[311] The problem of a successor of J.V. Stalin in the so-called «conjunctive mood of the history» and in the vain dreams about the future of the politically dependant part of the society is still so vital that the authors of the version of «Memories» of J.V. Stalin that are under the power of the aggregor that was formed on the basis of the teaching of E.P. Blavlatskaya and the Rerikhs took their understanding out to the cover of the book «… I want to tell about the main sin against the people. And I am to ask my people for forgiveness because I did not stand the test; I did not left a trustful man after myself». (A.G. Karpova, N.I. Siyanov-Starodubtsev, “Memories of J.V. Stalin. Recollections of Russia”, book 3, Moscow, 2000)
In our opinion such views about the succession of the upper power in society, that are arrogated to J.V. Stalin later, only express the understanding of this matter by the aggregoriously possessed authors of «Memories». With such a primitive and not objective conceptions about the power in society J.V. Dzhugashvili would not have been J.V. Stalin: the history would have known nothing about these names.
[312] Only it appeared that «it is caviar to the general»: in the party and in society morality and expressing it ethics still reigned that constantly created crowd-“elitism”. That is why during the «palace revolution» in the end of February — beginning of March of 1953, the power was taken over by the lovers of the powers of office; they are also careless and irresponsible self-seekers-“elitists”, those who perverted the Bolsheviks’ work on building a society where the fair worker would be free from any parasitism on his work and life.
[313] That acted in majority at the expense of the state, as any other public organization in the USSR.
[314] So-called, though based on the word “Hebrew”.
[315] The 1st try of the suppression of the internazism took place from the middle of 1920-s up to the beginning of the second world war of the 20th century under the name of «fight against Trotskyism» and in its essence it took place by default. It suppressed the activity of the structurally perfect, organized by mafia internazism of the true Marxists in the party and in the state.
[316] We’ll remind you once again that it is the definition to the sociological term «crowd» given by V.G. Belinsky.
[317] The fight against «groveling before the West» in its essence was directed exactly against the Bible doctrine. «Groveling before the West» in reality expressed that the Russian bearers of the servile psychology envied fed slaves of the Bible internazi doctrine of buying the world on bases of Jewish upper state usury and that they were physiologically ready to betray the work on the building a new global civilization for the sake of illusion of the possibility easily have a full belly and a comfortable life.
«Groveling before the West» sprung up during the liberation campaign of the Red Army in Europe. There during that campaign many soldiers — servile bearers of the crowd-“elitist” mentality — saw a highly consumer welfare of the population of the West countries.
These people who did not root out in themselves the servile psychology were not interested in the fact that the consumer welfare of the West population historically really was provided by nothing else but means of internazi conception of management: usury that whipped up the development of the technology and the level of education, parasitism of the metropolises on colonies, etc. This consumer welfare was reached in several centuries in the condition of the undivided reigning of the Bible culture in the West counties that lost their gentile constituent part. It was typical for Russia where the trust was on the way of the development of the technology, techniques and education overtaken the development of morality. Contiguity of the soviet bearers of the servile physiology with the «leading» culture of consumers of the West evoke in many envy and caused a wave of looting, including the one organized in the form of the «trophy campaign».
In the conditions of the post-war USSR this envy of the unrighteous welfare of the West stood on the way of deliberation of our own creative potential and, consequently was an obstacle in the work of the building of a new civilization on basis of the anti-crowd-“elitist” morally-esthetic principals of the humanity.
[318] Precisely, Hebrews, since on Russian here stands Hebrewish “nationality”.
[319] About this see the work of the Internal Predictor of the USSR “On Racial Doctrines: Unfounded, but Plausible”..
[320] Not without reasons: see the work of the Internal Predictor of the USSR “Dialectics and Atheism: Two Incompatible Essences”.
1 Here K. Simonov means one of his diary’s records.
2 Though the sin was to keep this plenary session secret during all the Khrushchev-Brezhnev era.
3 When the USSR existed there was such a notion as a «party secret». Some issues concerning the state and society life were examined at the so-called «closed» party meetings, plenary sessions and Congresses. Non-party people couldn’t attend «closed» meetings, and the materials of the «closed» meetings, plenary sessions and Congresses were not published in the mass media.
[324] This concerns the question how during decades cult of J. Stalin’s personality was created.
[325] J.V. Stalin reminds of the time when the conflict of «bolshevism and socialism in a separate country — «world backstage» and the world revolution» was the most acute one. The situation of 1918 was in many respects similar to the situation of 1952.
[326] The question of relieving J.V. Stalin of a part of his functions. K. Simonov talks about it further in detail.
[327] It’s distressing to die being a psychical-Trotskyite who hasn’t done his duty to the future.
[328] I.e. J.V. Stalin thought it necessary to speak without any pre-arranged text or thesis of his speech, which could become known beforehand to some of his «guardians» from the Central Committee staff.
This could entail frustration of Stalin’s put-up speech to the extent that he could die suddenly during the plenary session or before it and have no chance to speak.
[329] This is admission of the fact that they realized Stalin wasn’t power-seeking, but cared for succession in the work of Bolshevism.
[330] This is one more admission of the fact that Stalin was sincere in his concern for the future and wasn’t power-seeking.
[331] This oblivion of the fact of the matter resulting from reluctance to understand the matter is a characteristic feature of psychical-Trotskyism: neither the content nor the form, nor the meaning of the given information is remembered, but the emotional impression of the event, which is first of all caused by personal morals rather than the events themselves.
[332] If J.V. Stalin had been mistaken in V. Molotov’s personality, then several years after Molotov wouldn’t have appeared to be a member of the «antiparty group» which included «Molotov, Malenkov, Kaganovich and Shepilov, who joined them», that supposedly opposed Khrushchev’s policy directed at resumption of «Lenin’s standards of the party life» and who wanted to resume the order existed in the party and in the state under Stalin. K. Simonov doesn’t remember about it though.
[333] In 1962 in the town of Novocherkassk of the Rostov region mass disorders broke out caused by the rise in foodstuff prices (meat in particular), which followed immediately after the increase in output quotas at the Novocherkassk electric locomotive producing plant. People gathered on the square demanded meeting with A. Mikoyan. A. Mikoyan was secretly in the town at that time, but he didn’t speak to the people. K. Simonov doesn’t remember about this as well (though it’s possible that he didn’t know about Mikoyan’s whereabouts).
Everything came to the end with military units introduction into the town for «pacification» and burst of sub-machine gun fire: there were victims; after the meeting dispersal its «ringleaders» were arrested, prosecuted and shot.