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A Japanese billionaire is in fact reproaching the insane Russian sociologists and economists — the pseudo-scientific consultants of the ruling regime — for abandoning the progressive conceptions of Stalin’s heritage. This is truly a sign that all the people who think on their own can co-operate in building communism on the principles of bolshevism no matter what country and what class they belong to.

In other words, the globalization based on the principles of Stalin’s bolshevism, is already taking place. Now that the public bolshevist initiative in Russia has worked out a social scientific theory and has gained conceptual power on its basis, making conceptual power available for anyone, the globalization based on the principles of crowd-“elitism” is doomed to fail.

Our cause is the right one. Victory will be ours, because we abide by God.

January 3 — July 15 2002


1. The Biblical Doctrine of Global Slavery

«Do not charge your brother interest (your fellow Jew, as it follows from the context) whether on money or food or anything else that may earn interest. You may charge a foreigner (i.e. a non-Jew) interest, but not a brother Israelite, so that the LORD your god (i.e. the devil, if one judges the essence of usurious parasitism according to one’s conscience) bless you in everything you put your hand to in the land you are entering to possess» (the latter refers not only to ancient times and not only to Palestine, the land promised to ancient Hebrews, because it is a quotation not from a transcript of the ancient roll found at the place of excavations but from a widely published book claimed by all Churches and a part of the intelligentsia as the eternal truth supposedly passed on from above) — Deuteronomy, 23:19, 20. «You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none», — Deuteronomy, 28:12. «Foreigners (i.e. subsequent generations of the non-Hebrews who have run into a debt which could be repaid by no means to the tribe of usurious coreligionists) will rebuild your walls (today many Arab families from Palestine are dependant on the opportunity of working in Israel) and their kings will serve you («I am the Jew of kings» — was the way one of the Rothschilds answered the unfortunate compliment of «You are the king of Jews»); Though in anger I struck you, in favor I will show you compassion. Your gates will always stand open, they will never by shut, day or night, so that men may bring you the wealth of their nations — their kings led in triumphal procession. For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined» — Isaiah, 60:10 — 12.

The hierarchies of all the so-called Christian Churches, including Russian Orthodox, claim this abominable conception to be holy, while the canon of the New Testament which had been censored and edited as far back as prior to the Nikean council (325 AD) proclaims it in the name of Christ as the righteous Will of God for all the times to come having no grounds whatsoever to do so.

«Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prop h ets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished» — Matthew 5:17, 18.

This is the Bible’s concrete meaning (according to texts of Russian Orthodox Church’s Bible, including Septuagint) which governs the entire Biblical civilization. The rest of the Bible is unimportant or attendant to that conception.

* * *

It is clear from the above that this conception lies within the bounds of the general control weapon means’ fourth priority. Yet in the 20th century the bosses of the Biblical project have used up all options of aggression by the means not higher than the fourth priority and decided to proceed up to the third priority.

There are two mutually dependent issues arising in social life which, depending on the way they are resolved, either provide the opportunity for personal, and hence social, development or deny that opportunity:

providing public access to cultural achievements (works of art, science, technology, etc.) required for the people’s personal development which takes place while they become familiar with the cultural achievements of the past and take over this cultural progress;

providing for the life of those who work in the field of art, science, technology and other fields of creative search.

Because creative search activities very often cannot be combined with profitably taking part in the socially common labor, the entire history of modern global civilization is full of people considered odd and idle by their contemporaries, who at least died in poverty even if they were not persecuted. Yet their descendants justly held them for outstanding creators, who were by decades or even centuries ahead of their contemporaries’.

Along with creators rejected by the crowd-“elitist” society there always are justly spurned graphorrea addicts who have nothing to say either to their contemporaries or descendants yet project an image of themselves as true creators. But this does not justify the society in escaping from practically addressing the two mutually dependent issues.

Let us make it clear once again: these are two different, though mutually dependent issues. They are by no means to be mixed up, and even more so it is unacceptable to pretend addressing the issue of providing for the people engaged in creative search activities while usurping the achievements in arts, science and technology and denying people access to them.

But it is exactly what is happening under conceptual power of the Biblical project’s bosses while the I-centric world understanding is dominant in the society.

A global control system of information distribution is being created. This is yet another system of the mafia regime oppres s ing the society based on the «laws on copyright and allied rights». When some have an exclusively high paying capacity and others are pa u pers owing to the organized corporate usury and stock exchange speculations, the following can happen:

first the institution of «copyright and allied rights» is established legally under the pretext of protecting the interests of authors and enabling them to be remunerated when their work is used;

then these laws and the practice of their application allows to buy up the works of art, inventions, technology and other information;