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That is why one should not think that the history of Russia-USSR in the first half of the twentieth century could have been less mean and sanguinary had L. Bronstein or any another of the protagonists of any kind of socialism been at the head of the Party and the state after Lenin’s disease. Neither would it be so if Soviet government had admitted that Russia was not ready for socialism and thus it had introduced a multi-party system in the country[247]. As a result of this, the state machinery would fall under the control of the advocates of the class-caste-based regime or of those relying on the civil society of capitalism, based on the hierarchy of the purses. Everything happened in the best possible way anyway, taking into consideration the customs of the society and the ethics pertaining to it[248].

But at that moment Russia was still expecting to solve the conceptual uncertainty in the society and the culture: either the righteous communal life, or however you may call it, where your personal development is ensured and where everyone is protected against parasitism on his or her labor and life; or the hierarchy of mutual oppression and claims to oppress the neighbors, where parasitism on one another and on the biosphere altogether is inevitable. These two conceptions cannot coexist in one society under any circumstances. It only depends on by what means they struggle against each other.

It is appropriate to draw the utterance of Decembrist Pavel Pestel[249] as far as the policy of the Soviet State during the period of Stalin’s real socialism building is concerned:

«The experience of all centuries and of all the states proved that the people are <or, to be more exact, become> shaped by the government and by the laws under which they live».

Although Pestel speaks of the government and the laws, what is meant here is the bearers of the conceptual power who arbitrarily shape the society, for they control the state government, lawmaking (as a component of the state power) and partly the execution of the laws, which are expressing a certain conception of social order as well as people’s attitude towards it and towards the conceptual power, which initializes this order. The real and potential differences between the various governments and laws, proposed by Pestel, which determine the peoples of countries as well as a particular people of a certain country viewed over different periods, inevitably implies differences in the conceptions, some of which may even be mutually exclusive within one national or multi-national society; or within the humanity — if taken on the global scale.

Having said this we may pass over to the analysis of the achievements and underachievements of Bolshevism in Stalin’s epoch.

6.5. «Social Realism»

as a Means of Overcoming the Power of Marxism

If building socialism is regarded as establishing a social order (i.e. in a broader sense of the word than the definition for economic structure given in chapter 6.1) it includes three interconnected and mutually dependant processes:

personal development of people belonging to actively living adult generations. It ensures that they re-define their attitude to life, become a part of socialism which is being built and turn into its advocates. They join the socialist society in a natural process, freeing themselves from the norms of crowd-“elitist” culture they have been imposed on in their childhood and adolescence in the course of up-bringing and education, which norms are characteristic of certain social groups in non-socialist social and economic structures;

development of the society’s culture on the whole and of its subcultures. It forms the basis and means of molding the morals, ethics and world understanding of future generations which would make the ideals of righteous community (socialism and communism) their natural life ideals and would render crowd-“elitism”, along with oppression of human beings and parasitism on life and labor, impossible in their society, neither in overt (openly proclaimed) nor in covert (when people are not aware of them) forms;

implementing the principles of socialism into the economic production and consumption activity of the technical civilization, carried out with the state’s support (first of all, planned economy directed towards safeguarding the demographically grounded needs of the population in the succession of generations).

Though it is the third issue which is the most visible phenomenon in social life, the priority of importance corresponds to the order in which the above-mentioned processes have been listed. (This priority is understood in terms of the irreversible nature of consequences for the society’s life which happen during the time period of one social development cycle. This cycle corresponds to the interval between one point at which the past is provided a new understanding and plans for the future are worked out and the next such point)

In other words, personal development is the main thing in building socialism. And because socialism in the broad sense of the word is an image of the society’s life, building socialism achieves the greater success, the more people are active in their personal development in accordance to God’s Will.

This is true because cultural development means that there appears something new and socially useful in it — useful in terms of failing to support degraded parasitic processes or prompt people to support them. At that development of culture is a way of expressing personal development and creativity in the course of God’s Will available to all the people of the actively living generations. And production and consumption activity, principles on which it is organized and the means which those principles are realized by (including the relations between people in terms of production and consumption) are a part of cultural development.[250]

In any multinational or national culture, as well as in subcultures of individual social groups, three more or less developed movements can be discovered (meaning that culture on the whole is something like a vector in multidimensional space which is defined through movements which cannot be expressed through each other):

conservative — objectively aimed at reproducing the existing life-style in future generations without changes and innovations;

nihilistic — putting up the slogan of «everything’s bad! We can’t live a life like this!» yet providing no alternative (or the means to work out an alternative and realize its ideals);

aspiring to the future — aiming at implementing a certain ideal of how people should live within society and how society should live within the biosphere of the Earth in the future.

The number of representatives of each of the above-mentioned movements and their contents in terms of ideas define the society’s prospects.

Thus, in 19th century Russia the ruling classes consisted mainly of people representing the conservative movement who paid no heed to the problems of their era and the need to resolve them. More or less educated young people who were psychically unstable or emotionally over-excited represented nihilism. The void created by the absence of those aspiring to realize in future a certain original Russian ideal[251] was filled up by Marxism. As it gained more popularity, Marxism encouraged thoughtless nihilists to join the internazi revolutionary movement. It offered the socialist ideal to those people who were unhappy with living in the conditions of contemporary Russia while limiting their control over themselves and over social processes by means of Marxist philosophy, conception of global historic process[252] and political economy.

Along with the above-mentioned movements there are subcultures existing in societies. They can be called «relic» movements. Their bearers who are statistically small in number live their lives following a motto «it used to be better before!» and act politically under the slogan «back to the past!» They go as far as trying to impose the stone age of modern global civilization or even the customs of Atlantis which led to its downfall on the future (during the entire history of the Biblical civilization sjid-masonry has been working to achieve it).