Craw smiled as if he wished it had taken longer and looked at his watch again. “If I let you loose in an African city, you’ll be out till all hours.”
“Martin, you look to me like a man who needs a beer.”
“Beer? And air-conditioning? That’s a big yes.”
“We’ll have one, repeat, one beer here, and then I get to cruise Old Town for thirty minutes.”
“Yes, sir!” Craw’s reply was deliberate overenthusiasm; he was a man capable of quiet sarcasm, often so deep it was difficult to detect. He paused on the crowded sidewalk to ogle a local woman in blended Western and African clothes. Alan hustled him inside.
The interior of the Hard Rock was cool, pleasant, and entirely American; only physique and face shape made the crowd different from a bunch of American blacks in an American city. Most of them were speaking English. The Hard Rock franchise was genuine, unlike that in Bahrain; it had been hit hard by the Nairobi embassy bombing but was still a bastion of burgers, milkshakes, and beer — and a magnet for sailors. One wall had plaques from ships of the U.S., British, and Canadian navies, and one from an Australian destroyer.
They sat at a table and ordered beers: Alan a White Cap, because it was Kenyan, Craw a Rolling Rock, because he was delighted to find it. Alan watched the city bustle by the huge picture window. He could see the park in front of the old British colonial office away to the left, surrounded by monolithic bank buildings — still a spiritual center of the town, although the real economic center had moved up Moi Avenue since he was last here. He was growing nostalgic for a town he had barely visited. “I know a great restaurant here, really world-class, called the Tamarind Dhow,” he said, still bursting with the notion of being in Mombasa. “Want to grab some food there after we visit the det? It’s on me.”
Craw smiled slowly, not raising his eyes from the menu of the Hard Rock. “I sort o’ have some plans, tonight, skipper, if you don’t mind. Rain check?” he drawled, and then looked up with a sudden laugh.
“Master Chief, do you have a date?”
“That would be ‘need to know,’ sir.” He smiled again. He seemed happy about it. “Do you really need to know?”
“Nope.” Alan thought of saying “Don’t hurt yourself,” but he let it pass. “But if you’re going to sit here and drool over your good fortune, I’m going to shop.” Craw smiled again. Alan couldn’t remember seeing him smile so often, at least since he had reached command rank. Craw waved him away. “It’s only Mombasa, skipper; I can find you. I’ll catch you in ten minutes. If I don’t see you in Old Town, I’ll catch you around Fort Jesus. Leave the helmet bag.” He reached out for it. “I’ll watch it.”
“I’m signed for it.” Alan wrapped the handles around his wrist again. He waved, tossed an American ten-dollar bill on the table, and headed out into the street, checking his watch. Time to see if the same old silversmith was still in business.
The interior of the shop was dark and cool, a profound contrast with the white-hot street outside. Three young boys were working in the back, two of them drawing wire by pulling a core through ever-smaller holes in a steel plate. He had seen the same craft demonstrated at Colonial Williamsburg, but these boys did it better. They were doing it for real. The third boy was polishing silver with ashes and a lot of elbow grease. Alan smiled and called a greeting as he entered; later, he couldn’t remember what language he had used, but he would remember the slight tension in their body language as they turned to him. He knew the shop was off the beaten track, but couldn’t imagine they were against tourists.
A fine old sword stood in a niche behind the counter; that caught his eye as he ignored cases of bangles and earrings. Rose never fancied such stuff. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen her in any earrings except military studs. But just under his hands, as he leaned on the counter, there was a heavy chain of solid links, almost like big beads; it was crisp and very well made. He smiled; it was usually so difficult to find anything for Rose.
“May I see the heavy silver necklace?”
“Oh, yes.” One of the young men sprang down from the bunklike bench where he was working and opened the case. Alan couldn’t pin down what was out of place, except that the young man should have been talking a great deal more.
The necklace was just as handsome close-up as in the case. He caught the young man’s eye. “Bei gani?” he asked. He showed a U.S. twenty-dollar bill. When here many years before, he had learned that it was easier to buy everything with U.S. dollars. Cheaper, too.
The boy held up his hand and spoke rapidly without smiling. He went too fast. Alan thought he heard something like “Mia moja na thelathini na sita,” which would have been a hundred and something. More than a hundred. That seemed unlikely; silver wasn’t that expensive.
“Ghali sana. Pudunza bei kidogo, rafik’.”
The young man on the other side of the counter kept looking past him into the street, and Alan wanted to turn around, except that the other young men were just as interesting. They seemed to be listening for something, utterly still. Not getting much work done.
The boy at the counter muttered something about his father. Perhaps serious bargaining had to be done by an adult, although in most of Africa all three of the shop boys would be thought men. In Somalia they would have been fighting for years. One of them even looked Somali. Not impossible.
“Lini?” Alan couldn’t remember how to ask something as complex as when the father would be in. It might not even be polite.
“Kesho!” Did he really mean tomorrow? The young man at the counter waved his hand as if eager for Alan to go. He was eager. Then, swiftly, his expression changed and he retreated to his work area, his face blank, as a new, older man came in through a beaded curtain to the side of the counter. He was looking at the three boys in puzzlement, but he smiled as he looked at Alan. “My son. I do not know why he torments me this way. You are interested in the necklace? I made it myself.”
“It is very good.”
“It is, isn’t it? Too good, I think. Tourists want a cheap memento of Africa, not a good piece of silver.” Alan liked him instantly; he had the directness that Alan associated with craftsmen. Men too busy for bullshit. The young men were listening; no wire was being drawn, no silver polished.
“What price did my son quote you?”
“Tafadhali, mzee. I did not really understand him. My Swahili is never as good as I think it is. Not nearly as good as your English, for instance.”
The older man polished the chain idly, unfazed by flattery. “Hmm. Yes. It is. One hundred twenty dollars.”
“I could perhaps go as far as eighty dollars.” Alan wanted it more now than when he had first looked at it. He also wanted an excuse to prolong the meeting. The older man was interesting, a type; and the young men were clearly on edge — waiting for something, something that a foreigner, an mzungu, was not part of.