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Book 2 of the Bobiverse

Dennis E. Taylor

Titles by the author

The World Lines series:


Earthside (coming soon)

The Bobiverse series:

We Are Legion (We Are Bob)

For We Are Many

All These Worlds (coming soon)

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Copyright © 2017 by Dennis E. Taylor - All rights reserved.

eBook edition published by Worldbuilders Press, a service of the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency

Cover art by Jeff Brown

Author Blog: www.dennisetaylor.org


I would like to dedicate this book to all the people who love good old-fashioned space opera.


I am truly amazed and grateful for how We Are Legion (We Are Bob) was received by science fiction fans. The response has been both overwhelming and humbling. Thank you. It has been quite the journey…and along the journey I have had great help.

First I would like to thank my agent Ethan Ellenberg for not only taking me on but guiding me through all this. Your help has been invaluable and I am grateful. To Steve Feldberg who saw the potential in We Are Legion and the series…thank you so much for the opportunity you have given me. Betsy Mitchell – thank you for editing my manuscripts and for the words of encouragement.

It takes a “village” of sorts to create a novel, everyone from beta readers, critiques, artists, editors, publishers and now a narrator. To Ray Porter, thank you for bringing Bob Johansson to life.

I’d like to particularly mention the members of the Ubergroup and Novel Exchange group on scribophile. I appreciate your input. And to my beta readers – thank you.

Thanks in particular to:

Sandra and Ken McLaren

Nicole Hamilton

Sheena Lewis

Patrick Jordan

Trudy Cochrane

And my wife Blaihin

...for reading the raw draft and early versions.

It is not down in any map; true places never are.

— Herman Melville

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

1. Sky God

2. Colony Site

3. Life in Camelot

4. Water Planet

5. Progress

6. Contacting Bill

7. Back to Work

8. Farming Satellites

9. Something is Out There

10. Genocide

11. Mating Dance

12. Bob Calling

13. Investigating the Others

14. Sabotage

15. A Visit From Bill

16. Hunted

17. We’ve Lost a Drone

18. It’s Getting Worse

19. Prey

20. Parasite

21. Attacks Continue

22. Fallout


24. Visiting Marvin

25. Rabbits

26. Selling Poseidon

27. Luke Returns

28. Et Tu, Homer

29. Emergency

30. Found Something

31. Taking Care of Business

32. Linus

33. Trouble in Paradise

34. Moose

35. Sales Call

36. Asteroid Movers

37. He’s Gone

38. Following up

39. Bob-Moot

40. Gotcha

41. Casualties

42. Business

43. An Exchange of Words

44. Baseball

45. Replication

46. Klown Kar Planet

47. New Village

48. Operation

49. Arrival

50. Second Expedition

51. Wedding

52. Bullwinkle

53. Testing

54. Stuff is Happening

55. Contact

56. Descendants

57. Moot

58. News

59. Another One

60. Arrival

61. Starting Over

62. Departure

63. The Pav

64. Moot

65. Grandpa

66. It’s Happening

67. Bad News

68. Recording

69. Wake

70. Conversation

71. Charlie

72. Battle

73. Collection

74. Observing the Process

75. Reunion

76. Funeral

77. Completion


List of Terms

Cast of Characters


1. Sky God


February 2167

Delta Eridani

An angry squeal erupted from the pile of deadwood. The two Deltans paused, poised to retreat. Seeing no further response, they resumed pelting the area with rocks. The individual I had named Bernie, his fur erect along his spine and ears straight out with excitement, chanted, “Here, kuzzi, kuzzi, kuzzi.”

I moved my observation drone to the rear to get out of their line of sight.

They were okay with me observing the hunt, but I didn’t want to distract them when even a slight misstep could result in injury or death. Mike glanced up at the movement, but the Deltans otherwise paid no attention to the football-sized drone.

Someone must have scored a direct hit with a rock. Screaming like an irate steam engine, the pigoid erupted from the entrance to its den. The two rock-throwers sprinted out of the way and the other hunters moved up. Each braced the butt of his spear on the ground and placed a foot on the end to hold it in place.

The pigoid reached the hunting group in less than a second, screaming in rage. The Deltans held their positions with all the courage of medieval pikemen facing a cavalry charge. Even though I watched the action remotely via a floating observation drone, I could still feel my nether regions puckering up in fear. At times like this, I wondered if I hadn’t gone a little overboard with the level of detail in my virtual-reality environment. There was no reason for me to even have nether regions, let alone for them to pucker.

The pigoid crashed into the waiting spears without slowing. Fast, yes.

Smart, not so much. I’d never seen a pigoid try to dodge the spear points.

One of the hunters, Fred, was thrown to the side as his spear bowed and then snapped. He screamed, either in pain or surprise, and blood spurted from his leg. A distracted part of my mind noted that Deltan blood was almost the

same shade of red as human blood.

The other Deltans held fast, and the pigoid was lifted right into the air by the leverage of their spears. It hung in midair for a moment, then crashed to the ground with a final screech. The Deltan hunters waited for any more movement, lips drawn back to show their impressive canines. Occasionally, a pigoid would get back up after this level of mistreatment and wade in for another round. No one wanted to be caught with their guard down.