city of Caracas was becoming a powder keg that was going to explode at any moment.

Elected officials began to fear the motor cycles since they seemed to be a very viable way of being shot and escaping quickly. Security was tightened. The anger and frustration became palatable.


"Raisa, I cannot give you any more security!"

"Carlos, I have paid for things like this not to happen!"

"Raisa, calm down, you know that I count on your support and friendship. I promise you that this will not be left without justice being exacted."

"Mr. President, I am loosing 20,000 barrels of oil on a daily basis. Don't tell me you are doing your best!"

"Raisa, I will give you military protection."

"I don't want military protection. My rigs are mine. I don't want soldiers near my rigs. Don't play this game with me because I will hit you with everything I have in my power," she threatened.

"No, my friend. That was a sincere offer of assistance." Presidente Carlos Arturo Padron reassured in his most diplomatic demeanor.

"I'm sure it is Mr. President. Thank you, but no. I don't require military intervention."

"Very well then. I shall stay in touch and count on your friendship," he waited for her assurance.

"Of course, Mr. President. You have my friendship," and on that not she hung up the phone. That son of a bitch. I am going to enjoy burying him, she thought to herself. His days are numbered.


Demonstrations started erupting at the least expected times. Civil unrest was becoming palatable even in the highest level. Copeco was hosting a charity event for the Bolivar Museum. All Copeco executives were expected to attend.