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Yet all recent discussions on labor ethics pass by the issue of psychological and ethic motivation of conscientious labor in collectives. The reasons for it are known: venality of sociologists, economists, political observers and analysts who speak on these issues in the mass media. They are more comfortable nattering about «investments» and «securing investors’ trust» — this matter does not offend anyone and imposes no commitments.

But without solving the problem of re-establishing an ethic motivation to conscientious labor in COLLECTIVES one cannot build any kind of society: neither a capitalist, nor a communist one. If collectives ARE psychologically and ethically motivated to conscientious labor there is no problem of investments: if foreign investors refuse to fund the transformation of Russia with their bucks and euros they will shortly after that have to fight for every kopeck in order to fund their own appearance on the Russian market.

At least those who sincerely support communism are more or less aware of the necessity to reinstate the ethic motivation to labor. The majority of those who support Russia’s return onto the capitalist way of development expect to solve all problems of politics and organizing production and distribution by the following means:

bribery — paying a salary big enough to the people recognized as «highly useful» by the bosses of the social system or to those whom many people and entire spheres of social activity depend on (these people comprise the privileged, artificially “elitized” social minority and to some extent the so-called «middle class» whose income to a significant extent consists of unearned parasitic income);

economic constraint to labor — those disloyal and easily replaced are under the threat of losing their jobs and their pay is kept at the minimum level (they form the majority that is almost totally dependent on the government and on the financial and economic authority of the usurious bank mafia, top managers and the stratum of businessmen whose enterprises cannot do without hired personnel)’

repressions against the members of society who have been prompted to become criminals by the system itself because of the following reasons:

the culture supported by the system has restrained and perverted personal development of most people, therefore many people’s mentality is very far from the mentality of a successful personality. Having proved noncompetitive in making a legal career they enter the criminal path;

people can find no other way to protect themselves from the crowd-“elitist” hierarchy’s oppression;

the structure of the Western type society which conceals heterogeneous slavery has no place for a human being. A successful (integral) personality[81] is therefore always a criminal in respect to the system’s founding principles as it was the case of how societies treated Buddha, Christ, Muhammad and many others.

Yet these very principles are laid as foundations of management by marauding administrations of many enterprises. Such managers are ethically and professionally capable only of getting rich by misusing authority, plundering and squandering what has been created by previous generations, and are not capable of providing for a qualitative development and expansion of the enterprises they are heading.

This way, supporters of reinstating capitalism in Russia display their utmost stupidity. At the beginning of the 21st century they are unable to see the truth that was clearly stated and published by H. Ford in the first two decades of the 20th century — after the bitter experience of the social calamities caused by class antagonisms not resolved in due time.

Notwithstanding what Ford said as early as the beginning of the 20th century there are still many fools among the Russian «businessmen» at the beginning of the 21st century who would like to live in a weird kind of society. This society consists on the one hand of «businessmen» having indisputable merits and on the other hand of employees who have no such merits and therefore suffer an «inferiority complex». They are sincerely delighted in their serving the «businessmen» and tolerate all their foolish and humiliating freaks without a murmur because… they are grateful to the «businessmen» who have hired them — «inferior people» — out of mercy, perhaps even at a loss.

Yet society of real people is different from these absurd visions and their like.

The protest against the efforts of «tough» «businessmen» (in the most common sense of the word) to bring down the rest of the people to the level of working cattle is predestined from Above (atheists would say — is in the nature of man). There are many ways in which the protest against “elitism” that humiliates and oppresses people has been manifested in the course of history. Some pretend to be an obedient servant while secretly waiting for an opportunity to stab the «benefactor» in the back, others wield a conceptual power in full awareness following the principle: «Wise men are not afraid of «mighty» rulers and do not need the «prince’s» gift. Their prophetic tongue speaks truth in freedom and follows God’s Will…»[82]

Thus actual crowd-“elitism” given rise by demonic «businessmen» (in the broadest sense of the word) who have «indisputable» merits systemically gives rise to diverse crimes viewed as such in regard to the “elitist” scheme of social order. Crowd-“elitism” systemically reacts to the crime it itself generates by establishing secret and special services. Some of their staff members also turn out to be the advocates of «business» and also start «playing tough» with other «businessmen» corporations and with the working people dependant on them. Therefore it is characteristic of crowd-“elitism” to accumulate in the course of time protest tensions that have been generated by “elitism” itself. And consequently adhering to the crazy ideals of crowd-“elitism” dooms any social system to failure. It is an attempt to squeeze this social system into the framework of the impracticable ideal in order to humor the ambitions of «businessmen» and their clans that have once achieved success on the first stage of the coming-to-be of their «firms» (in the broadest sense of the word).

The only way to resolve (release) the inward tension in a crowd-“elitist” society is to discard the crazy ideals of “elitism” and to tran s form the crowd-“elitist” society into humanity by means of purposeful alteration of the people’s morals and world unde r standing. This is the essence of bolshevism, which is the process of transition from the hi s torically formed crowd-“elitism” to the multinational humanity of f u ture Earth.

In this connection the following fact is of interest. All our efforts to find books by H. Ford in the original in the Internet have failed as well as the attempt to find those books in printed variant in the USA though there is no direct ban on publishing and selling them in the USA. Yet neither were Stalin’s works openly banned in the times of the «zastoi-sunk» USSR or in the period of democratic outburst in liberal Russia. This silent ban aimed at sinking the works by H. Ford and J.V. Stalin into oblivion has been imposed in those very countries where they have lived and worked for the welfare of society. This fact unites the work of these two outstanding personalities for the sake of the mankind’s future in spite of what the people who have banned them originally intended.