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He handed me the shot glass as I held it up, “You do now.” I threw it back as it burned all the way down, but it felt good.

“I thought you didn’t do sleepovers Mr. Black?”

He looked at me and grinned, “I don’t Miss Lane. I never have, but tonight I made an exception for a friend.” He emphasized the word friend. “Because I felt she shouldn’t be alone.” He poured another shot and held up the glass.

“One more shot?” he asked.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?”

He looked at me in that sexy way that made my body ache. “Should I be?”

I threw back the shot and sat down on the couch. Connor walked over with his glass of scotch and sat next to me, “Are you ok?” he asked.

I looked up at him and sighed, “I’m fine, I was just thinking of how I’ll be able to visit my mom and dad’s grave when I’m back in Michigan.”

I looked at him, blue eyes staring into green and seriously spoke, “When I die, I don’t want a funeral. I don’t want people staring at my dead body and crying over me. I want to be cremated and have my ashes scattered around Paris.”

Connor stared at me and gave me an irritated look. “Stop talking like that; you have many years to decide what you want.”

“Connor, I’m serious, I want people to drink and celebrate me. I want them to remember the good times, not mourn in the death of me.”

“Ok, you need to stop because you are talking as if you’re going to die tomorrow.”

“You never know what each day will bring, that is why I say nothing lasts forever.”

“Ok, I think Mr. Daniels has gotten to you, let’s get some sleep, I have to work in the morning.”

We walked upstairs and he showed me to my room. “Good night Elle, sleep well,” he said as he walked out and towards his bedroom.

“Good night Connor.”

I changed into my nightshirt and climbed into the comfy king size bed that occupied the room. I took in the luxurious feel of the satin sheets as I looked around at the classically decorated room. The taupe walls with carved moldings were astounding. There was a beige dresser with a large round mirror that sat above it and matching night stands on each side of the bed. The large window had built-in bookcases on each side with a window seat that was covered with the same material as the bed comforter. I could curl up here and stay forever residing in its beauty and comfort.

It was too late to call Peyton, so I decided to text her and let her know what was going on.

“I got some terrible news today. My cousin called me earlier; my aunt and uncle died in a car accident. I’ll be going back to Michigan in a couple of days for the funeral. I wanted you to know so you didn’t worry.”

“OMG, I’m so sorry, do you want me to come over? You shouldn’t be alone.”

I’m fine, and I’m staying at Connors tonight; he was with me when I got the call.” 

“Seriously Elle? What the hell is going on between the two of you? Did you sleep with him?”

“NO! We’re just friends, and I’m staying in the guest room.”

“Shut the fuck up and get into that mans bed, let him make you forget about everything bad, at least for tonight.”

“LOL, good night Peyton, I’ll keep in touch.”

“Live Elle! Have you ever heard of friends with benefits? Nighty night…”

She was right, when I’m with Connor he does make me forget about everything bad, but the ironic thing is he’s the one who’s bad for me. One of us will have our heartbroken by the other, and I cannot have that in my life right now.

Chapter 15

I rolled over and opened my eyes as the sunlight peeked through the sheer curtains that perfectly hung from the windows. I threw on some yoga pants and a t-shirt and followed the aroma that led me straight to the kitchen. Connor was sitting at the table typing away on his laptop.

“Good morning Ellery, I hope you slept well.”

I smiled and headed to the cabinet for a coffee mug. “Good morning, I slept very well in that monstrous bed.”

He lightly laughed. I poured some coffee and sat at the table across from him. “There are bagels over there, please have one.”

“Thanks, but I’m not hungry.”

He looked at me with his morning green eyes, “You have to eat Ellery.”

I sighed, “I never eat when I first wake up, but don’t worry dad I’ll have one in a little bit.”

A slight irritated smile graced his face, “You’re even a smart ass first thing in the morning.” I held up my cup and smiled.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I pointed to his laptop?

“Just sending some emails and rearranging some meetings.”

“Did you overschedule or something?”

He looked at me and cocked his head, “You question everything, don’t you?”

I looked up at the ceiling, “I guess I do,” I smiled.

I sat and stared at him as he was looking at his computer screen. He was freshly showered, and his hair was still damp and perfectly sexy.

“What are your plans today?” He curiously asked. I set my cup down and wrapped my hands around the mug.

“I have to call work and tell my boss I will not be in because of the funeral; then I think I’ll stop over at the soup kitchen and volunteer this afternoon.”

Connor looked up from his laptop, “You really enjoy volunteering there don’t you?”

“Yes, I love it. Even though they are homeless and whatever problems they may have, they are human beings, and they need help.”

He looked at me for a second and then continued on his lap top. I took a sip of my coffee and looked out the enormous window at the view of New York City.

“The reason I was rearranging my meetings is because I’m taking you to Michigan.”

“What?” I exclaimed.

He got up from the table and put his cup on the counter. “It’s not up for discussion Elle; we are leaving tomorrow morning, and we’re driving.”

“Driving? That’s a 10 hour drive Connor.”

He turned around and faced me, “I know how long of a drive it is; consider it a road trip.”

I sighed, “A road trip? Flying will get us there in an hour and a half.”

“Do you have a problem being with me in a car for 10 hours?” he casually asked.

“No, but…”

He walked over to where I was sitting and stood over me as if he wanted to touch or kiss me, but he didn’t, he just said, “No buts, we will go by car.”

“I don’t think Denny wants to drive us to Michigan.”

He laughed and walked away, “Denny isn’t driving; I am.”

I rolled my eyes and heavily sighed, why was he going anyway? I am more than capable of going back home by myself, and that’s the way I prefer it, ok maybe not, the thought of being in a car with him for ten hours was exciting. I smiled and got up from the table.

I grabbed my bag and stepped into the elevator; Denny was waiting for me outside by the Limo.

“Morning Denny, where is Connor?” I asked as I looked, and he was not in the Limo.

“Good morning Miss Lane. Mr. Black took the Range Rover to work today.”

“Can I ask you a question Denny?”

“Sure Miss Lane,” he said as he looked at me through the rearview mirror.

“Did Mr. Black tell you why he’s driving me to Michigan?”

“No Miss Lane he did not, he just told me to take the next few days off because he was going on a road trip. Miss Lane, can I tell you something?”

I looked curiously at him, “What is it?”