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Raisa who normally hated these occasions was expectant and nervous. She had in some ways been more focused then ever and more in control. She had managed to keep herself on a goal. The world around her was going to change and she was adamant about being one of the catalysts. She was the queen and her entourage buzzed around her. She ruled over them all with a sense of confidence until she saw from the corner of her eye as Matt and Carolyn Stenbeck entered the ballroom.

Matt had his arm around his wife's waist possessively. That was the first moment that the control began to chip away on Raisa's armor. She followed their entrance as they went from person to person with their hellos.

Raisa took in every part of Carolyn's body and the heat she thought she had control of within her became a roaring fire once more. Almost on cue Carolyn looked in her direction as if sensing the primal call and their eyes fused. Carolyn stared back with the same hunger.

Almost as if willing her Carolyn separated herself from Matt and walked towards her. Raisa never looked away. And quite suddenly Carolyn stood before her.

"I need to talk to you," Carolyn said softly.

"Yes" was all that would come out of Raisa's lips. "Come with me," and Carolyn followed her.

They walked through a door and into an office. Raisa was unable to move as Carolyn walked slowly up to her. "What mischief have you been up to lately, hummm?" Carolyn said as a finger traced Raisa's jaw slowly.

Raisa began to realize that she was loosing control and was about to speak when Carolyn put her finger on her lips. The touch became an anesthetic. Raisa's breathing became audible. Her head fell backwards as her body leaned back onto the desk. Carolyn's mouth found her neck and her hands began to explore Raisa's body.

"Carolyn, Oh God Cara mia, touch me..."


Their lovemaking was rushed with need. There hunger was something that needed quenching quickly; both women touched, bit, kissed, caressed and received pleasure.

They had ended up on a couch completely naked. Carolyn lay on her back and Raisa on her side with her face resting on Carolyn's breasts. Her hand possessively holding Carolyn's thigh. Carolyn suddenly began to stroke Raisa's hair and the other woman kissed the breast she laid on and rested her face again on its softness.

Both women had been careful not to look directly at each other after their bodies had been sated. They were fused together by the most delicate of string and both just wanted to enjoy what was left of the moment and the pleasure without having to face what they had done.

Raisa's head looked up quickly as she heard the jiggling of the doorknob and made out what was being said on the other side. She rose quickly; looking down on Carolyn for a mere instant. Carolyn looked in horror at the door. Raisa looked around quickly and grabbed one of the dresses that lay closest to her on the floor and put it over Carolyn before she was able to fully turn the door burst open.

"Que esta pasando aqui?" A very irate gentleman followed by a bus boy began to say before he went mute as soon as he took in the scene in front of him.

Carolyn turned her face away as she tried to cover her body. Raisa stood to her full height and faced the man without even a blink of nervousness.

"Tu! Eres el gerente!" Are you the manager, she demanded. The man nodded unable to stop his staring. "Cierra esa puerta y controla tu perro... te conpensare con mas dinero que has visto en toda tu vida." The gentlemen nodded his agreement and complied with her request to control his dog and she called it. He told the bus boy to wait outside and not say a word She had offered him more money than he would ever see in his lifetime. The manager recognized the authority in her bearing. Instantly, he knew she was not a woman to cross.

Raisa motioned him to turn around. He complied. She quickly knelled down next to Carolyn. "It's all right. It's going to be all right." Her voice was soft and gentle. "No one saw anything here; I promise you that." Raisa said softly trying to reassure her. Carolyn looked at her with fear filled eyes. Raisa was in control she did not flinch.

Carolyn stared as Raisa walked over to the man and spoke to him. She had not bothered to put one stitch of clothing on. She defied all sense of reason. She challenged anyone to defy her with her bravado. Carolyn saw the man nod and walk out the door without looking back.

Carolyn rose and began to dress as quickly as possible. Raisa just stood and stared at her without saying a word. When Carolyn was finished she finally looked up and met Raisa's stare.

"What now?" Raisa asked looking defiantly at her.

Carolyn looked away and found no point reference. Raisa waited until her own impatience showed itself. Suddenly there was an ocean between them.

"Did I take advantage of the situation this time Cara?" Raisa asked sarcastically.

"You are a pig!" Carolyn spat as she started walking towards the door. Raisa reached for her and pulled her towards her.

"Was this a mistake too?" Raisa demanded not releasing her.

"An experiment." Carolyn's comment hit Raisa harder than if her face had been slapped.

Raisa quickly released her. Both women stood challenging one another.

"I see... well...now that we have established the parameters," Raisa said as her eyes became like dark chips of anger.

"What are you talking about? This will not happen again," Carolyn said with superiority.

"Won't it?" Raisa gave her a malevolent smile.

"No...it won't," Carolyn assured her.

"How much?"

Carolyn stared suddenly understanding what the insinuation was.

"You are disgusting. I am not a prostitute!"

"We have established the parameters Cara Mia.... We are merely discussing terms," Raisa said to her quite seriously. Raisa reached out to take Carolyn's breast.

"Arghhh..." with that Carolyn went at her. Raisa took both her hands and in the struggle they both fell onto the floor. They rolled like two cats fighting for dominance.

"Get off me!" Carolyn demanded furiously as Raisa pinned her.

"No money then?" Raisa mocked her. Carolyn struggled beneath her. "Oh...now I really understand... you do it just because you like it." Raisa's tone was even more mocking. Raisa's mouth covered her savagely and her hand went between Carolyn's legs.

When Raisa released one hand to touch the woman beneath her she was struck across the face hard. Raisa struck her back. And again pinned her down and kissed her until they could both taste blood. Raisa pulled away and her eyes looked into a mirror of her own emotions in Carolyn's eyes. She needed to touch her, kiss her, taste her and be one with her again. They stared at one another as their bodies started the primal dance.

"I'm sorry," Raisa said in barely a whisper as she searched Carolyn's eyes closed as she offered her neck and her hunger. Raisa kissed the delicate neck offered to her.

A moan escaped Carolyn's mouth as her hand now pulled Raisa closer to her. Raisa's mouth traveled to capture the lips that beckoned. As both mouths met Carolyn opened hers. Carolyn needed the connection too. The kiss that followed was softer and the hands that fought one another pulled and tugged. And once again they gave into the passion that always rose within them. Their bodies rubbed against one another and pleasure once again was given and taken.

After the panting and the breathing began to slow they both started dressing. Neither said a word and neither looked at the other. Neither spoke as they checked their appearance on the mirror in the side bathroom and then walked out. It was as if they both chosen not to acknowledge what had just transpired between them. Both women had lost and won and for now that was enough.

As they both appeared in the ballroom again Carolyn gave Raisa a side-glance as she spotted and walked towards Matt. Raisa now did not have to hide her eyes and watched as Carolyn walked back to her husband. She watched as he leaned down and said something in her ear. Raisa felt her face flush with heat her eyes closed as memories of how Carolyn had felt beneath her threatened her sanity. She turned and walked away as far from Carolyn as possible; she couldn't stand by and watch Matt touching what was in her mind hers.