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In conformity with such energy potential growth rate within the production sphere the limit of loan interest rate at 5 % per year during the whole of the mentioned century and a half lay within the bounds of safety for the macroeconomy of most countries. A 7 % rate was safe for the macroeconomy of usurious countries (crediting countries) whose income contained profits from loans lent to other countries and allowed to compensate for the discrepancy between the energy potential growth rate calculated in constant basic prices and the usurious demands expressed in loan interest rates by means of import. It is exactly this kind of income that devastated the economies of «third world» countries (most of them former colonies), which were ruined by usurious countries. This prevented their cultural transformation and made the people of those countries hate the usurers.

But the point is that besides the factors of a purely financial and economic nature there are other factors significant for the society’s life and the advocates of a «moderate» loan interest rate avoid discussing them. These very factors result in the ways nations react non-financially, as well as in the ways some people react personally when they see that entire regions of the Earth and their population are enslaved often by means of legalized system-forming usury which results initially from acknowledging the rightfulness of «moderate» loan interest rates.

[48] But it might be so that excluding the issue of slavery exercised by financial means from discussion is exactly what this policy is aimed at. We lay the blame for it on the economic science, which is the legacy of the era when Western-type capitalism was being implemented. And we lay the blame on the social and economic publicists who rely heavily on its authority.

[49] Though it is beyond any doubt that every family should have a right of having property passed on from generation to generation, such as a certain amount of money savings, housing, etc., as it provides for stability of family «infrastructure» and of the family itself in succession of generations.

Current Russian legislature violates this natural family right (the mob of lawyers in the Duma know only about individual rights yet they have no idea about protecting collective rights: rights of family, labor collectives, peoples, the mankind) by stipulating what is in fact a tax on the death of parents collected from their children and grandchildren after they take possession of the parents’ apartment if they lived separately.

This is just another example of how foul Russian bourgeois reformers act: being incapable to organize the social production and distribution which provides their citizens with normal life conditions and ensures that the budget is funded the state of bourgeois reformers shamelessly grabs at anything it can.

[50] Substituting the average laborer with the «average tax-payer», which became a custom in the mass media is also a substitution of one matter with another. Are Russian lawyers so hopelessly dumb that they cannot understand this point? — And if they are not dumb why do they refrain from discussing this issue both in Russia and in the «international community»?

[51] This can be proven by rigid accounting means on the basis of the theory of similarity of multiindustrial production and consumption system described in the works by Internal Predictor of the USSR “The Brief Course…” and “Dead Water” in post-1998 editions.

[52] There is two words in English meaning two similar things: concept and conception. They are:

Concept – n. general notion; abstract idea.

Conception – n. 1 conceiving or being conceived. 2 idea, plan. 3 understanding (has no conception).

(“The Oxford Dictionary of Current English”; revised second edition. Oxford University Press, 1996.)

In the present work we use the second word due to it’s third meaning – understanding. Since any conception of living is primarily the understanding not just an abstract idea.

[53] Because it was actually or legally impossible to violate the actual property or administrative rights of others or because directive addressed control was disrupted due to impediments to efficient information exchange in large administrative structures («liked by the tsar, but despised by the dog-keeper») and in remote «branches» where local directorates become actually more powerful than the central one («God is high in the sky, and the tsar is likely far»).

[54] «Investment product» is a term, which denotes means of production, permanent structures, etc. adopted in Western economic science.

[55] It is said in the Bible that construction of the tower of Babylon (no matter what the real project was like) stopped because the participants of the project lost their common language culture.

[56] A nut with the thread in inches cannot be screwed on a bolt with the thread in metric units, etc.

[57] Because from 1994 on “The Brief Course…” by the Internal Predictor of the USSR was published more than once. This work describes the theory of similarity of multiindustrial production and consumption systems which can provide the basis for solving the task of exercising control by means of self-regulating production and consumption in society, which can be performed both to a socially useful end or to a socially detrimental end.

[58] J. Stalin's work “The Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR” is quoted from a computer file therefore the quotations have no reference to pages but refer to chapters only.

[59] «Comparative analysis of the ways American and Japanese directors manage their businesses revealed that for American top-managers the primary goal is profitability of business. Their Japanese counterparts place their <developed> market share at the top. They place profit third from the bottom of a lengthy list». <this makes sense because profitability of business depends on developing and exploiting a certain share of market which remains stable over a long period of time> (V.Hryapov et al. «The economy of an enterprise», Minsk, 2000, p. 101).

Such vector of management, which businessmen and managers of the two countries have, adhered to over decades explains why American capitalism loses the position it has attained by the middle of the 20th century to Asian capitalism represented by Japanese capitalism.

Yet «Ford Motors» under the management of its founder was an exception from this rule, which characterizes Euro-American capitalism over the whole course of its history. In a footnote to Chapter 4.2 we have given a table illustrating the trends in product output and pricing on products that were being improved every year. One can see from this table that the management of «Ford Motors» did not pursue a momentary maximum profit but sought to increase sales, i.e. to develop the market, to expand its share on the market. It was the success in developing the market that provided for stable self-repayment based on sufficient profit. Ford explains this functional dependence several times in his book.

[60] Let us explain the terms used here:

global policy is the activity directed towards achieving goals regarding the whole of mankind and planet Earth. Essentially it consists in controlling a range of long-term tendencies which very often rules out any correspondence between current politics and existing tendencies. Defining global policy can of course be compared to a «grand chessboard» as Z. Brzezinski did in a book with the same name (Brzezinski Z. “The Grand Chessboard. American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives”. Basic Books) yet one would have to place all countries on this «board» including one’s own;

foreign policy is the activity directed towards achieving goals of the state’s ruling class beyond the state’s territory and jurisdiction;

domestic policy is the activity directed towards achieving goals of the state’s ruling class within the state’s territory and jurisdiction.