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Drawtood: (7110-7128) a male Quintaglio, one of Sal-Afsan’s children, a dockworker in Capital City. He committed suicide. [1]

Dybo (Dy-Dybo): (7098-) as Dybo, crown prince under Empress Len-Lends; after her death, Emperor Dy-Dybo. Hatched in Capital City. The son of the daughter of the daughter of the son of the daughter of the son of Larsk, the prophet. [1]

Dynax (Nov-Dynax):(7110-) a female Quintaglio healer, one of Sal-Afsan’s children. She lived for a time in Chu’toolar. [1]

Edklark (Det-Edklark):A male Quintaglio priest, appointed Master of the Faith in 7128, succeeding Det-Bogkash. [3]

Edz’toolar: the most isolated province, with a rocky, storm-swept coastline. Located in south-central Land. Provincial color: brown. Governed by Len-Ganloor until 7126; governed by Dy-Rodlox from 7126 to 7128. [1]

Egg of God: an egg from which God herself supposedly came; never referenced by the sacred scrolls, but proposed by Spooltar in his famous discourse on theology. [3]

Eggs of Creation: according to the first sacred scroll, the eight eggs laid by God from which all things in the universe, except the Quintaglios themselves, came. [2]

Empress/Emperor: the head of Quintaglio state, always a direct descendant of the Prophet Larsk. Referred to as ‘Your Luminance.’ [1]

Emteem: (7098-7128) male apprentice governor from Jam’toolar. [2]

even-day: an even-numbered day within a kiloday. [1]

even-night: the night of an even-numbered day; sometimes called ‘liar’s night,’ since most Quintaglios are awake then but it’s too dark to see their muzzles. [1]

exodus project: the effort, led by Wab-Novato, to get the Quintaglio people off their doomed world. Symbolized by a sash consisting of a lower green strip and an upper black one. [2]

Face of God: Galat-jaroob, the fifth planet of the Quintaglio sun, a gas giant world with fourteen moons, the innermost of which is the Quintaglio world. Diameter: 60,000 kilopaces (similar to Saturn’s). Mass: 236 times that of the Quintaglio world (intermediate between Jupiter and Saturn). [1]

Falpom (Irb-Falpom):(7060-7126) the palace land surveyor who had an office near Tak-Saleed’s. She was Kee-Toroca’s teaching master and, from 7111 until her death, first leader of the Geological Survey of Land. [1]

Family, The: The Royal Family, the direct descendants of the Prophet Larsk. [1]

fangjaw: a type of carnosaur that evolved after the transplantation from the Crucible, a quadruped with two giant teeth growing up from the lower jaw. [1]

far-seer: telescope, invented by Wab-Novato of Pack Gelbo in 7105. [1]

Fastok: a port south of Capital City. [3]

Fetarb: a butcher at the imperial palace. [2]

Fifty Packs: “The Fifty Packs’ is a general expression, referring to all the Quintaglio people. Each of the original five hunters had a Pack of ten members, and each of those ten members founded a Pack, for a total of fifty. However, many subgroups were subsequently formed, and there are now far more than Fifty Packs. [1]

first ancestor: an oblique reference to Lubal, thought to be first-formed of the original five hunters. [1]

First Edict of Lubaclass="underline" “A Quintaglio kills with tooth and claw; only such killing makes us strong and pure.” [3]

First Emperor: term sometimes used for Larsk; the Arch of the First Emperor stands in the central square of Capital City. [1]

fed-lizard: ichthyosaur. [1]

Forgool (Dak-Forgool):(7095-7126) eminent geologist from Pack Vando, expert in erosion, assigned to the Geological Survey, but died of fever before taking his post; Wab-Babnol joined the Survey in his place. [2]

Foss: assistant to imperial hunt leader Lub-Galpook. [2]

Fra’toolar: a province in southwest Land where the alien ark was unearthed. Provincial color: dark blue. [1]

gabo: a type of nut, with three seeds within. [1]

gadkortakdt: the point in a game of lastoontal in which neither player can force a win. [1]

