Was it wrong to send Gumilev to GULAG although it did not prevent him from creating the “Theory of Drive”? Maybe it prevented him from writing something even more dangerous than the “Theory of Drive”?
On the inconsistency of the “Theory of Drive” read the corresponding chapter in the first volume of the work “Dead Water” by the Internal Predictor of the USSR.
[298] On the inhumane principle of «democratic centralism», which makes people resemble zombies see the work “On Imitating And Instigating Activities” by the Internal Predictor of the USSR.
[299] The entire history of the Party before Stalin became its leader in the late 1920-s was the history of struggle between personal ambitions of the leaders of the narrow circle, each of whom pretended to give the only true interpretation of the texts by Marx and Engels and to assure the veritable development of their ideas in the environment of Russia. This struggle of the leaders for personal or corporate domination had nothing to do with selfless work of implementing the ideals of communism into life.
[300] As a result of the better literacy and skills level of the population, some of the numerous people’s letters to the Central Committee, the People’s Commissariats (ministries), and personally to the Party and State leaders were really of big social significance. They would concern important issues of social life and would offer rather a professional set of measures to solve the problems. One can see it even from the «filtrate» of letters that A. Strelyany reads with ironic sorrow on Svoboda radio station from time to time.
[301] Besides, sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and its republics were held regularly. And the members of Soviets of all the levels were a better representation of the society than the Party activists who would be sent as delegates to the Congresses.
[302] See the work “Dialectics and Atheism: Two Incompatible Essences” by the Internal Predictor of the USSR
[303] See the works “Brief Course …”, “Dead Water” by the Internal Predictor of the USSR.
[304] Refusal to finish the construction of the Palace of Soviets is also part of the policy to overcome the leaderism, which is a modification of crowd-“elitism”. The Palace of Soviets was necessary for the masters of Psychical-Trotskyites as an instrument of social magic. First, it was an instrument to support the personality cult of the current leader and his associates. Second, it would help to govern the society moved by gregarious instincts effecting in the crowd. The more delegates of the common people from provinces can be present in the conference-hall and the bigger is their emotional excitement in expectation of such an assemblage, the deeper is the personality suppression by the herd and the heavier is the person loaded with the idea to subdue to the leader, which he can transfer to the surrounding people upon his or her return home.
In recent decades the police got acquainted with the destructive force of the herd psychological effects from the football fans in all the countries. Only the direct communication between people can produce such powerful effects. It cannot be caused by the television (at least not at the point of its development on the verge of the 21st century): there are very few cases of mass football fanaticism leading to destruction of people’s own domestic surroundings.
But the very same herd psychological effects can turn «productive» if they are evoked by a special policy and the audience is specially selected and ideologically prepared. Then these people from the audience can be used to govern the life and activity of the crowd-“elitist” society. This was the goal of the Psychical-Trotskyites from Communist International when they began the project of the Palace of Soviets. A similar function was performed by a complex of buildings, which Hitler built in Nuremberg, Germany, to mesmerize the crowd in the direct communication with it under the guise of the Congresses of the NSDAP.
But the Bolsheviks did not need the building to perform such kind of social magic in. That is why the Palace of Soviets project was stopped as soon as the circumstances allowed. First, the beginning of the war in 1941, and later the dissolution of the Communist International in 1943 left nobody to insist on the construction of the Palace in 1945.
[305] Anecdote that was imprudently and proudly told by a Hebrew-student in the end of 70-s:
Volodarsky and Sverdlov walk along the hall of the Smolny Palace and all of the sudden Volodarsky pushes a not tall, bold, reddish man with a pointed beard. The man darkly smiles and passes by…
Sverldov: «Hey, man?! That was Lenin!!!»
Volodarsky: «Look, Yasha, I am fresh from the States, who is this Lenin?»
Sverdlov: «Hush…!!! The whole gesheft is assigned to him … »
Being a contemporary and the participant of the events Stalin knew much more about it than a Soviet Hebrew student in the end of 70-s.
[306] But after this or that Jew is informed about the guilt, the inverted commas are not needed anymore, because starting from that moment of notification about the assigned to him by the «world backstage’ mission he is free to make a conscious choice: to continue backing up this meanness or actively oppose to it. In this choice there is a key to the solution of the problem of «anti-Semitism», first of all the Jews themselves.
[307] The following shows how out of place this word is: Arabs — Semites, in spite of many Jews whose ancestors are obvious non-Semites — Turks, Khazars, Ethiopians and other at some point accepted Judaism as their religion. According to this historically real circumstance, opposing to the creation of the Arab state in Palestine, Israel manifests anti-Semitism.
[308] In order to be all covering alternative it was necessary for the alternative to operate a wider majority of terms, and, therefore, definitions, than did those who were against it.
But if to remain in the frames of the historically formed at that time cultural terminology all the actions of J.V. Stalin that were not commented by him, could and can be interpreted by different people as mutually exclusive, depending on their understanding of the character of the global historical process and management in it. Because of this point of view for some people Stalin is a contemptible marionette of zid-masonry; from another point of view he is an «anti-Semite» more artful and dangerous than Hitler; the third think he is an ignorant, sly and cruel power-loving man who managed to manipulate almost all (only Hitler was able to deceive him in 1941), including zid-masons, «anti-Semites», due to this and in spite of his mean essence he undeservedly appeared in the first lines of the list of the outstanding politicians and statesmen of the XX century. One see him as a Satanist, others — as a lost son of the Orthodox church who all his life looked for ways to come back to its bosom, etc. But all the commentators of his deeds in the majority are too lazy to read and understand the written heritage of J.V. Stalin and correlate it with the common to us all history.
[309] This is one of the reasons why J.V. Stalin contributed to the creation of the Israel state, which in perspective was suppose to be a bulwark of the multinational Bolshevik socialism in the Far East
[310] «Party! Let me rule!» — is the slogan that thoughtless masses screened the coming of the bourgeois democratization to the power during the Gorbatchev’s perestroika. The slogan goes back to the words of one of the famous festive songs «Party is our — man at the wheel». People holding a mass meeting under that slogan did not relies that man at the wheel is an ordinary subordinate, a sailor on board and that the course is laid by a navigator, it is a task given by a captain (in the marine) and by a captain of the ship in Navy. In other words, man at the wheel makes little difference. If «Party is our man at the wheel», then it is not party that is responsible…