A=ah after most sounds; =ay after j; e=eh or =ay; i varies between ee(hh) (nearly a hiss) if final, and ee if not; o=oh and u=oo. Choose what sounds best.
-J is a sound between ch and zh; -ch=tch as in itch; -t should be almost indistinguishable from -d and vice versa. G as in go. -H after a consonant is a palatal (tongue on roof of mouth), as: paidhi=pait’-(h)ee.
The symbol ’ indicates a stop: a’e is thus two separate syllables, ah-ay; but ai is not; ai=English long i; ei=ay.
The word accent falls on the second syllable from the last if the vowel in that syllable is long or is followed by two consonants; third from end if otherwise: Ba’nichi (ch is a single letter in atevi script and does not count as two consonants); Tabi’ni (long by nature)—all words ending in -ini are -i’ni; Brominan’di (-nd=two consonants); mechei’ti (because two vowels sounded as one vowel) count as a long vowel. If confused, do what sounds best: you have a better than fifty percent chance of being right by that method, and the difference between an accented and unaccented syllable should be very slight, anyway.
Also, a foreign accent if at least intelligible can sound quite sexy.
Plurality: There are pluralities more specific than simply singular and more-than-one, such as a set of three, a thing taken by tens, and so on, which are indicated by endings on a word. The imprecise more-than-one is particularly chosen when dealing in diplomacy, speaking to children, or, for whichever reason, to the paidhi. In the non-specific plural, words ending in -a usually go to -i; words ending in -i usually go to -iin. Ateva is, for instance, the singular, atevi the plural, and the adjectival or descriptive form.
Suffixes: -ji indicates intimacy when added to a name or good will when added to a title; -mai or -ma is far more reverential, with the same distinctions.
Terms of respect: nadi (sir/madam) attaches to a statement or request to be sure politeness is understood at all moments; nandi is added to a title to show respect for the dignity of the office. Respectful terms such as nadior the title or personal name with -jishould be inserted at each separate address or request of a person unless there is an established intimacy or unless continued respect is clear within the conversation. Nadior its equivalent should always be injected in any but the mildest objection; otherwise the statement should be taken as, at the least, brusque or abrupt, and possibly insulting. Pronunciation varies between nan’-dee (statement) and nah-dee’? (as the final word in a question.)
There are pronouns that show gender. They are used for nouns which show gender, such as mother, father; or in situations of intimacy. The paidhi is advised to use the genderless pronouns as a general precaution.
Declension of sample noun
aiji Nominative
aijiia Genitive
aiji Accusative
aijiu Ablative
Non-specific plural
aijiin Nom pl. Subject The aiji
aijiian Gen pl. Possession’s, The aiji’s
aijiin Acc. Pl. Object of action (to/ against) the aiji
aijiiu Abl. Pl. From, origins, specific preposition often omitted: (emanating from, by) the aiji
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Adjaiwaio—a remote atevi population
Algini—glum servant’s name, security agent
Alujis—river Brominani disputes re water rights
agingi’ai—felicitous numerical harmony
aiji—lord of central association
ateva, pl. atevi—name of species
Babsidi—“Lethal”; a mecheita
Banichi—security agent
Barjida—aiji of Shejidan during the War
Bergid—mountain range visible from Shejidan
Brominandi—provincial governor, long-winded
bihawa—impulse to test newcomers
biichi-gi—finesse in removing obstacles
bloodfeud—principal means of social adjustment
bowing—done, if deep, with hands on knees
Dajoshu—township of Banichi’s origin
dahemidei—a believer in the midei heresy
Didaini—a province visible from Malguri
Dimagi—an intoxicant
dajdi—an alkaloid stimulant
haronniin—systems under stress, needing adjustment
hasdrawad—lower house of atevi legislature
hei—of course
Ilisidi—grandmother of Tabini
insheibi—indiscreet, provoking attention
Intent, filing of—legal notification to the victim of Feud
Jago—security agent
kabiu—‘in the spirit of good traditional example’
Maidingi—Lake Maidingi
Maiguri—estate at Lake Maidingi
Matiawa—breed of Ilisidi’s horse
Moni—servant of Bren
Mospheira—human enclave on island; also name of island
Mosphei’—human language
machimi—historical drama with humor and revenge
man’chi—primary loyalty to association or leader
man’china—grammatical form of man’chi
man’chini—grammatical form of man’chi
mecheita—riding animal
midarga—an alkaloid stimulant, noxious to humans
midedeni—a supporter of the midei heresy
midei—a heresy regarding association
mishidi—awkward, regarding others’ position
Nisebi—province that allows processed meat
nadi-ji—honored mister
nai’aijiin provincial lords, pl. form
nai’am I am
nai’danei you two are
na’itada refusing to be shaken
nai-ji respected person
naji Chance
nand’, nandi honorable
Nokhada ‘Feisty’; a mecheita
o’oi-ana nocturnal quasi-lizard, likes vines
paidhi interpreter
paidhi-ji sir interpreter
Ragi—culture to which Tabini belongs; eats game only
Ragi Association Tabini’s area, also known as the Western Assc’n
ribbons, document—important in culture, on braids, documents ribbons, braid—status, class
ribbon, color says who’s in what class
rings, finger—ornamental and officiaclass="underline" used as seals
Shejidan—City of the Ragi Association
Shigi—township in weather report
sigils, document—marks on documents, seals
somai together
Tabini aiji of the Ragi
Tachi—herding community once on Mospheira
tadiiri sister
Tadiiri The Sister, fortress near Malguri
Taigi previous servant of Bren
Taimani province visible from Malguri
Talidi Province of Banichi
Tano more cheerful partner of Algini
Toby—Bren’s brother
Transmontane—crossmountain Highway
tashrid—upper house of the legislature
Valasi—Tabini’s father
Weinathi—Bridge bridge in the city, site of air crash
Wilson—Bren’s predecessor
Wingin—city mentioned in weather report
-ji—sir; miss; ma’am
-ma—honored sir, honored lady
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