Intellect, which one turns to during the dispute trying to reason his interlocutor, or to reveal together with him the truth, which would help to overcome the former problems in communication with him, is just one component of the psyche as a whole. But psyche as a whole (in case it is Trotskyist-type) does not allow the psycho-Trotskyist to process the information intellectually, if this information can change the doctrine which is presently being the subject of the ideologically-formed branch of Trotskyism (one of the many), which psychologically the individual Trotskyism belongs to.
This psychical peculiarity[203] of many individuals is historically more ancient phenomenon than historically real Marxian Trotskyism in the communist movement of 20th century. In the past, they could not find any other word beside the term «obsession». And in the epoch of materialistic worldview dominance, they could not find such a word to name this phenomenon so that it corresponded to this type of mental degeneration. This phenomenon was named anew, but not in accordance with its essence, but after the pseudonym of one of its most striking representatives of Trotskyism in the communist movement of 20th century.
In its essence, Trotskyism is a schizophrenic, aggressive politically active psyche, which could cover itself with any ideology and any sociological doctrine.
That is why Marxism is basically the expression of psychical Trotskyism. K. Marx and F. Engels were psycho-Trotskyists. Hitler was a psycho-Trotskyist too: on identity in relations of Hitlerism and Trotskyist-version Marxism to many phenomena of social life see the USSR IP’s work “Look Back in Anger…” At the USSR’s decline, the psycho-Trotskyists of anti-communist trend were dissidents. And now, the psycho-Trotskyists are the majority of the activists of pro-bourgeois reforms in Russia and their opponents from the ranks of various patriotic parties and all supposedly communist parties, unable to abandon Marxism.
Bolshevism, as the history of the CPSU teaches us, appeared in 1903 at II congress of Russian Social Democratic Labor Party as one of the party fractions. As its opponents claimed, Bolsheviks never represented real majority[204] of the Marxian party until 1917, therefore Bolsheviks’ opponents always protested against their self-denomination. But such opinion was caused by heterogeneous Mensheviks’ misunderstanding of the essence of Bolshevism.
Bolshevism is neither a Russian modification of Marxism, nor a party membership. And the most senseless is the word combination «Jewish Bolshevism», used by Hitler in “Mein Kampf”, because Bolshevism is the phenomenon of spirit of the Russian civilization, but not of the spirit of the bearers of doctrine of biblical global slavery on the racial basis.
Bolshevism existed before Marxism; it somehow exists now. And it will exist henceforth.
As the Bolsheviks members of the Marxian party of Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (Bolsheviks) claimed, it was them who expressed in politics strategic interests of the working majority of population of the multinational Russia, therefore only them could be called Bolsheviks. How faultless were Bolsheviks expressing the strategic interests of the working majority and to what extent this majority itself realizes its interests and is faithful to these interests in real life does not change the next. The essence of Bolshevism is not in numerical superiority of the followers of some ideas over the followers of other ideas and the thoughtless crowd, but in the following:
in sincere attempt to express and to make a reality of long-term strategic interests of the working majority, wishing that n o body parasitized on its labor and life. In other words, histor i cally real essence of Bolshevism in each epoch is in support of trans i tion process from historically formed crowd-“elitism” to the multinational humanity of the Earth of the future era.
Menshevism is, correspondingly, the opposite of Bolshevism, because it objectively expresses tendency of parasitism of all considering themselves “elite” on labor and life of the common people, the majority. Marxism is also Menshevism, and not only psychic Trotskyism; and psychic Trotskyism is always Menshevism.
Fascism is a kind of culture of social government, which is possible exclusively in crowd-“elitist” society. Fascism is one of the kinds of psychic Trotskyism.
The essence of fascism as such (irrespective of how it is named or which ideas it covers itself with and by which means it performs its power in the society) is in active support by the crowd of «small people» — under influence of their own ideological conviction — the system of abuse of power by “elitist” oligarchy[205], which:
represents unrighteousness as true «righteousness», and, on this basis, having perverted people’s world understanding, by all its subject might cultivates unrighteousness in the society, pr e venting people from becoming human;
suppresses (under various pretences and by all its subject might) one and all, who doubts its righteousness and the righ t eousness of its policy, as well as those whom it suspects in this.
Crowd, by V.G. Belinsky’s definition, is the “gathering of people who live by the legends and reason by authority” (by A.S. Pushkin’s definition, «reasonless people»[206]), i.e. crowd is the multitude of individuals who live unscrupulously and, essentially, thoughtlessly, either automatically or under control from the outside. And no matter whether the ruling oligarchy acts publicly and ceremonially, exalting itself over society; or it exalts by reticence or in non-aware pride, publicly expressing humility and service to the crowd, naming it «people»; or it acts secretly, assuring the society of its supposed non-existence and, due to non-existence, in its inactivity, which results in supposedly spontaneous way of life of the society, and social life is not ruled by the scripts of conceptually masterful curators of oligarchy[207].
This definition-description of fascism does not include frightening and striking features of its activities: symbolism; ideology, calling to violence and destruction of those whom fascist masters determined as incorrigible social evil; appeals to create political party with strict discipline and system of terror, fighting detachments, etc.
Since 1945, a lot was said about misanthropic nature of fascism on the grounds of the lesson that German fascism taught everybody. Due to the horrors of German fascism of 1933 — 1945 (which become negative-and-cultist), one might find the given definition superficial, estranged from the real life (abstract), and therefore irrelevant to the task of protection of the future from the threat of fascism.
But in fact, this definition is the definition of fascism by nature, and not by the place of its origination or peculiarities of its development and manifestation in the life of society, which distinguishes it qualitatively from the majority of the «definitions» of «fascism» given in different thesauruses and encyclopedias.
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