Galadoreter: ill-fated sailing ship; blown out to sea by a storm, unable to land for dekadays. With no way to release the territorial instinct, the crew fought until everyone aboard was dead. The ship blew back to shore near the mining town of Parnood. [1]

galamaja: a type of tree with pale wood. [1]

Galat-jaroob: Quintaglio term meaning ‘the Face of God.’ [3]

Galpook (Lub-Galpook):(7110-) a female Quintaglio, one of Sal-Afsan’s children. Succeeds Jal-Tetex as imperial hunt leader. [1]

Gampar (Nor-Gampar):(7090-7110) a male mate aboard the Dasheter who went into dagamant and was killed by Sal-Afsan. [1]

Ganloor (Len-Ganloor): (7079-7126) female governor of Edz’toolar, sister of Len-Lends, killed in a hunting accident. She was succeeded by Dy-Rodlox. [2]

gaolok: sap used to waterproof ship hulls. [1]

Garios (Den-Garios):a member of the exodus project staff who mated with Wab-Novato in 7112, producing a daughter, Bos-Karshirl. [3]

Garsub (Jal-Garsub): the middle-aged female hunt leader of Pack Tablo in Edz’toolar. [2]

Gatabor: a hunter who belongs to Pack Derrilo in Fra’toolar. [2]

Gathgol (Var-Gathgol):Capital City’s undertaker, a male who assists Sal-Afsan in investigating the murder of Afsan’s daughter, Haldan. [2]

Gefpeclass="underline" the seventh planet of the Quintaglio sun, small and rocky. [1]

Gelbo: Wab-Novato’s home Pack, in western Jam’toolar. [1]

Geological Survey of Land: project to provide a complete inventory of natural resources that might be of use to the exodus. Proposed by Wab-Novato, authorized in 7111 by Dy-Dybo, and directed first by Irb-Falpom and later by Kee-Toroca. [2]

Gerthalk: “Gerthalk the Miracle Worker,” an ancient healer. [1]

glowgrub: beetle larva capable of bioluminescence. [1]

glyph: Quintaglio written character; ‘stone-glyphs’ are an ancient writing form. When a word is to be emphasized, its constituent glyphs are written facing to the left rather than the right. [1]

God: the deity of the Quintaglio people, personified as a giant armless female Quintaglio. [1]

Godglow: light visible on the horizon before one actually sights the Face of God. [1]

God’s eyes: shadows cast on the Face of God’s cloud tops by its coterie of moons. [1]

Gork: Sal-Afsan’s large pet monitor lizard. [2]

government, Quintaglio: the Emperor or Empress is the head of state and governor of Capital province; each of the seven other provinces has its own governor. The principal branches of Quintaglio government are the church, civil works, the exodus, interprovincial trade, the judiciary, portents and omens, and tithing. [1]

Gray Orb: one of the Face of God’s fourteen moons. [2]

Greeblo: (7057-) an elderly female member of the Geological Survey of Land. [2]

groundfruit: the succulent fruit of a low-growing plant. [1]

Guardian: one of the Face of God’s fourteen moons. [2]

guards, imperiaclass="underline" security officers charged with protecting members of The Family. [1]

guvdok stone: torus-shaped stone carved with one’s professional credentials and award citations. [1]

Hadzig (Irb-Hadzig):a member of the Dasheter crew, swallowed by Kal-ta-goot. [1]

hahat dan: standard abbreviation of the Quintaglio phrase “hahator pas da dan,” meaning ‘permission to enter my territory is granted.’ [1]

Hahat Golarda: an ancient scroll written by Dasan that apportioned provincial territories. [3]

Haktood (Len-Haktood):(7080-) the governor of Arj’toolar at the time Sal-Afsan left there. [1]

halbataja: a tree whose leaves are used for medicinal purposes. [1]