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Some of the USSR secret services worked for J.V. Stalin in person. That is why Stalin knew facts; he read analytical reviews that reached him through the system of «self-censorship» and personnel guardianship of him. They made it clear that a planned state beginning penetrates economy management of developed capitalist countries keeping market mechanisms of economy self-regulation, and thus enhancing labor productivity. It increased stability of the capitalist system in general, without enlarging hugely the number of bureaucracy as a burden for the producing and distributing system.

Looking back we are not trying to present J.V. Stalin more clever and far-sighted than he really was. But in his works he did write about the question of introducing a planned state beginning on a national scale into capitalist economy. In “Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R.” we can find the following lines:

«4) Coalescence of the monopolies with the state machine.

The word "coalescence" is not appropriate. It superficially and descriptively (put in bold type by the authors) notes the process of merging of the monopolies with the state, but it does not reveal the economic import of this process. The fact of the matter is that the merging process is not simply a process of coalescence, but the subjugation of the state machine to the monopolies (put in bold type by the authors). The word «coalescence» should therefore be discarded and replaced by the words «subjugation of the state machine to the monopolies». (“Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R.”, “Remarks on Economics Questions Connected with the November 1951 Discussion”, part 8. “Other Questions”).

In the given fragment J.V. Stalin does not seem to say anything about planning on a national scale under the conditions of Capitalism, but the following question arises:

What happens in the process of the so-called «coalescence of m o nopolies with the State machinery» or to be more exact, in the process of «submission of the State machinery to monopolies»?

If we imagine the activity of monopolies’ management and the State machinery, we can easily find the answer to the question:

A planned beginning means culture of development planning and production organization, new products’ development planning and organization, existing within intra-industry monopolies and multi-industry concerns in a capitalist society[395]. When it exhausts its capabilities to enlarge capitalists’ profits, it begins working in a new field that is production planning and organization on a national and transnational scale. Consequently monopolies’ managements have to subjugate by any means the State machinery. Under the pressure of monopolies’ managements the State machinery in its turn has to organize economic planning on a national scale for the sake of monopolies, to be exact for the sake of capitalists, monopolies’ owners[396].

Now this process has gone so far that nations under the pressure of transnational monopolies establish transnational planning bodies like International Monetary Fund, World Bank and others. They abandon their independence in national economy politics and finances more and more. But they prefer to avoid the term «planning» lest a number of private entrepreneurs and common people should think about the way the states are made to realize the plans and control their implementation on a global scale, and about the objective purposes of it[397].

Those were the external economic circumstances of developed capitalist countries that J.V. Stalin correlated the Soviet social and economic life with, and thought about the prospects.

By the end of 1950s multi-industry producing and distributing system of the USSR in general had been successfully developing[398] for a quarter of a century. The management was effective enough for:

Preparing the USSR for the war;

Winning the Great Patriotic War that was one of the hardest wars possible;

Repairing war damage and eliminating the USA monopoly in the field of nuclear weapons within five post-war years;

Leading the world in education of the population.

It was possible because the pace of social and economic development in the USSR during the years of Stalin’s Bolshevism was the fastest in the world, in spite of the sabotage of Socialism adversaries, acts of which occurred all over this period.

Consequently the USSR was the first country of Europe, that had been through the war, to abolish the rationing system of product distribution. The USSR was the first to repair war damage, though Hitlerists and later on our former allies hoped that it would take the USSR over 20 years. The fact that European countries were still supported by the USA on the ground of the «Marshall Plan», while the USSR restored national economy on its own did not prevent it. Moreover the USSR did everything possible to help other states that had chosen Socialism as their path of development. Just the assistance to the peoples of China with the initial industrialization and founding of scientific and technical schools cost very much.

At the same time by the end of 1950s industries determined by the number of population reached the level of maximum sufficiency in the USSR. Everybody could get education including higher education, medical care of high quality according to the standards of the time, food and clothing. There were no unemployed or homeless people, nobody boarding at garbage dumps. People had time for rest and personal development. The population of the USSR did not have a grievance against the range of supply and the quality of products, though it did not meet the “elite” consumer standards[399] of developed capitalist countries. It met the common standards of most of the people and was better than that of 1913 that they still remembered well. The level of social protection of a person was higher than in any capitalist country[400].

But further development of quality and quantity of production came into question. It was the result of the fact that national economy management had been based only on personal and addressing distrib u tion of directive and checking information.

The so-called “elitarization” of professional managers that was in many aspects influenced by noosphere and culture inherited from the past. Though it would be wrong to blame everything on the «automatic» impact of noosphere and culture. Owing to the “elitarization” state officers’ aspirations of personal and family wealth displaced objectives suiting social interests[401], in their behavior motivation at work. As a result of the orientation toward their selfish momentary needs the body of professional managers “elitarized” presently losing the understanding of the pint of those technological, organizational and general social matters that used to be under their control. They would become to them.

As a result of the decline in managers’ qualification and necessity to provide management the body grew in number faster than production. Presently it turned into a gang of dumb bureaucrats that parasitized on management processes and the life of society. It characterizes bureaucracy of the State machine as well as bureaucracy of other spheres of social life: spheres of the state organization, economy, education and science[402].

In the USSR both: abstract and applied science including design developments became the sphere of clannish mafia bureaucracy. It promised no good. J. Stalin also directly indicated the risk of clannish mafia bureaucratic degeneration of science: