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Phil noted the lid had been nailed shut. A few air holes dotted the lid. Part of the journey from Maine had been in the dark, and during that time the Malcontent would have been alive and breathing.

Austin had left a crowbar in the room earlier, and now he pried the lid open a few inches. Phil grabbed the top and wrenched it off.

The sleeping vampire lay wrapped in silver chains. He looked about thirty-five years old, with a tall, gaunt body. His pale, pockmarked face was accented by deep-set eyes, sunken cheeks, and thinning brown hair. He couldn't have been a very healthy mortal when he was transformed, and now he was stuck looking ill for centuries. But his pasty skin and frail body was deceiving. As a vampire, he possessed superior strength and speed.

Phil peered around the room. "Where do you want to put him?"

"The bed and easy chairs look too comfortable." Austin grabbed a kitchen chair from the dinette set and set it in the middle of the room. "This will do."

Phil helped Austin lift the vampire out of the crate. "He's gotten a little stiff."

They propped the body against the chair with Hermes's feet on the floor and his shoulders against the back of the chair. The body didn't bend to conform to the chair, but remained stiff as a board.

Austin snorted. "Holy rigor mortis."

Phil chuckled. "Maybe we should lay him on the kitchen table. We could chain him to it."

They soon had Hermes chained to the wooden table and the table standing on its edge.

"We could practice throwing knives," Austin suggested. "Like a circus act."

"Good idea." Phil grinned. "But I think it would be more effective after he wakes up." He checked his watch. "That should be in about ten minutes."

"Let's find something to eat." Austin wandered into the kitchen area and rummaged through the cabinets. He found a loaf of bread and some chips.

Phil checked the refrigerator. It was stocked with synthetic blood but also had bottled water and lunch meat.

They sat in the easy chairs, eating their dinner, while they waited for Hermes to wake up.

Austin told Phil about some of the adventures he'd had as a former member of the CIA Stake-Out Team. "One time, I shot a Malcontent full of silver bullets and he was still able to teleport away."

"Really?" Phil bit into his sandwich. "That's interesting."

Austin swallowed a bite from his sandwich. "I asked Angus about it, and he said silver needed to be external to keep a vampire from teleporting. It acts like a boundary that they can't get through. But silver inside a vampire would hurt like hell and eventually kill him. I guess silver bullets would kill your kind, too?"

"Yeah. Silver inside me is like poison. But externally, it's not a problem. I can touch it without it burning me."

"Roman can touch silver, but he's the only Vamp I've ever known who can." Austin took another bite from his sandwich.

"I've noticed that the older Vamps can do things the younger ones can't," Phil said. "I've seen Angus teleport two mortals at once. And Jack and Ian have both managed to teleport me while I was armed with silver bullets." He recalled how Vanda had been unable to teleport him with the silver chain in his pocket.

"Yeah, the older they get, the more powerful. I wonder how old this one is." Austin motioned to the prisoner. "Oh, look. He's waking up."

The prisoner's body jolted. His chest heaved, straining against the silver chain as he sucked in his first breath. His eyes opened, then narrowed on Phil and Austin. His nostrils flared. He struggled against his chains, shaking the table.

"You know." Austin grabbed a handful of chips out of the bag. "I think he wants to bite us."

Phil drank some water. "I've noticed they're extremely hungry when they first wake up."

"Yeah," Austin agreed. "I heard it can get really painful."

Hermes glared at them. "You are inferior creatures," he grumbled with a thick accent. "You think you can hold me? Where have you taken me?"

Austin gave Phil a confused look. "Is he asking questions?"

"Looks that way." Phil finished his sandwich. "Maybe he hasn't realized yet that he's the prisoner, and we ask the questions."

Austin nodded. "They can be amazingly stupid sometimes. You would think they'd acquire a certain amount of wisdom over the centuries, but no—"

"Silence, mortal!" Hermes growled.

A surge of cold air pressed against Phil's brow. The prisoner was attempting to use vampire mind control on them.

You will release me at once.

Phil quickly tapped into the power of his inner wolf to keep his mind protected. He glanced at Austin to make sure he wasn't affected. He'd heard Austin was psychic but wasn't sure how strong he was. "Are you all right?"

"Oh, yeah." Austin lifted a hand, and a bottle of water flew from the kitchen counter to land in his hand.

Phil drew in a sharp breath. "You're telekinetic? You must have more psychic power than vampires."

"Yep." Austin unscrewed the top of his water bottle. "It really pisses them off when they realize they can't control me."

"I will not be ignored!" Hermes thundered. "Obey me."

He hissed at them, and his fangs sprang out.

"Now that's just nasty." Austin drank some water.

"Really." Phil helped himself to some chips. "Someone should tell him about whitening strips."

Another wave of cold air circled about the room.

Come to me, mortal. I must feed.

Austin gave Phil a wry look. "Do I look like breakfast to you?"

Phil studied the prisoner. "I think the hunger's getting to him. He's sweating."

"And his legs are quivering," Austin added. "I think he would fall down if we didn't have him chained up."

Hermes hissed at them. His arms strained against the chains, his hands fisted.

"If he wasn't so rude, I might offer him a sip of synthetic blood." Phil passed the chips back to Austin. "We've got plenty in the fridge. But he hasn't even told us his real name."

"You will get no information from me," Hermes snarled. "I'd rather die than drink that synthetic piss."

"I guess he wants to die." Austin took the chips back to the kitchen area.

"Well, technically, he's already died once," Phil said. "He should be pretty good at it by now."

The door to the silver room opened and Phineas sauntered inside. "What's up?"

The prisoner glowered at him. "I know who you are. The traitor. Your time will come."

Phineas studied him with a wry look. "Oh yeah, I'm scared."

"Want some breakfast?" Phil walked toward the refrigerator. "We've got Type O, A, AB, whatever you like."

"I'll take some AB Negative. Thanks." Phineas sat in one of the easy chairs. "Can you warm it up, bro?"

"Sure." Phil popped the bottle in the microwave.

The scent of blood permeated the room. Hermes's body racked with a shudder. His face glistened with sweat.

"Here you go." Phil handed Phineas a glass filled to the brim with warmed-up blood.

Phineas guzzled down half the glass, then licked his lips. "Damn, that's good."

"So where's Connor?" Austin sat next to Phineas in the second easy chair.

"He's in the security office with Jack. They're watching us." Phineas motioned toward the surveillance camera above the bed. "Connor's looking through the Malcontent database to figure out who this Hermes dude is."

"I'm done," Connor announced as he strode into the room. He gave the prisoner a challenging look, then referred to the clipboard in his hand. "Hermes is Polish, about four hundred years old, and he fought on the wrong side of the Great Vampire War of 1710."

"Fuck you," the prisoner growled.

Connor arched a brow. "As you can see, his English is somewhat limited."

"What's his name?" Phil asked.
