In contrast to the national ruling “elites”, which lived under these problems comfortably and in social-and-political activities limited themselves to parlor conversations and exposure of vices in their works of art, the «world backstage» was active. Performing the biblical project of total enslavement, it always interpreted national “elites” with autocratic arrogance as the competitors in exploitation of the resources of the planet and demotic population of these countries. Therefore it purposefully nurtured in Russia potential for future distemper by hands of the Russian ruling classes.
Besides that, the «world backstage» by the middle of 19th century was discontented with the social processes in the «advanced» Western countries. There bourgeois-democratic revolutions already had initiated development of capitalism on the basis of freedom of private entrepreneurship, market self-regulation. Which had resulted in consumption race, useless squandering of social and nature resources. And also had resulted in utmost degree of society polarization into super-rich minority and destitute; economically-dependent majority, which was essentially deprived of civil rights in spite of all legal declarations of bourgeois revolutions about freedom and equal protection of the law. Consequently, the potential of riot and future global biosphere-and-ecological crisis was also growing up spontaneously in the «advanced» countries.
In addition to these inner problems of the «advanced» countries, there was the global problem of colonialism, because national self-consciousness was growing in the colonies, and early national liberation riots and wars shown that the problem of global power establishment and maintenance should not be generally solved by military methods, and military methods should be of subordinate nature.
According to these circumstances, the «world backstage» while organizing the revolution in Russia tried to solve two tasks:
regional — to eliminate the local ruling “elite” and, along with it, the multinational “elitist” state autocracy[210] of Russia with the purpose of integration of its common people as the labor force into the Western regional civilization;
global — development of infinitely dependent, i.e. conceptually powerless social-and-economic formation, which would be free of defects of western-type capitalism which had historically developed by that time (which H. Ford and many others wrote about).
Because the internal revolutions of the XIX century under the slogans of socialism were not a success in the «advanced» European countries, and global problems continued to accrue, the global scenario had been changed. In new global scenario, Russia was to serve as the starting point for global transformations and the exporter of the revolution. Russia would convert all the mother countries of Western regional civilization, their colonies and «retarded» countries, which retained state independence to the norms of life of artificially created formation alternative to the historically developed western-type capitalism. In those years this project was called «world socialist revolution». And in the course of its fulfillment, revolutions in Russia and Germany[211] were to initiate creation of military-and-economic and cultural-and-ideological «base» for further expansion of the new regime to the other regions of the world.
To solve these interrelated problems, the «world backstage» needed cardinal, or, at least, revolutionary reconstruction of relation between the power and the property rights in Russia in its favor. Therefore, it was necessary to change the political course of Russia so that its state autocracy would come to political and economical failure. This was accomplished by hands of arrogant ruling “elite” which plunged Russia into Russian-Japanese[212], and, ten years later, into World War I of the 20th century without having prepared the country for the victory in both wars.
By that time, Marxism and other corresponding scenarios of seizure and retention of power by the periphery of the «world backstage» had already been introduced in Russia. And in the form of the theory of permanent revolution (which presupposed during the revolution and performance of transformations armed seizure of state power and merciless suppression of opponents of the new regime), started by A.L. Gelfand[213] (Parvus) and developed by L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky), political scenarios of the «world backstage» assumed the most complete appearance. In the theory of permanent revolution, everything was already scheduled as early as in 1905: from repressions towards the ruling classes (who were assessed as the incorrigible enemies of revolution) to transfer of the revolution to the village and forced establishment of socialist production relations in the village. Also, the export of revolution to other countries (where internal revolutionary forces were too weak to perform revolution and social-and-economic transformations by themselves) was motivated[214].
So the revolution, which happened in 1917, and was called the Great October Socialist revolution, occurred due to ideological fertility of Russian “elite” and feverish activity of the «world backstage» periphery in the country. However, Russia differed from the advanced capitalist countries of that epoch: in Russia, there was Bolshevism (as this notion was defined in Part 6.1).
Bolshevism is the social moral-and-psychological phenomenon, tracing its roots back to pre-bylina[215] antiquity of regional civilization of Russia. So-called «Serpent’s Mounds» (earth-and-wood fortifications that stretch for thousands kilometers across the Ukrainian steppes southward of Kiev, and date back to the first millennium B.C.) are the evidence of pre-bylina antiquity of Bolshevism: first, there construction was not possible under conditions of tribal fragmentation and predominance of petty psychology of individualism and clannishness; second, true history of their creation is forgotten, and bylinas gave the fabulous version[216].
The spirit of Bolshevism, even if not realized by the individuals who support it with their efforts and actions, is the most powerful force in history of modern global civilization, although not everyone sees its direct manifestations and actions. As a matter of fact, that is what distinguished the church of Russia from Catholicism, Protestantism of every stripe that appeared later on, and also from all other autonomic landed churches, which called themselves «Orthodox», too. When Russia had been christened, the power of Bolshevism (under conditions of development level of people’s culture and world understanding of those days) was not enough to prevent invasion of biblical project under the guise of Christianity; however, the power of spontaneous Bolshevism was enough to make this project get stuck desperately, to start comprehension and development of global Russian project, which was its alternative.
In 19th century, Bolshevism left Russian Orthodox Church, having exhausted facility of development on the basis of its dogma and organizational structures. And, trying Marxism on as the lexical shell, Bolshevism penetrated into Marxism exactly the same way as it penetrated 900 years before into the biblical church that came to Russia from the mendacious Byzantium. Then, Russian church (owing to penetration of the spirit of Bolshevism in it) acquired originality, which distinguished it from the origins and foreign analogues. The same way, on the boundary of 19th — 20th centuries Marxism in Russia acquired inner originality of purport of life implied by the Bolsheviks, which distinguished it from the version, affirmed by the «world backstage». This fact doomed internazi Marxian project of «world socialist revolution» to failure.