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‘And since neither Carson nor I are going to talk to journalists,’ Gina added, ‘there’ll be nobody to contradict you.’

‘You say that, but what about you?’ She turned on Carson. ‘Does she speak for you?’

‘Of course,’ he said in disgust. ‘Get out of my hair, and I’ll keep out of yours. I won’t sell any fewer engines because of what you say about me.’

‘But you and Joey must stay in touch,’ Gina offered her quickly. ‘In a while, when he can talk properly, we might visit you out there, and you and he can-’

Angelica swung around so that she was facing Gina and hidden from Joey.

‘Get real,’ she muttered. ‘He’s all yours.’ To Carson she said, ‘Make sure that taxi’s there in ten minutes.’

She went upstairs. A few minutes later she had left the house without a backward look.

Joey watched his mother’s departure in silence, staying close to Gina. He’d been hurt, but in another way he’d also come to the end of his hurt. Like his father, he had made his choice, and it was for ever.

When they were alone he tugged at Gina’s hand.

You won’t go away now?

‘No, I’m staying always, darling.’

‘I’m going to make sure of that,’ Carson said.

Joey touched his father’s sleeve, indicated Gina and put his hands together as if clapping, the fingers of one hand folded over the back of the other.

‘I don’t know that one, son.’

‘It means marry,’ Gina said huskily.

‘Yes, we’re going to marry,’ Carson told him.


‘Next month.’

Joey made another gesture.

‘That’s right,’ Carson agreed. ‘We do-all three of us.’

‘Did you understand that one?’ she asked shakily.

‘Yes, but only because you taught me. Without you, I might never have understood.’

‘Do it, Carson. I’ve heard you say it, but I’d like to see you say it, just once.’

He nodded. Gravely he faced her, folded his hands and crossed them on his breast.

‘Love,’ he said.

Lucy Gordon

Lucy Gordon cut her writing teeth on magazine journalism, interviewing many of the world’s most interesting men, including Warren Beatty, Richard Chamberlain, Sir Roger Moore, Sir Alec Guinness, and Sir John Gielgud. She also camped out with lions in Africa and had many other unusual experiences which have often provided the background for her books. She is married to a Venetian, whom she met while on holiday in Venice. They got engaged within two days.

You can visit her website at www. lucy-gordon. com and look out for The Italian’s Passionate Revenge which will be available in May!
