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“I believe I’ve found something that will more completely do what must be done with this ship.” Tikaya exchanged a long look with her daughter, a look tinged with reluctance and sorrow.

“Oh?” Amaranthe prompted.

“There is a sequence in here that commands the ship to destroy itself from within.”

Amaranthe perked up. That would be an ideal solution. “The way a Turgonian captain would blow up his own ship, rather than letting it be taken by enemies?”

Tikaya frowned at her, or perhaps at Turgonian military practices. “We can only guess as to their motivations, but perhaps so. It’s taking much searching to figure out how to initiate the sequence. I gather it was designed to be accessible by a limited few, such as the captain and first mate.”

“You wouldn’t want some disgruntled private fresh off a reprimand to be able to blow everyone across the stars,” Amaranthe said reasonably.

“While I keep researching, Mahliki, why don’t you and Amaranthe use the mapping device to figure out where the rest of the troops are currently located? Rias will doubtlessly be pleased to gain that information.”

It was a brushoff-the stop-bugging-me-so-I-can-work kind-but in this case Amaranthe didn’t mind. She should have thought of intelligence gathering herself when that map had first popped up.

“Yes, Mother.” Mahliki, too, sounded a tad disappointed at the brushoff.

Amaranthe tried a sisterhood-of-the-underappreciated smile on her and got a wry twist of the lips in return.

“I’ll take notes,” Amaranthe volunteered, leaving Mahliki to manipulate the image.

She dug a journal out of her rucksack. Maldynado was still snoring. Basilard was facing the women, but his eyes were unfocused, lost in thought.

“Heroncrest’s army was surrounding Fort Urgot two days ago,” Amaranthe said. “It’d be good to know where they went. At the time, they were wearing blue armbands. I haven’t seen more than a handful of Flintcrest’s men yet, but his army was rumored to be gathered somewhere west of the lake. Yellow armbands, I believe. Marblecrest should have forces in the Imperial Barracks, and his men have the river checkpoint at the bottom of the lake and at least one of the railroads into the city as well. White armbands.”

“Understood.” Mahliki manipulated the image, and it was as if she and Amaranthe were flying about in one of those dirigibles, looking down upon the city. They cast no shadows, though, and nobody looked up, able to sense their eyes. How the technology worked was so far over Amaranthe’s head she would have needed a rope and grapple to get close to having a clue, but she had no trouble taking advantage of what it offered, and she scribbled notes as fast as she could write.

Flintcrest’s troops had moved into the Emperor’s Preserve. Heroncrest must not have been close enough to the crash to have lost many of his men, for he’d taken over the University campus, using the student housing for barracks. Classes were, no doubt, on hold. The sheer number of troops clogging the streets daunted Amaranthe. There had to be tens of thousands of uniformed men in Stumps. What could she, Sespian, and Starcrest and their five hundred do against them?

“There’s a lot of fighting going on in the city, especially here.” Mahliki pointed out squads of men in the streets around the Imperial Barracks, blue and white armbands clashing.

“I see it,” Amaranthe said. “Someone must have made a move in the night or early this morning. Things were quiet by comparison when we left. I wonder if they’ve discovered our factory and our people yet.”

A worried expression crossed Mahliki’s face.

“I’m sure your father wouldn’t jump into the middle of trouble,” Amaranthe said, though she admitted that Starcrest might indeed become a target once people learned he was in the city. With hundreds of men in the factory, someone might well be a snitch for the other side. Emperor’s warts, she couldn’t even be certain the snitching wouldn’t start in her own camp, not when those two recruits of hers were new and untried. And Deret… she should have spent some time with him, reassuring him that she was behind him, before haring off with the professor. She hadn’t even gone to check on the captive she’d ordered him to take.

“No, he wouldn’t jump into the middle,” Mahliki said, “but he didn’t come here to work on his suntan. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already enacting some plan or another.”

Though Tikaya seemed engrossed in her research, her lips flattened at this comment. Yes, she’d be worried about her husband too. Amaranthe wondered how much of an argument there’d been about whether or not to come to the empire and poke their collective nose in this hornet’s nest.

“Can you make the perspective closer to those men fighting in front of the Barracks?” Amaranthe asked. It’d be convenient if Ravido, Heroncrest, and Flintcrest all managed to kill each other in some pointless squabble for Arakan Hill, as if having possession of the physical throne truly meant one were emperor of Turgonia. It might be an important symbol, but surely other things mattered more.

Like a bird swooping down from the skies, they descended. It was too far at first, and Amaranthe twitched as the perspective focused on a close-up of one of the old cobblestone streets. The wheel of a steam lorry rolled across the frost-edged stones.

“Oops,” Mahliki murmured and twisted her fingers to pull the viewpoint back.

Ah, not a steam lorry, but an armored carriage. One of many rolling up a street toward the Barracks.

“I bet it’s a diversion,” Maldynado said. He’d woken up at some point and was yawning and watching the show. “Like at Fort Urgot. If you hunt around, I bet you’ll find guarded holes where tunnel borers are working. Sespian said that’s Heroncrest’s big plan.”

“If that’s true,” Amaranthe said, “it’d be useful to know the location of the tunnel entrances. A back door for us later, maybe.”

Mahliki manipulated the image, and their aerial viewpoint swept across roofs and up and down streets.

Basilard scratched his jaw. Would they be attempting to bore tunnels during daylight hours?

Watching the fighting in the streets-a soldier driving a lorry was shot by a sniper on the rooftop of a building right in front of them-Amaranthe did not answer. Bodies occupied the streets, too, and she couldn’t help but wonder what the death count was if one included those killed at Fort Urgot. And how could one not include them? They were victims of this internecine political madness as surely as a man shot in the chest.

Back when she’d vowed to throw her support behind Sespian, to hide his secret heritage and to keep him alive, this was exactly what she’d wanted to avoid. She’d failed. In so many areas, she’d failed. Maybe it had been hubris to think that she, one person, had ever had the power to stop this. It was disheartening to realize it might have been better, or at least less bloody, if she’d kept her hands out of the stewpot. Forge would have slid right into power. But what future would that have given the world? One in which a select few controlled the global economy and inexorably drove the majority of the population into a clandestine sort of indebted serfdom.

They couldn’t turn around the bloodshed now; they could only find a way to end it as swiftly as possible. She hoped Starcrest truly was working on a plan to do precisely that.

“They could have started the boring last night,” Maldynado said. “Gotten the machines underground where nobody would notice them and then thrown something over the hole to block it.”

Amaranthe stirred herself from her thoughts and tried to focus on the larger images sweeping past rather than the bodies. “It wouldn’t be that easy to hide the evidence of the excavations. They’d have a lot of earth to move out of the way. Mahliki, can you take us northwest of the Barracks? To the Emperor’s Preserve? It’s a forested area, the only large one left anywhere near the boundaries of the city. It’d be a long dig from there, but that’s where I’d start a tunnel. Indeed, there are already tunnels that lead from there to the Barracks, though it would take someone with inside knowledge to find them.” Neither Maldynado nor Basilard had accompanied Sicarius on the mission to research his heritage, so she couldn’t get verification, but she added, “They’re supposed to be protected by wards now too.”